
  • WB Games is looking to embrace the live-service genre and may shift its focus towards creating more games in this style, potentially impacting fan-favorite singleplayer titles like LEGO games.
  • The success or failure of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League as a live-service game could determine if WB Games continues to pursue this direction or alters its course.
  • The LEGO franchise, known for its co-op collect-a-thon games, may also be affected by this shift, with the possibility of future LEGO games adopting a live-service model, although there is no official confirmation yet.

it seems like almost every single studio wants to make it big in the live-service market these days. Some of the biggest studios are bringing their franchises to the genre, including WB Games with the upcoming Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. While some fans may hope that this is a onetime thing, it sounds like the studio wants to focus on that market even more with some of its other major franchises. Nothing may have been officially announced yet, but this shift could affect fan-favorite singleplayer titles like Traveller's Tales LEGO games.

It will likely be a while before players get to see what this exactly means, as it takes time to develop an experience like this. If Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League fails to make an impact, then there is a strong chance the publisher alters its course. But if it ends up being a massive sensation, then it will give the studio even more reasons to focus on the concept. That could mean that future LEGO games are nothing like their predecessors.

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WB Games' Future May Be Extremely Different

WB Games Wants to Embrace Live-Service

Over the years, WB Games has made a name for itself by delivering fantastic singleplayer experiences set within some of the biggest IPs around. While not every game has been a hit, the ones that are seem to be fondly remembered. Thanks to its many studios, the publisher has been responsible for the likes of Batman: Arkham, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Mortal Kombat, Mad Max, and the incredibly popular LEGO series. All of these experiences have given fans almost everything that they want, but the publisher's approach may be changing soon.

With the release of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, WB Games will be attempting to bring a popular singleplayer action-adventure series to the live-service genre. It remains to be seen if this drastic shift will work, but if it does, then WB Games apparently wants to craft even more experiences like it. This means that the future of IPs like Lord of the Rings, DC Comics, and Harry Potter may be live-service. While some there are reasons love this new direction, it comes with plenty of risk too, especially as the genre seems to become shrouded in even more controversy every year.

Traveller's Tales LEGO Games Could Be Affected

WB Games has yet to share what this future actually looks like, but there is a chance that it affects Traveller's Tales LEGO games as well. These games are primarily co-op collect-a-thons that see players explore some of the biggest IPs around. This simple gameplay loop has helped the franchise become a sensation, with the recent LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga being the biggest LEGO game launch yet. However, the franchise may be forced to alter course with this new direction.

The LEGO franchise has thrived in the co-op space, but it also seems like the perfect fit for a live-service game if WB Games really wanted one. Letting players explore some of their favorite IPs in a massive online space that is supported for years sounds like the perfect moneymaker. Already, the series has the perfect framework with LEGO Dimensions. Now, it just has to take that experience online.

There is no news on when, or if, WB Games will have Traveller's Tales focus on the live-service genre. If it did, that change could prove extremely controversial, but if it is handled well, then there is the chance that it becomes a massive hit on release. Whatever the case may be, the reveal of a live-service LEGO game at least seems likely within the foreseeable future.