Newcomers to Watch Dogs: Legion might feel a bit confused with Ubisoft's latest Watch Dogs entry. After all, this latest entry takes DedSec's hacking shenanigans to the streets of London. Players now have access to more hacking tools and an active recruitment system. This means players don't have to approach their missions alone. In fact, they can recruit anyone they meet into DedSec's cause!

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In turn, beginners might feel a bit overwhelmed with the depth of options they have with Legion's sprawling open world. However, newcomers might have a much easier time approaching the game from a bottom-up approach.

10 Prioritize The Deep Profiler For Recruitment

A potential recruit - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

One of the best first tips new DedSec commanders need to prioritize would be unlocking the Deep Profiler. This Tech Upgrade costs 25 Tech Points to complete, but it reaps more than enough rewards for players who want to maximize the game's Recruitment system. Thanks to the Deep Profiler, players essentially now have the chance to recruit people who hate DedSec.

Interestingly, those people who do hate DedSec end up being people with the most interesting professions. A lot of these people tend to be Albion officials, Clan Kelley supporters, and even the local police. The Deep Profiler gives players access to Recruitment Missions, Schedules, and Associates they can take advantage of to secure the trust of these distrustful contacts.

9 Attract Hack Makes Trapping Easier

Using the Attract Hack - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

Stealth becomes a key component in Legion, especially when London teems with armed officials and drones. Thankfully, DedSec has a couple of tools they could use to infiltrate key locations without getting caught. And if they need to take down some armed guards, a trap and the Attract Hack should do the trick.

When players set a trap, they can skip out on waiting for guards to get in the trap's activation zone. Given an NPC's randomized paths, waiting for this moment can take forever. Instead, the Attract Hack can force the trap to emit a short spark that can grab their attention. If multiple guards investigate the trap, then players might take out a number of foes at once.

8 Disrupt Hack Makes Takedowns Less Risky

Performing a takedown - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

Unfortunately, players sometimes end up having to fight enemies head-on. After all, most enemies in Legion have not just batons and guns but even deadly drones at their disposal. However, a neat way Operatives can circumvent this caveat is through the Disrupt Hack.

In essence, this hack allows players to disrupt the Optik communicators of officers via an electric shock. In turn, this effect should give players just enough time to rush in and perform a swift takedown. Likewise, a distracted enemy can leave an opening for players to hide or leave the compromised area.

7 AR Shroud Helps Players Avoid Body Alerts

Using the AR Shroud - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

As with other stealth games, a roving guard spotting the unconscious body of a fellow officer can definitely cause alarms to blare all over the game area. Unfortunately, this alarm also signifies the arrival of more reinforcements, as well as a couple of heavily-armored backup. In most stealth games, players circumvent this risk by being able to hide bodies. However, in Legion's high-tech London, DedSec hackers rely on augmented reality (AR) to hide their physical traces.

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Thanks to the AR Shroud, DedSec operatives can "mask" the presence of people they've downed via an AR Shroud. This means most roaming officers, which use Optik, won't be able to detect the presence of their unconscious companions.

6 Infiltrate Everything With The Spiderbot

Using the Spiderbot - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

The Spiderbot serves as easily one of the best new features in Legion. Thanks to this Spiderbot, players can have a handy way of navigating small areas that players can't normally access. However, basic Spiderbots tend to be clunky and vulnerable. Instead, players should upgrade their Spiderbot into the Infiltrator Spiderbot to fully-equip it for DedSec operations.

With the Infiltrator Spiderbot, players can control this variant with a double jump ability as well as a sprint mechanic. They also come with a manually-activated cloaking feature. Most Easter Eggs and collectibles are only accessible in unimposing vents or vantage points, perfect for Spiderbot infiltration.

5 Micromanage Drones

Using a drone in Legion - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

Aside from the Spiderbot, drones become extremely commonplace in Legion's iteration of futuristic London. Aside from the typical Turret Drone managed by most security personnel, it has other variants that tackle various tasks. For instance, the Cargo Drone can deliver parcels of money and equipment to various places. Meanwhile, the Chase Drone and Counter-Terrorism Drone are designed to chase and handle dangerous threats, respectively. Finally, the Riot Drone handles crowd control issues. Certain NPCs with particular specializations use most of these special drones.

In battle, facing any one of these drones alongside their owners can make battles extremely difficult for players. However, players with extra Tech Points can turn the tide with a few upgrades. For instance, they can choose to upgrade hacks that tackle the hijacking of any of these drones. These range from hacks that disable, hijack, and even force drones to shoot its allies.

4 Get A Cargo Drone

Using a Cargo Drone - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

Speaking of drones, players will likely be surprised to see floating drones carrying various things around the sprawling cityscape of Legion's London. These drones, called Cargo Drones, are in charge of transferring essential things to various locations. However, players who use Construction Workers or someone with a high-enough hacking proficiency can use these drones in their favor.

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At first glance, a Cargo Drone can become a handy way of carrying things to various locations. However, put a Cargo Drone low enough and players can climb up the Cargo Drone and use it as a floating vehicle. This feature enables players to reach high areas and even go toe-to-toe against flying enemies (e.g., helicopters, other drones).

3 Never Get The Same Type Of Operative

A unique Hitman operative in Legion - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

The maxim "play as anyone" remains the biggest hook of Legion compared to its predecessors. In this huge city of high-tech London, players can transform any one of its 9-million residents into Operatives. Unfortunately, only 45 of them can be a part of the player's roster at any time. As such, players should remain careful when searching for Potential Recruits.

As a general rule of thumb, players should try to go to the workplaces of specialized NPCs they want to recruit. That way, they can check whether other NPCs have the same job as their prospect but with better abilities. Likewise, they should watch out for interesting recruits such as the Hitman and even an Assassin from Assassin's Creed.

2 Get The Paramedic, Barrister ASAP

A Paramedic in Legion - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

Speaking of recruits, a great tip in terms of recruiting Operatives would be getting the Paramedic and the Barrister ASAP. These Operatives "activate" special Perks in line with their specializations that work for the team in certain situations. For instance, Barristers can lower jail time spent by Operatives — sometimes even freeing them instantly. Likewise, Paramedics also lessen time Operatives spent in the hospital, and they even come with their own getaway vehicle.

Moreover, new players should remember to try and recruit Operatives with abilities and Perks that may benefit them in terms of infiltration and combat. That way, they won't be surprised by any resistance when going into enemy territory.

1 Avoid Combat As Much As Possible

Walking to a potential recruit - Watch Dogs Legion Basic Pro Tips

Despite how fun it might be electrocuting guards and shooting enemies with weapons, the intricate web of connections people have in Legion makes it unadvisable to go in guns blazing. As much as possible, players should consider stealthily infiltrating their target locations without being detected.

After all, things players do to other NPCs might affect the way their own Operatives or future recruits might act towards them. For instance, saving someone's contact might convince them to join the cause. Likewise, harming a contact someone cares for might lead to unsavory encounters.

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