Wartales is a Strategy and Adventure RPG game developed and published by Shiro Games. There players get the opportunity to control a team of warriors traveling through an open world, collecting resources, completing quests, and participating in battles with monsters and other players.

The game has a variety of mechanics and features, such as character development, item crafting, and base management. And this article will feature the Wartales trait tier list so that players can easily choose the right trait for them.

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Wartales Traits Tier List

Wartales Trait Tier List (1)

Since the Traits in Wartales affect the characteristics and skills of the players, each fan can choose the ones that best suit his or her playstyle and strategy. However, some of the Traits in the game may be more preferable than others.


Wartales Trait Tier List (2)
  • Altruistic
  • Angry
  • Ascetic
  • Betrayed
  • Second Line
  • Snorer
  • Sore Loser
  • Loafer
  • Instinctive
  • Strategist
  • Duellist
  • Tormentor
  • Solitary
  • Cooperative
  • Bloodthirsty
  • Volunteer

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This trait increases the chance of recruiting a nearby prisoner by 20%. Players with this trait may have an easier time building up their team and gaining more allies.


Players with this trait cannot evolve their relationship with a specific person in the game. This may affect certain interactions and quest lines.


This trait allows players to consume one less food, making it easier to manage resources while traveling and camping.


A player with this trait feels betrayed, which may affect their behavior and interactions with the player and other characters in the game.

Second Line

If this trait is not engaged in combat, they have a chance to generate 1 Valour Point at the end of their turn. This allows them to contribute to the group's efforts in battle, even if they are not fighting.


This trait snoring can increase the risk of not getting along with nearby colleagues during a Rest. They may need to sleep alone or take other precautions to avoid disrupting the group's rest.

Sore Loser

This trait behavior during dice games can deteriorate their relationship with others. They may need to control their emotions and be a gracious losers to maintain positive relationships with their companions.


Players have a reduced carrying capacity of 3 points, which means players will have to be careful not to overburden themselves.


Players have a 25% reduced chance of receiving critical hits, making players a difficult target for enemies.


This trait reduces the negative impact of the troop's retreats by 50%. They can help the group escape dangerous situations and regroup for future battles.


This trait increases the player's critical hit chance and critical hit damage by 5% when they have a one-handed weapon equipped, making them more effective in combat.


When equipped with a two-handed weapon, a player has an increased chance of landing a critical hit and dealing more damage. Players with this trait are more lethal in combat.


This trait damage is increased by 10% if they are not next to an ally in combat, making them more effective when fighting alone. They can hold their own in battles where they are separated from the group.


This trait increases the player's damage by 10% if they are next to an ally in combat, encouraging players to work together and stay close to their companions.


This trait increases the player's critical hit chance by 3%, making them more effective in combat. However, players may need to consider the morality of their actions when playing with this trait.


Players with this trait have a reduced wage cost of 10%. This can make them more affordable and valuable to hire.

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Wartales Trait Tier List (3)
  • Desperate
  • Disrespectful
  • Eagle-eyed
  • Eagle-eyed
  • Haemophiliac
  • Raised by Boars
  • Resilient
  • Sociable
  • Superstitious
  • Tinkerer
  • Angler
  • Doctor
  • Carnivorous
  • Cooperative
  • Dejected
  • Delicate
  • Couple
  • Cowardly
  • Eyes in the back of their head
  • Grumpy
  • Guard Duty
  • Pickpocket
  • Strong
  • Nimble
  • Brave
  • Lively
  • Giant
  • Glorious

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This trait reduces the player's willpower by 2, affecting their mood and potentially causing negative effects in gameplay.


This trait makes it more difficult for players to make friends and build positive relationships with other characters in the game.


This trait increases the player's precision by 10%, making it easier to hit targets accurately in combat.


Player precision is increased by 10%, giving players an advantage in ranged combat and aiming at small targets.


Bleeding inflicts 5% more damage to the player, making players more vulnerable to attacks that cause bleeding.

Raised by Boars

This trait has a special bond with boars and gains a willpower boost of 3 when they are near them in the camp. This allows them to resist fear and overcome challenges with ease, making them a valuable asset to any group.


This trait gives a 5% chance to resist poison, bleeding, and burning, making them less vulnerable to these harmful effects. They can endure even the most grueling battles, staying in the fight longer than most.


This trait makes friends more quickly, with a 20% increase in socialization skills. They can charm others with their personality and build relationships faster than most.


This trait reduced willpower by 5 in the Tombs of the Ancients due to their fear of supernatural forces.


Players with this trait can learn recipes, craft, and enhance Camping gear at the camp Workshop. This makes them more effective at managing resources and improving their camping experience.


Players with this trait can fish in fishing huts, which can provide them with food and other valuable resources.


Players with this trait have a chance to heal an adjacent injured companion during a Rest by consuming two plants. This makes them more effective at managing their team's health and keeping them in top shape for battles.


Players with this trait must eat meat at every meal to be satisfied. They should ensure they have a steady supply of meat while traveling.


This trait increases the player's damage by 10% if they are next to an ally in combat, encouraging players to work together and stay close to their companions.


This trait generates 1 happy each night, affecting the player's mood and potentially causing negative effects in gameplay.


Players with this trait have a small chance (5%) of getting indigestion and falling ill. They should take care to manage their health and avoid risky situations.


This trait pairs the player up with a specific named character in the game, which may affect interactions and quests.


Players with this trait may have a chance to flee combat if morale drops too low. They may need to prioritize keeping morale high and avoiding negative situations to prevent this from happening.

Eyes in the back of their head

Players are immune to being hit by friendly fire from arrows, making them valuable allies in chaotic battles.


Players are more likely to have conflicts with their peers, with a 20% increased risk of not getting along with them.

Guard Duty

Players reduce the chances of nearby prisoners escaping by 1%, making players reliable watchmen.


Players' wages cost +3 Krowns, indicating that players have some light-fingered tendencies.


This trait increased strength by 5%, making them more powerful in combat. They can deal more damage and withstand more punishment than others.


Players' dexterity is increased by 5%, making them more agile and able to dodge attacks in combat.


This trait increases strength and dexterity by 5% if the player is outnumbered at the beginning of a battle. This can be a helpful advantage in challenging fights.


When wielding a one-handed weapon, players' strength and dexterity are increased by 5%, making players swift and agile in combat.


When wielding a two-handed weapon, the player's strength, and dexterity is increased by 5%, making players a formidable force in combat.


Players have a chance (5%) to generate 1 Valour Point at the end of their turn, boosting their morale and readiness for battle.


This trait increased movement by 1, making players faster and more agile than others. They can quickly move around the battlefield, dodging attacks and positioning themselves to strike their enemies.

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Wartales Trait Tier List (4)
  • Hard Worker
  • Heavy Sleeper
  • Immovable
  • Infected
  • Vegetarian
  • Warmonger
  • Broker
  • Malefactor
  • Knowledgeable
  • Fat
  • Thief
  • Beastmaster
  • Miner
  • Blacksmith
  • Alchemist
  • Cook
  • Scholar
  • Bard
  • Allergic
  • Club-footed
  • Cross-eyed
  • Stupid
  • Lazy
  • Glutton
  • Stoic
  • Clever
  • Brawny
  • Thick-skinned
  • Shield Connoisseur
  • Opportunistic
  • Tough
  • Hard-working

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Hard Worker

Players can carry more items with them, with a 3-point increase in their carrying capacity.

Heavy Sleeper

Players do not reduce the escape ability of nearby prisoners, making players good sleeper who doesn't disturb others.


Players are immune to terror, making players stalwart and reliable companions in battles.


Players carry the plague and could potentially infect others if players wound them in combat.


To be satisfied, players with this trait must eat fruits or vegetables at every meal. This trait can affect players' inventory management and playstyle.


Players with this trait earn 5 experience points after defeating an enemy. This makes them level up faster and become stronger in combat.


Players with this trait generate more Krowns at the end of a battle. This makes them more effective at gathering resources and managing finances.


Players with this trait have an increased chance of getting items from slain enemies. This makes them more effective at gathering loot and equipping themselves for battles.


Players with this trait gain an additional 1% experience points in the Knowledge skill. This makes them more effective at learning and gaining new abilities.


A player has reached the ideal weight, which can affect their appearance and potentially make them more resistant to certain attacks.


Players with this trait can steal items and pick locks, which can make them effective at obtaining resources and accessing restricted areas.


Players with this trait can control animals in combat, which can make them a valuable asset in battles.


Players with this trait can interact with deposits in mines to extract the ore they contain. This makes them more effective at gathering resources for crafting and trading.


Players with this trait can learn blueprints and forge items in a village Forge. This makes them more effective at crafting weapons and armor.


Players with this trait can learn recipes and brew concoctions at the Village Apothecary Table. This makes them more effective at healing and buffing themselves and their teammates.


Players with this trait can learn recipes and prepare meals at the camp Cooking pot. This makes them more effective at healing and buffing themselves and their teammates.


Players with this trait can decipher codices and piece together Antiquities at the Camp Lectern. This makes them more effective at learning about the game's lore and history.


Players with this trait can learn songs and sing them in taverns, which can provide them with buffs and other benefits. This makes them more effective at providing support for


This trait doubles the effects of a sting injury, making the player vulnerable to allergens. Players may not know what they are allergic to until they react, so they should be careful when exploring or engaging in combat.


This trait reduces the player's movement by 1, making it harder to maneuver in combat and exploration.


This trait reduces the player's precision by 10%, making it harder to hit targets accurately in combat.


This trait gains 10% less experience due to the characters' lack of intelligence. They may need to work harder to keep up with others in their group.


Players earn 10% less experience when practicing a profession, which means players will need to work harder to reach the next level.


Players have a big appetite and will eat one extra food each day, which means players will need to stock up on food more often.


This trait is not included in the needs of the troop's Happiness. They are self-sufficient and do not rely on others for emotional support, making them a valuable asset in challenging situations.


This trait earns players 5% more experience, allowing them to level up faster and gain new skills more quickly.


This trait increases the player's constitution by 5%, making them more resistant to injuries and able to withstand more damage in combat.


This trait has a base Guard of 3%, making them more resistant to physical attacks. They can withstand more damage than others, making them a valuable asset in battles where defense is crucial.

Shield Connoisseur

This trait gains 5% additional Guard when holding a shield, making them more effective at defending themselves and others. They are a valuable asset in battles where defense is crucial.


Players' opportunity damage is increased by 5%, allowing players to take advantage of surprise attacks and critical hits.


There's a 25% chance that players with this trait won't suffer injuries in combat. This makes them more resilient and able to stay in battles for longer periods.


Players earn 5% more experience when practicing a profession, making it easier for them to level up.


Wartales Trait Tier List (5)
  • Like a Horse
  • Maniac
  • Masochist
  • Megalomaniac
  • Natural Born Leader
  • Depressed
  • Unlucky
  • Drunkard
  • Scrawny
  • Confident
  • Tyrannical
  • Noisy
  • Risk Bonus
  • Silent
  • Valiant

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Like a Horse

Players can carry significantly more items, with a 20% increase in their carrying capacity.


Players' willpower is reduced by 5 until their equipment is repaired, making players more susceptible to mental fatigue.


Players gain 1 point of happiness during a rest if players have been injured by a whip, indicating that players enjoy pain to some extent.


Players' willpower is reduced by 5 if players are not officers but one of their Companions is, which means players might feel overshadowed by their more prominent peers.

Natural Born Leader

Players troop's maximum Valour Points are increased by 1, making players valuable and inspiring leaders.


This trait reduces the player's willpower by 2, making them more vulnerable to negative effects and less able to handle stressful situations.


Players with this trait have a reduced chance of landing a critical hit, which can make combat more challenging. Players should be mindful of this trait when engaging in battles.


Players with this trait must consume alcohol with every meal to be happy, which may be challenging to manage and may have negative effects if not carefully controlled.


This trait constitution is reduced by 5%, making them more vulnerable to physical attacks. They need to be careful in combat and may need the protection of others to stay alive.


This trait increases the player's willpower by 1, making them more resilient to negative effects and able to stay focused during challenging situations.


If there are prisoners in the player's troop, their Willpower is increased by 2. This makes players with this trait more effective in combat.


Players make more noise (+3) in abandoned villages, which could alert enemies to their presence.

Risk Bonus

With this trait wages are increased by 30%, making them more profitable to hire than others. They are willing to take on dangerous missions for a higher payout, making them a good choice for challenging quests.


This trait reduces noise by 3 in abandoned villages, making them less likely to attract unwanted attention. They can move through these areas undetected, gathering resources and completing missions without being noticed.


When starting a battle with less than 2 Valour Points, players with this trait can grant themselves up to 2 additional points.

Wartales is available now for PC.

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