
  • Trying out Fallout: New Vegas is a fantastic experience for RPG lovers who want to make impactful decisions and enjoy clever writing and engaging dilemmas.
  • Want to become the most overpowered Courier in the Nevada desert? Try out perk combinations and collect effective weapons to laugh in the face of game balancing.
  • Maximize the Speech skill to effortlessly persuade even the mightiest foes and avoid bloodshed, granting playrs many benefits in the art of persuasion.

Trying out Fallout: New Vegas is a fantastic experience for RPG lovers who are genuinely interested in making decisions that affect the overall game on the whole. The writing is clever, the dilemmas are genuinely engaging, and the new weapons are all there to sweeten the experience.

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However, for those who have done everything they’ve wanted to do and are looking for ways to laugh in the face of game balancing, perhaps seeking out certain perk combinations, collecting overly effective weapons, or sinking points into certain skills may just satisfy the craving for a rush to become the most overpowered Courier out in the Nevada desert.

6 Become A Shotgunner

Two perks combined can stun an enemy and leave them defenceless

Fallout New Vegas - Shotgun Surgeon & And Stay Back Perks

There is a lot more to a shotgun than simply picking it up and discharging each shell with extreme prejudice. It’s possible to turn them into weapons of mass destruction! Be sure to stock up on ammo for this one, as more shells will be all a player will require. Forget rockets, mini-nukes, blades, or anything like that. There's a damn good build to go for here that can render everything else null and void in comparison.

What a player will need are the perks ‘Shotgun Surgeon’ (level 6 with 45 points in the Guns skill) to bypass damage resistance when using a boomstick, and the deadly ‘And Stay Back’ perk from the Dead Money DLC (level 10, 70 points in Guns). Paired with a pump-action or semi-automatic buckshot, there will be a 10% chance of knocking over even the mightiest foes. Repeatedly firing on an incapacitated foe is a surefire way of wasting them efficiently and quickly.

5 Indulge In Chems

Chems can be taken with particular Perks to maximize their effectiveness

Fallout New Vegas - Chemist

Yes, drugs are bad, yet they can do wonderful things in Fallout: New Vegas. That is, with the right build. The ‘Chemist’ perk (level 14, Medicine skill at 60 or higher) shines here, as it doubles the duration of the effects of Chems. Taking 25 Chems grants the ‘Day Tripper’ bonus perk, increasing their length by another 33% percent. Ergo, these perks have great synergy together.

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‘Logan’s Loophole’ is an interesting perk choice, though totally optional. Being capped at level 30 may sound painful, yet being immune to addiction (don't bother getting the 'Chem Resistant' perk to make it less likely to become addicted) and increasing the longevity of these substances by another 100% atop of everything else will work wonders. Jet, Med-X, Psycho, and Turbo will help offer more AP for V.A.T.S., beef up the player's damage resistance, ramp up strength, and slow down time, thereby transforming the Courier into a juiced-up killing machine!

4 100 Speech

Players who maximize their Speech skill can make persuading even the mightiest foes effortless

Fallout New Vegas - Speech

For those who want to avoid bloodshed, increasing Speech to its very maximum can give a player many benefits in the art of persuasion. After all, why bother stealing or fighting certain people to get their way when a bit of sweet-talking or thoughtful insight will be enough to get exactly that and more?

Going up against Legate Lanius at the end of the main story, as well as Ulysses from the Lonesome Road DLC, will seem like a trivialized task with 100 points in this skill. Both can be asked to stand down peacefully without needing to feud with them, while a significant number of characters elsewhere in the game can be persuaded to do all sorts.

3 Paralyze Enemies With Crits

The Sonic Emitter can stun or knock enemies over with critical hits

Fallout New Vegas - Old World Blues DLC - Sonic Emitter

The Old World Blues DLC is home to a wonderful energy weapon with a nifty collection of attachments. We're talking about the Sonic Emitter, which can be fitted with some very effective abilities when it delivers a critical hit. This will even make fighting Deathclaws much easier.

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To maximize its effectiveness, the ‘Finesse’ perk increases the chance of a critical hit. The NCR Beret (a reward for completing Boone’s side quest) will do the same when worn. Copies of True Murder Mysteries increase the odds temporarily by 20 points as well. Whatever is used, pair it up with another powerful weapon to either knock an enemy down with the ‘Gabriel’s Bark’ attachment (check the X-8 Research Center’s residential area for a random dig spot) or paralyze a foe temporarily with the ‘Revelation’ attachment. For a short while, they’ll be at the mercy of the bloodthirsty Courier.

2 Snipe With Boone

Two snipers with Anti-Material Rifles can cause all sorts of carnage from afar

Fallout New Vegas - Anti Material Rifle

The Anti-Material Rifle packs a serious punch, and is one of the most powerful precision-based weapons available. The Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC makes them much more common among vendors, and even offers some bonus attachments, too. Yes, it’s all expensive, but it's worth it.

With enough cash, players can buy a boatload of bullets alongside two rifles; one for the Courier and the other for the ex-NCR sniper, Boone. He can be found in the Nipton dinosaur head and can be recruited after completing his side quest and passing a Speech check. With his ‘Spotter’ perk, it’ll be easy to take on targets together when both are unleashing .50 MG rounds.

1 Pack The Holorifle

This is one of the strongest Energy Weapons in the game and causes damage over time

Fallout New Vegas - Dead Money DLC - Holorifle

The Holorifle is one of the greatest Energy Weapons in Fallout: New Vegas, and is first handed to the player in the Dead Money DLC. Its unique projectile chews away at an enemy’s health after its initial strike, dealing significantly more damage on the whole. It only uses one single microfusion cell at a time, too, which is great for conserving ammo, and its scope comes in handy for long-range encounters.

Additional upgrades will help reduce its spread and beef up its damage as well, though the reinforced components only improve its durability by 1.5% due to a glitch. Nevertheless, a fully-improved Holorifle is a truly nasty weapon for anyone who finds themselves staring down the barrel. In short, for lovers of all things futuristic, this is one of the most OP weapons to get, and it’s so satisfying to use.

fallout new vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010