Shiro Games' Wartales is an open-world medieval RPG that sees players take control of a band of mercenaries as they embark upon a variety of quests and engage in a number of activities. Along with a diverse range of classes for players to choose from, each one with a different utility and playstyle associated with it, there are also Specializations that help to further differentiate characters from one another by offering up unique abilities and bonuses associated with each one.

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Each class has three different Specializations for players to choose from, and each will have several further abilities that can be selected and applied as the character progresses through the levels. These Specializations are the most effective and unique for players to use throughout the game.

10 Beastmaster (Archer)

Wartales Glorious Trait

The Beastmaster specialization is an optional route for companions in the Archer class and centers around the control and use of animal companions. Wolves and bears can be some of the most useful allies to have in the game, particularly bears due to their massive HP and damage outputs.

This specialization will grant the Archer the ability to order any friendly animals within a certain radius to attack a specified target. This pathway will also unlock further abilities: Valorous Support, Beast Mastery, Animal Affinity, Lone Wolf, and Taming Arrow - leading to some of the most powerful Archer builds in the game.

9 Halberdier (Spearman)

Wartales Faithless

The Halberdier specialization is an attack-oriented pathway for companions of the Spearman class to follow. With a focus on Area-Of-Effect and Knockback abilities, characters of these specializations can be extremely useful assets to the rest of their party. As the character levels up, this unit will also increase its damage output to ridiculous levels.

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As a primary ability, Controlled Whirlwind will unleash an Area-Of-Effect spinning attack at 30% of usual damage. However, this damage gains an additional 40% for every enemy that is struck, and each enemy will also be knocked back by two meters, meaning this ability can vastly change the complexion of the battlefield when deployed.

8 Destroyer (Brute)

Wartales Bloodthirsty Trait

Arguably the best tank build in the game, the Destroyer specialization for the Brute class will ensure destruction and mayhem on the battlefield. Able to equip either one or two-handed weapons, this unit will excel with maces and blunt weaponry and is equally as useful in the early game as it is throughout the course of leveling up.

The primary ability of this specialization is Weakening Blow, which will deal 80-100% Strength damage and apply Weakening for 3 rounds at the cost of 1 Valor Point. In addition to this, the Destroyer pathway will also grant access to: Valorous Duel, Opportunism, Guard-Breaker, Intervention, and Deafening Roar.

7 Poisoner (Ranger)

Wartales Alchemist

Rangers are best used to flank opponents and use special abilities to weaken and vanquish their foes. The Poisoner Specialty will grant this character a variety of poisoning abilities, in addition to a bonus to the alchemy profession - which is used to craft potions and oils to make units more combat-effective.

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The Poison Vial ability enables Rangers to cause poison damage to all units within a 3-meter radius of where the vial is thrown, with a range of up to 9 meters, causing a lot of accumulative damage to those it strikes. In tandem with poison weapons such as the Viper dagger, this unit can be extremely deadly - be sure to watch out for damaging friendly units!

6 Pikeman (Spearman)

Wartales Liberator

The Pikeman specialization is arguably the best way to make use of the Spearman class and can raise it to the level of one of the best classes in the game. With a focus on defense and protecting fellow units, the Pikeman specialization is ideal to have as part of any party and can work well with just about any other unit in the game.

The Spear Wall ability will create a 3-meter radius in which any passing enemies will be attacked with 105% damage, at the cost of 2 Valor Points. In addition to this, the specialization provides access to Valorous Support, Team Spirit, Preparedness, Unstoppable, and Condemn.

5 Hunter (Archer)

Wartales Archer Class

The Hunter specialization is a great choice for Archers, particularly in the early game, as they can help shape the start of almost every battle. The Recoil Shot ability will knock enemies back by 2 meters, meaning that at the start of each battle, this ability can be utilized to group units together to unleash powerful Area-Of-Effect abilities on several enemies at once.

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This ability can also be upgraded to output 120% Dexterity damage, as well as increasing the knockback distance to 3 meters and applying Slowdown for 2 rounds. While this unit may not have the best damage output compared with some others, it is more of a utility build that can be used tactically to shape the battlefield in the player's favor.

4 Berserker (Warrior)

Wartales Devotion

Another impressively strong specialization is the Berserker pathway for the Warrior class. Able to equip several different weapon types, this class is useful in a variety of ways and can be used as both an attacking or defensive unit due to its strong combination of damage output and HP.

The Rampage ability will deal 3x 35-40% Strength Damage to the target with three consecutive attacks, as well as gaining Fury (50% damage bonus to next attack) - this can also be upgraded to ignore armor on critical hits. Whether in the early or later phases of the game and against almost all enemy types, the Berserker should be a go-to class for at least one member of every Wartales party.

3 Executioner (Warrior)

Wartales group combat

The Executioner class will do exactly what one might expect given the nature of its title - execute enemies and erase them from the battlefield. Although this class will really shine at higher levels once the Shout ability has been unlocked, it can still be useful in the early game thanks to its excellent Area-Of-Effect abilities.

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The Cutting Maelstrom attack will deliver 40% strength damage across a 2-meter area and will activate repeatedly for every enemy in the area, making it capable of taking out entire packs of enemies (especially useful for Rats!) - once upgraded this skill can also be activated again with every enemy killed by this unit.

2 Strategist (Ranger)

Wartales Viper

Easily one of the best classes in terms of managing and changing the course of the battle is the Ranger with a Strategist specialization. This will unlock the unique Smoke Screen ability, enabling the Ranger to throw a bomb that will forcefully disengage any units within a 3-meter radius and grant friendly units a free attack upon the disengagement.

This can be extremely useful for enemies with low health, or for classes pitted against stronger opponents. This unit is also extremely mobile around the battlefield and can be used to heal friendly units as well as strike enemies from behind for greater damage output.

1 Swordmaster (Swordsman)

Wartales Blacksmith-1

The Swordmaster specialization is easily the best way to get the maximum out of the Swordsman class and can make this unit one of the most powerful in the game. With a wide range of defensive and attacking abilities, this unit can be lethal against single opponents or groups of enemies alike.

The Laceration attack will deal two hefty strikes across a small area and is perfect for finishing off enemies, while the Riposte ability will enable the Swordsman to strike back at any units that attack them. This specialization will also grant the unit and increases proficiency in the Blacksmithing profession.

Wartales is currently available on PC.

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