The final circle in Call of Duty: Warzone can be a stressful and intense moment. Players have everything on the line, and in solos, there are no friends to aid in the victory. Call of Duty: Warzone's final circle often ends in an intense fight to the death, but this fan almost lost if it was not for his trusty cargo truck.

Players often refer to the Call of Duty: Warzone cargo truck as "bertha" in their in-game comms. While there are trucks scattered across the map, the vehicle becomes ever more present in Call of Duty: Warzone solo games. When this fan decided to take his opponent down head-on, an unexpected ally saved him from defeat.

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The clip posted to Reddit by bkilshaw shows the moments in a final circle battle to the death. Two Call of Duty: Warzone solo players are fighting each other head-on using "berthas" as their main weapon. These massive trucks offer armor and protection, but the fans decide that it would be better to fight on foot instead. Hopping out of their vehicles, they proceed to gun each other down. The player manages to down his enemy only to be downed in return. Slowly, the truck can be seen creeping down the hill past them as they attempt to self-revive faster than the enemy. As the enemy player stands up first, they move towards the truck only for it to explode, resulting in immediate elimination.

The large cargo trucks have been controversial among the Call of Duty: Warzone solo community. Many games have come down to players who are in the trucks, with some matches lingering on as fans drive in a convoy pattern waiting for the zone to eliminate the weaker drivers.

Despite this meta, the players did attempt to use their weapons in the final confrontation. As many fans pointed out in the comments, the "bertha" decided to finish the job as it slowly rolled down the hill. It is unclear exactly what triggered the explosion, but the Call of Duty: Warzone final zone was close to closing in nonetheless.

While this clip is only a moment in time, this player is sure to remember forever the time a truck saved them from final elimination. Call of Duty: Warzone has tons of vehicle options, but none are as powerful, large, and impactful as the cargo truck has been in solo games.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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