Turn-based action RPGs can be some of the most compelling video games that require strategic thinking, especially when playing on higher difficulty levels. Wasteland 3 is one such turn-based RPG where players will have to confront many various enemies in post-apocalyptic Colorado.

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Enemies get progressively more difficult in Wasteland 3, so players will need to know the ins and outs of healing strategies. There are many ways for gamers to heal their characters in Wasteland 3, and some characters built to act as a medic can help make that process much easier. Overall, with a game like Wasteland 3, players will need to know how to heal their characters to make it further in the game's world.

How To Find Healing Items

the doctor merchant

In order to heal in Wasteland 3, players will need healing items. There are different kinds of healing items that gamers will find scattered across snowy Colorado. The main healing item that players will come across and use, are Med Hypos. Med Hypos are able to be used by any character, regardless of their first aid skill. These are found in medical crates, looted by enemies, or can be purchased from vendors. Other healing items include suture kits to stop the bleeding status, medic packs that heal continuously, injury kits to relieve a character of their injury, and even food items.

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Most of these other healing items will require a character to have developed their first aid skill, so it is good for players to have at least one character built to be a medic. Like Med Hypos, all these other healing items can be found by scavenging around the Colorado wasteland. Medical crates provide the best chance of finding good healing items, and doctors always have great healing items that players can buy.

How To Heal (In Combat & Out Of Combat)

using a medic pack in combat

There are plenty of ways to heal in the middle of combat while playing Wasteland 3. In order to use items to heal, players will need to equip a healing item, like a Med Hypo, to a character's quick-slot. This can be done by going into the inventory, selecting the desired healing item, and equipping it onto a character.

While in combat, that character can now use the healing item, at the cost of Action Points, to heal themselves or another character. This can help keep players' characters in the game much longer, and when playing with permadeath on, can even save a life.

It is much easier to heal out of combat than in combat in Wasteland 3. While running around Colorado in Wasteland 3, players will be able to use any item equipped on a character, or any item in their inventory immediately. Since Action Points aren't in play while out of combat, players don't need to worry about 'wasting moves' or being attacked right after healing.

Players can also go to a doctor, which is in different areas, who will not only sell them healing items, but also patches up all characters, revive them (unless playing with permadeath on), and heal them of all their injuries.

If playing on a high difficulty or with permadeath activated, characters who are killed cannot be revived by any means.

Wasteland 3 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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