With the massive world and gameplay expansion in Red Dead Redemption 2, many mechanics from the original game were updated to better reflect the more realistic approach and tone for the sequel. But while the additional realism adds to the majesty of the open world, some aspects of reality have altered one of the core side activities of the game.

5 Red Dead Redemption Features That Are Absent In RDR 2

Despite Red Dead Redemption 2 having a leap of advancements over its predecessor, there are still a few superior features from the original game.

Since hunting is an infinite and fairly easy way to earn money in both Red Dead Redemption and the sequel, the changes to several aspects of hunting in favor of realism can make things far different for players familiar with the way hunting worked in the former. Between limited hauls and decaying skins, RDR's hunting system clearly changed in the sequel.

5 Hides Don't Degrade

No Time Limit On Cashing In

red dead redemption 2 skinning an animal

Perhaps one of the most convenient aspects of hunting in Red Dead Redemption, animal pelts and skins are treated like pocketable items, no matter the beast or size. Whether it's a rabbit skin or a bear pelt, players can gather as many hides as they'd like, and they won't rot away and lose value.

For players who enjoy going on long hunting trips or cross-country trips, this drastic change to animal skins in RDR2 altered the generally lax nature of it in the sequel. While various saddles, bags, and other upgrades can slow down the decay process, the loss of this immunity was definitely a major change.

4 Unlimited Gains

Able To Sell 20 Cougar Skins At Once

Red Dead Redemption 2 Trapper's Shop

Beyond the magical ability to hunt animals of all kinds across the entire map, the ability to store so many animal skins at once certainly made money easier to come by in the original Red Dead Redemption. As the realistic tone of the sequel continues, the immersion of only carrying a handful of skins instead makes earning cash through hunting more of a puzzle and challenge.

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A Minecraft fan creates an impressive-looking Wild West town that takes heavy inspiration from an iconic video game set in the West.

Since a majority of the more valuable skins in the game can only be stored on horseback, which only holds roughly 15 skins depending on the size, the ability to sell several hides at once has dropped drastically, with larger pelts being even more limited. While it is far more realistic that Arthur Morgan and his horse cannot carry 23 bear pelts without much of an issue, the convenience of such fantasy was dearly appreciated.

3 Access Guns Of All Kinds

Whole Arsenal At The Player's Disposal

red dead redemption gatling gun

Another aspect of changes made with realism in mind, players in Red Dead Redemption 2 can only carry a set amount of guns at a time, whether for combat or leisure like hunting. While players can freely and easily swap out what guns will be on their character at any given time from their horse, compared to how easy gun management was in the original Red Dead, having the right gun at the right time takes a lot more awareness.

Unlike the original game, where players could easily dismount their horses and know that they'd be able to handle practically any animal that came their way, players wandering through forests and swamps in the sequel need to know what guns they have on hand, both for skin preservation and in the case of dangerous animals. Forgetting to swap guns at the horse often spells tremendous trouble for players trying to hunt or fit off rival gangs.

2 No Preferred Guns

Any Gun Will Do

John Marston RDR2 shotgun

With different qualities of pelts rewarded to players that can kill animals with either the proper gun or by shooting them in certain body parts such as the head, the necessity of having the right gun in RDR2 makes the difference between a perfect pelt and a worthless one. Meanwhile, in the original game, any gun will reward a perfect pelt, no matter how many shots are fired.

Since there's no pelt quality in Red Dead Redemption, practically any gun will be the right gun for a given animal. With the only real exceptions being guns that are so powerful they obliterate smaller prey like rabbits, it's almost impossible to not have the "right" gun. This makes hunting less of an active choice for players, and more of an activity that any player can do, without any effort or showcase of skill.

1 Fewer Dangerous Animals

A Smaller Roster Of Threats


One of the notable additions to the far larger and far more lively world of Red Dead Redemption 2, plenty of new animal species grace the lands found throughout the game. Between alligators in swamps, plenty of snakes throughout the world, and wolves in snowier regions, there are tons of dangerous predators lurking around every corner.

Since the sequel has over 80 animals, the original roster of 38 seems far more tame for players trying to keep an eye out for deadly creatures. Instead of just cougars and snakes, plenty of vicious animals inhabit just about every spot a player on the hunt might decide to set up temporary camp in, adding some appropriate wild nature to the still Wild West.

red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
Action , Adventure