Factions play a key part in Warhammer 40K, both for its lore and the various games, both digital and tabletop. Many know of the Space Marines and Orks, but one of the franchise's most interesting factions is the Tyranids.

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Giant Hive Fleets have arrived from the edges of the Milky Way and have begun to harvest planets of all organic life. Most know them for their intimidating appearance and sheer numbers, but there is much more to the Tyranids than simply killing other factions. Here are ten things most don't know about the Tyranids in Warhammer 40K. This article will focus on the lore of Warhammer 40K and not the tabletop game.

10 They're Organized Into Major Hive Fleets

Via: Warhammer 40K Wiki - Fandom

Tyranids, as with most factions in Warhammer 40K, have various subfactions that make up a whole. In the Tyranids' case, they can be distinguished based on their Hive Fleet.

Hive Fleets are armadas of biological warships that create Tyranids and have the sole objective of expanding the Tyranid Hive Mind. They do this by harvesting biomass and exterminating other forms of life. Humanity has come into contact with three major Fleets so far, which they call Leviathan, Kraken, and Behemoth. Three major Hive Fleets are enough to pose a major threat to the Milky Way galaxy, but it is theorized that the Tyranids have hundreds of these fleets at the edge of the system.

9 They're Controlled Through A Hive Mind

These aforementioned Fleets communicate with each other through a collective consciousness known as a Hive Mind. The Hive Mind takes the information of all Tyranids all uses it to devise strategies on which planets to harvest and how to do so.

It can even invade the minds of most organisms and block interstellar communications entirely. Psykers and those trained in using the Warp's energy can not even comprehend the Hive Mind's complexity. Most that dare to try either go completely insane or die.

8 They Expand Through Biomass

Via: Zen-Master (DeviantArt)

Expansion is the Tyranids' ultimate goal. To do so, Tyranids harvest biomass from every organism on a planet to feed the living while growing new members.

In traditional Warhammer 40K fashion, this involves traveling across the reaches of the galaxy and going to war with everything in sight. Any organism that gets in their way is killed and consumed to further the Tyranids' expansion.

7 Their Method Of Planetary Control Comes In Stages

Harvesting a planet of all biomass takes more than a few battles. Tyranids harvest planets whole, morphing their atmosphere into a toxic wasteland of miasma and rock. This transition occurs in a series of stages.

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Infiltration is where it begins, with the Tyranids sending Genestealers and Lictors to relay information back to the Hive Mind. Past this, the Hive Fleet is called in to develop a foothold on a planet. Assault soon follows where armies of Tyranids will invade to remove any resistance and take control of the planet. Large Capillary Towers emit miasma soon afterward, beginning the subjunction stage. The Absorption phase begins once the planet's atmosphere has become toxic and is ripe for harvest. The resources are then sent from the Capillary Towers to the Hive Fleet, completing the invasion process.

6 The Lictors Absorb Memory

Via: Steam Card Exchange

During the Infiltration phase of a Tyranid planetary invasion, Genestealers will spread their seed into the planet's wildlife to create Tyranid Hyrbids. As for Lictors, they do something much more interesting.

Lictors explore the planet and relay information about the planet's materials and inhabitants back to the Hive Mind. One way Lictors receive this information is through harvesting memories. Through eating an organism, Lictors can tap into their memories to get a better understanding of the planet they're on.

5 They Don't Use The Warp For Space Travel

Via: SpaceBattles Forums

Most factions in Warhammer 40K use the Warp to travel between systems. This comes at a massive risk, however, as the Warp can easily manipulate the minds and perception of time of those who use it to travel. Luckily, Tyranids don't have to worry about this as they don't rely on the Warp for space travel.

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Instead, Tyranids use Narvhal bio-ships that travel between space at incredible speeds. Its range of sensors allows it to pinpoint planets from unimaginable distances and close in on the target at incredible speeds.

4 They're Comprised Of Many Alien Species

Warhammer 40k Tyranid Tyrant Cropped

Multiple alien species make up the Tyranid faction in Warhammer 40K. They do not all come from the same descendent. Instead, part of the biomass that gets consumed ends up creating new Tyranids.

Some of these Tyranids begin to take on the genetic makeup of the slain organism, hence why the Tyranids have such varied units in their ranks.

3 They Were Inspired By The Works Of H.R. Giger

Alien Isolation

Anyone who has watched Alien or is an avid fan of famed artist H.R. Giger will immediately notice the similarities between Tyranids and Giger's Xenomorphs.

They have the same elongated heads with slim bodies that help create a menacing appearance. They were first referenced in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader as an uncommon alien foe with four arms, but their importance to the universe has blossomed in future years.

The names of the three major Tyranid Hive Fleets relate to mythical sea creatures. It seems inconsequential and is probably something the games' writers made up, but there is a strong historical possibility that the Tyranids are related to the sea creatures that inhabited ancient Earth or Terra.

It is rumored that Earth's sea creatures are a separated subset of a Tyranid Hive Fleet with no leader connected to the network, hence why they don't act as a collective as most Tyranids do. This rumor is rather hard to believe considering it implies Tyranids have visited the Solar System before. Then again, much more unlikely occurrences in 40K have turned out to be true so it's not out of the realm of possibility.

1 They're Capable Of Biological Warfare

Via: Orks With Character

Most media depicts Tyranids using their razor-sharp claws and swarms of minions to take down their prey. After all, this is what most Tyranids utilize, but there are a small subset of units that use actual weapons. The weapons that Tyranids wield don't use traditional ballistics, however.

Instead, these weapons fire viruses and various microbe organisms to eat away at the armor and flesh of targets. Some Tyranids are created solely as weapon platforms to take down tougher targets, such as armored vehicles.

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