
  • Faction leaders in Warhammer 40k are legendary figures who control vast armies and are often the last hope for their races.
  • Yvraine, Asdrubael Vect, Commander Farsight, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, Szarekh, Trajann Valoris, Abaddon The Despoiler, and Roboute Guilliman are all powerful faction leaders with unique backgrounds and goals.
  • The Tyranid Hive Mind poses a massive threat to the galaxy, with its goal of consuming all biomass and its unstoppable presence within the Warp.

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Endless battles rage across the stars, fought between a myriad of factions, all with their own motivations and goals. Within all these factions, great leaders control their vast armies in pursuit of overall victory.

Warhammer 40K: 5 Strongest Chaos Gods

Warhammer 40K's deep lore features the powerful Gods of Chaos, but who among them is considered the strongest?

Of all the many heroes and monsters within the Warhammer 40k setting, certain figures have risen through the ranks and performed great feats that have raised them above other would-be rulers. These faction leaders have cemented their names as legends and are often the last hopes of their races, without which there would be no survival.

10 Yvraine

The Ynnari

Yvraine in Warhammer 40k

After the fall of the Eldar race with the birth of Slaanesh, the species splintered into smaller factions. Rarely coming together, they have few leaders working for the betterment of all the Aeldari. Yvraine is one of the few who is.

Leading a recent faction among the Eldar known as the Ynnari, Yvraine serves as the emissary for the Aeldari god Ynnead, whom they seek to fully awaken. Yvraine brings many of the factions of Aeldari together under her banner and will go to any lengths to achieve her goals. She was also instrumental in bringing about the resurrection of Roboute Guilliman.

9 Asdrubael Vect


Vect in Warhammer 40k

Of all the factions within the Warhammer 40k setting, the Drukhari are one of the most depraved and feared peoples in the galaxy. Getting taken by the Drukhari means an existence of never-ending torture and death. They work to appease Slaanesh in order to save their souls. Made up of small warbands, the largest is the Kabal of the Black Heart, led by the most feared Asdrubael Vect.

As the leader of the largest Kabal in Commorragh, the Drukhari stronghold within the webway, Asdrubael Vect is the faction's de facto leader. With his unrivaled cunning and deadly ambitions, Vect grew the city of the Drukhari to greater, more terrible heights than ever before.

8 Ancestor Cores

Leagues of Votann

Leagues of Votann in Warhammer 40k

The Leagues of Votann, also known as The Kin, are a race of abhumans that settled within the galactic core millennia ago. A secretive people, they are led by sentient AIs known as Votann, created long ago by the original settlers in order to survive the harsh conditions. The Ancestor Cores contain vast amounts of precious knowledge, much of which was lost or forgotten by the wider species of humanity.

The Kin defend the secrets of their race from all, even their allies in the Imperium, as knowledge of the Votann would lead to the Kin’s destruction. Over the long years, many of the Votann have degraded, and much of the knowledge they possess has been lost.

7 Commander Farsight

Farsight Enclave

Commander Farsight in Warhammer 40k

The T’au Empire is one of the younger factions to gain prominence within the Warhammer 40k setting. Following the notion of the greater good, the T’au are among the most advanced species in the galaxy. Within the T’au Empire’s united banner, there is one exception and one of the most controversial figures in their history: Shas'O Vior'la Shovah Kais Mont’yr, more commonly known as Commander Farsight.

This legendary hero of the T’au leads a breakaway faction known as the Farsight Enclave. He is one of the greatest warriors of the race, a master in tactical war, and a charismatic leader. Unlike much of his species, he is a close-combat expert.

6 Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka


Ghazghkull in Warhammer 40k

To become a warboss of an Ork army is simple: Be the biggest most ork-like ork there is. Among all the billions of orks in the galaxy, there is none bigger or more ork-like than Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka, also known as the Beast of Armageddon.

Warhammer 40K: Strongest Orks, Ranked

Orks are some of the strongest units in Warhammer 40K, and these are some of the best ranked ones to pick from.

He became known as a prophet of the ork gods Gork and Mork after half his head was completely destroyed. Much of his skull and brain was replaced with wiring and metal. After this, he had a dream of leading the greatest WAAAGH! in the galaxy. He now leads billions of greenskins to war, with more flocking to his banner by the day.

5 Szarekh, The Silent King


The Silent King in Warhammer 40K

Millions of years ago, the technologically advanced race known as the Necrontyr suffered short painful lives. In an attempt to save his people, Szarekh made a deal with the C’tan, who claimed they could grant immortality. These godlike beings tricked the Necrontyr and turned them into walking metal slaves, now known as Necrons.

The Silent King was one of the few who retained their conscious selves. Eventually, he rose up and turned against the C’tan, freeing his people. The Silent King is the ancient and powerful ruler of one of the most feared species in the galaxy, and as more Necrons awaken, they look to retake their place as galactic lords.

4 Trajann Valoris

Adeptus Custodes

Trajann Valoris in Warhammer 40K

The Adeptus Custodes are the most elite fighting force in the Imperium of Man. Tasked as the Emperor of Mankind’s personal bodyguard, emissaries, and defenders of the imperial palace, they are among the most dedicated, disciplined, and deadly warriors humanity has ever seen and hold the highest levels of respect.

Warhammer 40K: 10 Strongest Space Marine Chapters

Warhammer 40K has featured a number of space marine chapters, but among them, which are the most powerful?

Trajann Valoris is the Chief Custodian and 17th Captain-General of the Custodes and is considered one of the greatest warriors in the Imperium. With the opening of the great rift and the return of Roboute Guilliman and his Indomitus Crusade, the Custodes have taken a larger role in events. With Trajann Valoris at the head, the enemies of humanity have more to fear than ever.

3 Abaddon The Despoiler

Chaos Space Marines

Abaddon The Despoiler in Warhammer 40K

Abaddon, the Despoiler and Warmaster, works to fulfill the mission of his long-dead primarch and burn the imperium to the ground. Throughout all the realms of chaos, Abaddon is the singular figure who has unified the dark forces under his banner.

Warhammer 40k: Strongest Chaos Space Marines Who Aren't Primarchs

Chaos Space Marines are some of Warhammer 40k's most feared characters, and not all of them are primarchs.

Emerging from the Eye of Terror, Abaddon, and his Black Legion embark on the destructive black crusades. Over the years, these crusades seemed to be at random, but with the 13th, the true plan came to fruition. In a ritual of colossal power, Abaddon broke the galaxy in two, creating the cicatrix maledictum, the great rift. He represents the greatest threat to humanity in the galaxy.

2 Roboute Guilliman

Imperium of Man

Roboute Guilliman in Warhammer 40K

The Avenging Son, Roboute Guilliman, is one of the 20 primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind. A master tactician and powerful warrior, Roboute is the gene father of the Ultramarines chapter of Space Marines, as well as their successor chapters. His true strength lies in his peerless ability of organization.

Held in Stasis for 10 thousand years after his traitorous brother, the Daemon Primarch Fulgrim, mortally wounded him, he was finally brought back and crowned Imperial Regent. He works to save the imperium and leads the Indomitus Crusade across the galaxy, bringing the Emperor's light to the darkness.

1 The Great Devourer

Tyranid Hive Mind

Tyranids in Warhammer 40K

The Tyranids may pose the greatest threat to the galaxy as a whole. Each tendril of the hive mind represents a gigantic hive fleet whose sole purpose is to consume all biomass it finds and to grow the Tyranid swarm. Coming from another galaxy, the Tyranids have invaded the Milky Way from all sides. Their true numbers are completely unknown.

With no singular leader, the Tyranids are a perfect organism of terrible motivation and ruthless savagery. It is an unstoppable hive mind so potent that it has a strong presence even within the Warp.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

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November 30, 2022