
  • Wario's boss microgames in the WarioWare series offer unique and challenging experiences beyond reflexes and reaction times.
  • The boss microgames feature unconventional gameplay mechanics like pool puzzles, dodging punches, shoving bombs, and filling up buckets with rainbow juice.
  • The boss stages combine lateral thinking with speedy reflexes, showcasing Wario's creative and humorous game design.

Wario loves money! And garlic, too. But he also loves making his trademark “microgames”, consisting of short games that take 5 or 10 seconds to complete in his WarioWare series. Patting dogs, picking noses, crushing apples, blasting aliens - almost everything is on the table here thanks to Game and Wario, and his dopey sense of humor makes playing these bite-sized challenges tossed at players in rapid succession all the more gratifying.

Best Microgame Types in WarioWare: Get it Together!

Nintendo's wacky WarioWare: Get It Together! has a whole host of microgames, but some types were a hit while others were definitely a miss.

In almost every entry in the series, each character’s stages have their own unique boss microgames, which extend the timer and throw in more complex, demanding objectives for the chance to receive an extra life. From sliding bombs to squeezing grapes, these are a selection of the best boss fights in the entire franchise.

10 Reflecting (WarioWare: D.I.Y.)

A pool cue, a cue ball, and a red ball. Arrows, a corner pocket, and 'PAUSE' is on-screen

Time for a game of pool with sports superstar Jimmy T. The coolest thing about this boss stage is that it’s actually more of a puzzle game than a test of reflexes and reaction times, so it can be a pretty challenging one, no matter how still a player is.

As the pool cue and cue ball gradually go up and down, the player has to simply tap the screen to strike it. A bit unconventional compared to the actual rules, but one must think ahead, as potting the white results in failure. Devious, but clever.

9 Punch Out (WarioWare: Mega Microgames! & WarioWare: Gold)

Two men in a boxing ring with hearts

As the title suggests, this boss stage is just like the NES title of the same name. Featured in the first-ever entry in the series and lovingly recreated in WarioWare: Gold, The only way to get a punch in is to dodge the opponent’s swings and go for a jab.

On the 2nd difficulty, they can deliver a K.O. punch when on their last life, and are able to deliver those constantly on the highest difficulty! It’s a teeth-chattering boss that requires perfect timing with those button presses.

8 Bombs Away (WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase)

Wario and a random person labelled 'ME' with bombs and timers on then. A bomb image can be seen on the floor.

Wario always loves inserting himself in his microgames, he’s that self-centered. In Bombs Away, the boss stage for his superhero alter-ego Wario-Man for WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase on the Wii, Wario starts to shove bombs with short timers over an ice rink towards the player.

WarioWare: Get It Together! All Playable Characters, Ranked

WarioWare: Get It Together! has introduced plenty of new playable characters into the mix. All have their advantages, but which are the best?

Naturally, the player has to push them back, which will reset the timer. It’s pretty easy when at normal speed, but it can be even more frantic fun when it gets faster, as the dude at the bottom of the screen has to move to the bomb first before touching it. It’s another combination of lateral thinking and speedy reflexes.

7 Rainbow Juice (WarioWare: Touched!)

A bucket being filled up with sparkles from a rainbow

The disco fanatic Jimmy T. once again has another entry on this list. This time, it's ‘Rainbow Juice’ from WarioWare: Touched! A happy bucket must be filled with juice from a rainbow, which can be achieved by rubbing the spectrum of colors with the stylus. On harder difficulties, it’ll stroll around with a lid that randomly closes and opens.

The complication here is that any juice that misses the bucket will pass through the floor, causing roots to grow. If one sprouts out of the ground and the bucket touches it, he’ll trip, spill, and the boss stage is over. It’s quite a unique complication with some really beautiful music, and the faces that the bucket makes are just hilarious.

6 Super Mario Bros. (WarioWare: Twisted & WarioWare: Gold)

WarioWare Twisted! - 9-Volt Boss Stage Microgame - Super Mario Bros.

9-Volt usually introduces some nifty twists in his Nintendo-themed microgames, and this one puts a unique spin on the iconic side-scroller Super Mario Bros. To move Mario and the world around him, the GBA must be tilted to the right.

Of course, the most obvious difference here is that each stage is flexed and curved! Plus, if the console is tilted sharply to the side, then it will speed up the game as well. Having to reach the flag at the end without plummeting in a pit or a pesky Goomba, especially with the limited view of what lies ahead, makes for a really refreshing twist. It was even recreated in WarioWare: Gold.

5 Wario Mambo (WarioWare: Twisted!)

WarioWare Twisted! - Wario-Man Boss Stage Microgame - Wario Mambo

“Ladies and gentlemen, Wario De Mambo!” Wario-Man rounds off WarioWare: Twisted! His boss stage is a dance number with a really catchy song to it.

In Wario Mambo, players must copy the moves on-screen. It’ll require the titling of the GBA exactly how the backup dancers do it, along with jumps by pressing the A button. On higher difficulties, the vocals are present, and there are more increases in speed - just the kind of thing to get anyone bouncing along with excitement. Plus, the lyrics, which are mostly just made up of singers chanting “Wario De Mambo” in different ways, are incredibly infectious.

4 Sneaky Snatcher (WarioWare: Gold)

WarioWare Gold - Orbulon Boss Stage Microgame - Sneaky Snatcher

It was a stroke of genius to remake one of the best multiplayer mini-games from the rather disappointing Game & Wario and turn it into a boss stage for WarioWare: Gold. In the original, called ‘Fruit’, one player would control an NPC who’d have to steal fruit in a crowd of other lookalikes while another player has to take photos with the Wii U Gamepad and figure out who it is.

10 Best Microgames In WarioWare: Get It Together!

Nintendo Switch owners are in for a treat in WarioWare: Get It Together!, which features countless microgames. These are the absolute best.

Here, all the player needs to do is to keep a keen eye out for the potential fruit thief, examining the photos of the suspect on the top screen and scaling across a table of the tiny figures walking around. A perfect pick for any wannabe-detectives.

3 Great Juice (WarioWare: Get It Together!)

WarioWare Gold - Ashley Boss Stage Microgame - Great Juice

Similar to Rainbow Juice, Great Juice is a boss stage for Ashley in WarioWare: Get It Together! The big twist here is that players control characters and utilize their abilities in the microgames themselves, and that’s what makes it even more delightfully challenging.

Grapes must be squashed into juice to fill up jars, which end up moving when the difficulty is at levels 2 and 3. As if dodging nasty bees on level 3 wasn’t sweat-inducing enough, a farmer with a hot temper will measure how much juice is wasted and will fail the stage if a huge mess is made. All these things make it delightfully addictive to play, more so with a second player.

2 Star Fox (WarioWare: Smooth Moves!)

WarioWare Smooth Moves! - 9-Volt Boss Stage Microgame - Star Fox

Honestly, it’s a mystery why Nintendo never bothered to remake the entirety of the SNES classic Star Fox with motion controls, as that’s what was pulled off on the Wii, and it was so good. Three stages from the original game are recreated, whereby tilting the Wii Remote rotates the ship. Enemies can be blasted for points, but there’s no bonus for that.

The kooky twist here is the boss battle that takes place - it’s a giant R.O.B.! Blasting his flashing blocks when they start flashing will blow them up, and the entire Robotic Operating Buddy goes down when that’s done before Fox flies triumphantly into the stars. It’s nothing short of a fantastic tribute.

1 Wario Dance Company (WarioWare: Smooth Moves!)

WarioWare Smooth Moves! - Tiny Wario Boss Stage Microgame - Wario Dance Company

The best way to make a fool of oneself is to grab that Wii Remote and start dancing in the Wario Dance Company minigame. As a funky dance track plays, 4 dancers in spandex will start moving and striking poses one after the other. The player must nail the timing and copy every on-screen move.

And there are some really, really silly moves, like slapping the controller on the thigh, wiggling one’s bottom frantically while holding both arms out, and so much more. It’s hilarious and embarrassing to take part in - an easy pick for the best boss battle in the series.

5 Things We Loved About WarioWare: Get It Together! (& 5 Things We Don’t)

WarioWare: Get It Together! is a bucket full of minigames, but despite being a brand-new Mario franchise game, it does have its pros and cons.