One of the most hotly discussed topics in the gaming industry, among other industries, today is the continuing growth and emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how its continued presence can impact how games are experienced and developed. It has long been a pivotal part of games by providing gamers with non-playable characters (NPC) that can be interacted with in a plethora of ways, not to mention its role in the ever-changing virtual environment where games take place.

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AI has the potential to expand games to explore possibilities beyond human comprehension and application and take the experience of being a gamer to an unseen level across all genres and flavors of games. While much of this will benefit the player, at what cost would this be achieved? Delving into the topic, there are many ways that AI can significantly shift the landscape of the entire gaming industry.

10 Up-scaling Textures

Crash Bandicoot running from N Trance and N Brio in Crash Team Rumble

Ask any avid gamer to name a title they miss, and they will undoubtedly name a dozen. For a lucky few, popular titles are revisited, remastered, and cast back out into the digital ocean for players to relive with renewed enthusiasm. Some of these titles have had very successful launches, such as Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy, leading to further remasters and sequels. Sadly, some historical gaming gems have been lost in the archives to collect dust. But what if AI had a say in the matter?

With the use of AI, players can realize a future when the titles of their childhood are brought back to consoles at the quality of new-gen consoles. Given that remastering a title is often not considered due to the time, resources, and inherent risk involved in trying to make the old new again, AI will be able to bypass the "what ifs" and resurrect many long-dead games.

9 AI-Generated Quests

Exploring the world in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Like finishing a TV series or movie franchise, there is always a sense of loss when a story comes to an end. Instead of experiencing the post-credits blues of completing a story and all relevant side quests, the future could include games that have seemingly no end in sight for fans who don't want their journey to conclude.

With NPCs becoming independent, AI-generated quests could be the next stage of natural progression. While this could open the door to an endless supply of storytelling, it may deprive completionists of the satisfying feeling of accomplishing all objectives in a game.

8 Isolating & Eliminating Bugs

Champions of Norrath fighting giant insects

Just as they are in the household, bugs can be an incredibly frustrating obstacle to a smooth gaming experience. AI may be the virtual bug spray needed to identify, isolate and eliminate any unwelcome nasties before they become problematic, or eradicate them in a timely manner.

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A stronger protection against bugs and glitches would be invaluable for both game developers and players. While some bugs provide five minutes of entertainment with their hilarious side effects, some problematic errors in games have marred their release and caused frustrations for devoted fans.

7 Cleaner Representations Of Athletes

Screenshot of Alejandro Garnacho In FIFA 23

Sporting games are a staple in the annual gaming release calendar, with players eager to get their hands on the ever-changing updates in team rosters, player and team ratings, and new game features. In order for the teams behind popular titles, such as NBA 2K or Madden, to capture the essence of the sport's greatest athletes, a thorough screening process is required to reimagine their likeness.

With the growing development of AI, professional athletes may not need to be subject to lengthy and thorough screening of their physiques and mannerisms on the field or court. Instead, AI can generate an athlete's likeness from thousands of hours of real in-game footage. This, in turn, could provide a more authentic virtual sporting experience than ever before.

6 Wiping Out Cheating In Competitive Games

Battlefield 2042 Gameplay

Whether at home or in high-profile tournaments, the growing world of Esports relies on integrity and fair play to ensure a level playing field. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, as some manage to bypass the security measures and give themselves an unfair advantage over their opposition.

AI is a perfect candidate for 24/7 protection against cheating and rule violations in games. It is capable of adapting to developments in technologies capable of enabling cheating to always be one step ahead of rule-breakers. With the help of AI, players will win matches and games based on their skill, rather than their ability to manipulate the system.

5 Curated Difficulty Curves

Kratos with his axe and shield in battle with a huge beast

It's commonplace for games to be able to cater to players new and experienced and provide an adequate challenge for the one holding the controller. However, there are limits to this as some players may find one difficulty too easy and the next one too hard. With the use of AI, the industry could see a future when players can opt to have the challenge of their game curated according to the skill level they display.

For those seeking to really test the limits of their skills on a console, AI-aided adversaries could be programmed to learn from player fighting styles and make the necessary adjustments to overcome them. This will encourage players to actively strategize their combat approach rather than waiting for bosses to make routine errors.

4 Maps Without Boundaries

A screenshot from Horizon: Forbidden West showing Aloy standing at the end of a cliff overlooking the misty valley below

Sometimes game maps just don't seem big enough, but developers put into place creative ways to keep players within their boundaries without it seeming unnatural. It makes complete sense that boundaries be set in a map to avoid players wandering too far from the action, not to mention taking the pressure off developers to create even more of their detailed environment.

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To coincide with a self-sufficient environment, AI capabilities can open opportunities for players to experience less of a "flat earth" environment by removing the need for boundaries in maps. Of course, this would require the expansions to include noteworthy landmarks and activities, but AI could be the key to unlocking gaming worlds as big as the planet we live on.

3 Self-Sufficient Environments

A screenshot of a snowy environment from the Elder Scrolls - Skyrim game

Games continue to astound with incredibly detailed and immersive environments that players can get lost in. Just when gamers think it couldn't get any more life-like, the industry finds another level of realism, right down to every blade of grass and drop of water. With every new development, the industry continues to ask itself, what's next?

AI could be the next big change in how environments are developed, and living systems could be created that are so in-depth that they can't be simulated without AI models. Self-sufficient environments would behave like their real-world counterparts, such as a forest where players can hunt an animal so much that other animals and plants flourish in their place.

2 In-Depth NPC Interactions

NPC dialogue

Complex characters and genuine interactions give games an authentic feel that appeals to audiences. While most games offer multiple conversational paths with the characters to progress the story, these are limited and quickly become exhausted. With AI, NPC interactions could be uniquely curated according to the player's character traits and in-game choices.

Giving NPCs a mind of their own will see them interact differently with not only the player but other NPCs within the game. A future with AI will introduce players to a world where NPCs form relationships with each other, create memories, and even create families. This would thrust games into a nearly-indistinguishable parallel with the real world, where characters are living independently without the influence of players.

1 Employment

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order's Cal Kestis and Second Sister Trilla engaged in a lightsaber duel

AI may be an incredibly positive initiative that takes games to levels they have never been before, but developments of this magnitude can come at a cost. One of the biggest risks of handing over responsibilities to artificial intelligence is the jobs of the incredible and creative minds that have been behind the endless number of iconic games.

The introduction of AI-generated digital art has already exposed some problems, as it is taking away business opportunities for real-life artists, so the increase of AI involvement in games should be exercised with great caution. While AI may unlock some doors that seemed too challenging to open, at least in the present, using such programming to cut costs would be a terrible loss for an industry powered by creativity.

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