With Amazon's Fallout TV show on the verge of release, fans will be gearing up for what they all hope to be a good time. The series is expected to be a kind of Fallout 5. It is a major narrative event set in the same universe as the games, and thus will likely have a certain degree of influence over the direction they take in the future. This is doubly likely considering it takes place in an area already seen in the games: the California wasteland.

But how are fans choosing to prepare for such a monumental affair? With the wait almost over, here are several ways in which veteran and new Fallout fans can prepare for the upcoming TV series.

11 Classic Fallout Tropes That Aren't Around Anymore

The Fallout franchise has gone through tons of changes throughout its storied history. You won't see any of these classic tropes in new titles.

5 Revisit The Old Games

Play Fallout 1 & 2 To Get A Sense of the Area's History


Given that the series is set in California and will depict the L.A. Boneyard location in live action, it makes sense to play the first game. This area was one of that title's major points of interest. It's where the Children of the Cathedral and the Master set up shop, and were later destroyed by the player.

The two games also show the rise of the NCR as a player built faction between the action of both the Vault Dweller and the Chosen one, who canonically aided their efforts in the region. Playing these older games again is a great way to learn the history of the setting.

4 Visit the Fallout Wiki Site

Get Familiar With The Background Of The Series As A Whole


For those without the time to get sucked into expansive RPGs, taking a look at the Fallout wiki page might be the best alternative. The information contained therein is invaluable as both an introductory foray into the series, and a refresher for longtime fans. It holds plenty of information about lore aspects such as the Great War, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Ghouls and Super Mutants. Understanding these elements of Fallout will likely be important when it comes time to binge the show.

War Never Changes: The 16 Best Quotes From The Fallout Games

There have been a lot of awesome quotes sprinkled throughout the Fallout series. Here's a look at 10 of the all-time best.

It should be stressed, however, that the wiki isn't an adequate substitute for playing the games. The games themselves are essential to understanding the tone and visual language of the series, which the show seems to be attempting to translate into live action.

3 Do a Brotherhood Of Steel Playthrough of Fallout 4

If Any Faction Demands Attention Ahead of Airing, It's Them


Given that the Brotherhood of Steel is set to have a huge presence in the TV show, it might be a good idea to give Fallout 4 another shot. The show is likely to depict the Britherhood in a manner most similar to this game, both in terms of their aesthetic and their character direction. Doing a playthrough in which the player joins them offers a solid glimpse into how they operate as an organization, good knowledge to have ahead of the show's release.

7 Unsolved Mysteries In The Fallout Franchise

There are plenty of mysteries in the Fallout universe that are open to many different interpretations.

Chronologically, Fallout 4 is the Brotherhood of Steel's most recent appearance, so its exploits in the Commonwealth are likely to be mentioned. Doing this playthrough also gives fans a chance to play with the Brotherhood's wonderful box of toys, many of which have already been teased for the Amazon series.

2 Pay Close Attention To Trailer Breakdowns

Spot Previously Hidden Details

Fallout TV Show Trailer Reaction

When fans only have trailers to go on, sometimes the only way to keep the hype going is to tear them apart one frame at a time. These days, trailers are pretty good at hiding little details for ultra-observant viewers to dig into. This is true in general, and it's definitely true for the Fallout trailers that have released thus far.

Fallout TV: 8 Easter Eggs From the Trailer

Amazon Prime's Fallout series received its first trailer, and many exciting easter eggs can be found for hardcore fans.

There are countless YouTube videos, as well as more than a few articles online, that have broken down the Fallout trailers. Many of these analyses offer interesting observations and predictions as to what Amazon has in store. It's entertaining to go through these while waiting for the show to release. It might even be fun to do afterward, to see which video or article ended up being the most accurate.

1 Do an NCR Playthrough In Fallout: New Vegas

Get An Up-To-Date View of This California Faction

Image from Fallout: New Vegas showing a close-up of an NCR member holding a revolver.

Chronologically, New Vegas is the most recent depiction of the New California Republic until the TV show releases. The show is set in the year 2296, while New Vegas takes place in 2281. As such, anything that happens in New Vegas is ripe for canonization, especially if it has to do with the NCR. And the NCR stands to gain or lose much in the process.

Doing a playthrough like this is also a great way to learn about the faction first hand. There are endless lines of dialogue from NCR aligned characters who regularly talk about its strengths and weaknesses, as well as its road ahead. The player also learns about how it operates and what its aims are for the region. That information may be relevant to the upcoming show. Aside from all of this, the NCR is such a richly developed faction that it would be a shame to not give them the time of day before their live action debut.

9 Most Unusual Side Quests In Fallout History

There are some truly unusual side quests lurking in the corners of the wasteland.