The Ruinous Powers, ever desiring more power bide their time as they slowly devour the known universe. Residing in the warp, an alternate dimension comprised of pure psychic energy, the Gods of Chaos in Warhammer 40K feed on the emotions, hopes, and passions of mortal creatures for sustenance and to further their power. Though not necessarily divine or even having a physical stature, they are nevertheless extremely powerful sentient energies that seek to corrupt and consume the minds and souls of the galaxy’s inhabitants. For the dark gods can only grow through the acts and thoughts of mortals.

Warhammer 40,000: Explaining the Chaos Faction

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is packed to the brim with grim-dark creatures and factions, and the forces of Chaos are some of the most important.

The four main Gods of Chaos are Khorne, the blood god who delights in primal violence, Tzeentch, the lord of change who relies on sorceries and knowledge to further ambitions, Nurgle, the plague father who represents disease, death, and rebirth, and finally Slaanesh, the dark prince of pleasure. Each resides within their realm inside the warp. Each is ready to outdo the others to become the ultimate chaos god in Warhammer 40K.

Updated on March 14, 2024, by Andy Chapman: Warhammer 40k is an ever-expanding setting. As new books, animations, models, and video games are released, new lore emerges that changes the order of Chaos and the influence the gods have on the galaxy. Known as the great game, the Chaos Gods plot against each other, with their influence growing or weakening with each move. Devastating events in the lore have shifted the power of each god, with Nurgle falling to the bottom of the main four and Khorne rising to the top. An update has been made to give readers more information on rankings of the chaos gods due to changing events within the current lore. It has also been reformatted to current standards.

5 Malice/Malal

Fights Against Both Daemon and Mortal

chaos marine of malal

Oh yes, there’s a fifth chaos god. Though not considered one of the great four, Malice stands apart from the others due to being known as a bit of a renegade. Also known as the lost god, Malice represents anarchy, destruction, and vengeance (even against itself and its agents that serve the cause).

Malice was cast out and where Malice currently inhabits or resides is anyone's guess. Followers of Malice must be willing to kill and bleed other chaos agents and creatures, which is no surprise that other chaos gods and their respective servants loathe and resent Malice. Though not worshiped by many and few devotees survive long enough to be worthy servants, Malice is still considered a threat by the other gods of chaos and by the Imperium.

4 Nurgle

Spreading Disease and Rot Throughout the Galaxy

plaguefather nurgle triumphant

Affectionately known as the Plaguefather, Lord of Decay, and Grandfather Nurgle, the chaos god of disease, dissolution, despair, death, and rebirth is most concerned and directly involved in the plight of mortals. Nurgle recognizes the oldest fear of mortals; death, pain, and suffering. As decay is but one part of the cycle of life, Nurgle also represents renewal and survival. The Plaguefather favors those who revel in spreading his ichor and disease, as well as those who wish to endure an uncaring and painful existence.

Although Nurgle can be seen as a morose figure of doom and gloom, the god also has a happy and affectionate disposition. For in death, there is life. Nurgle represents the idea that during one’s bleakest moments, lies the opportunity for hope and inspiration. Thus, Nurgle concocts and spreads diseases and poisons as if they are a ‘gift’. His followers rejoice when a pandemic strikes, as the plagues are seen as gifts and opportunities for infected mortals to overcome and even embrace.

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These demigod traitors challenge the Emperor's rule through warfare and live sacrifice, but who among them is the strongest?

Among Nurgle’s most devoted is the Death Guard traitor legion. It is said that his domain within the warp is filled with putrid and rotted gardens and swamps, enough to make even the most stalwart sick with one whiff. It is even noted that one of the surviving Aeldari gods, Isha, is held captive there. Due to her regenerative powers, Nurgle tests his newest plague brews on her, forever perfecting his recipes.

Although it is said that Isha whispers the cure of each plague out into the universe, helping mortal souls overcome Nurgle's gifts. In the current setting, between the four major gods, Nurgle has fallen from his place as the most powerful to the weakest. This is due to the failure of the Great Unclean One, Ku'gath, and the Daemon Primarch, Mortarion. During the Death Guard invasion of Macragge, and the final battle between Mortarion and his brother, Roboute Guilliman, the Ultramarines Primarch was mortally wounded. The Emperor of Man miraculously aided his dying son, saving him from the godblight, and spreading his psychic might back into the warp, burning Nurgle's Garden in the act. This caused a serious blow to the god of rot, which he will take time to recover from.

3 Slaanesh

Waits Patiently To Devour The Aeldari Souls

slaanesh in his masculine form

Known also as the Lord of Excess, The Dark Prince to the Imperium Of Man, and ‘She Who Thirsts’ by the Aeldari or Eldar race, Slaanesh is the masculine and feminine chaos god of pleasure, hedonism, and decadence. Those who fall into Slaanesh’s corruption are consumed by pride, self-indulgence, and full-blown lust. Anyone can become a devotee of Slaanesh, those who desire and revel in material goods or take solace in carnal desires can easily fall into Slaanesh's embrace. Those who strive for perfection are vulnerable as well, be it the obsessed painter creating artistic wonders or the warrior refining his swordsmanship, Slaanesh feeds on this temptation, promising more from the shadows.

As the youngest of the chaos gods, Slaanesh was birthed in part because of the Eldar. According to lore, the ancient Eldar race began to devote itself to decadence and hedonism. Over time, pleasure cults whose only concern was the pursuit of pleasure only increased in their depravity and extremity. Eventually, the behaviors of the combined Eldar race culminated in Slaanesh’s ‘birth-scream’, signaling the fall of the Aeldari. The destruction and carnage were so great that billions of Aeldari were killed in a single night and consumed by Slaanesh. The dimensional rift-storm, known as the ‘Eye Of Terror’ was formed, a region where many chaos space marine legions and daemons reside.

In the ensuing chaos, Slaanesh slaughtered and devoured many of the Aeldari gods except for three of them. It is here that Slaanesh came to disdain Khorne, for if the blood god had not interfered with the duel with Khaine, the Aeldari god of war, Slaanesh would have consumed Khaine’s essence. Slaanesh’s favored legion is the Emperor’s Children, led by Primarch Fulgrim. A devious and manipulative entity, Slaanesh will slowly bide his/her time as mortal empires slowly succumb to their pleasures. In the current setting of Warhammer 40k, Slaanesh is one of the weaker gods. With the partial reawakening of the Aeldari god of the dead, and the rise of its followers, the Ynnari, Slaanesh's grip on Eldar souls weakens ever so slightly. However, with rumors of the Emperor's Children and their Daemon Primarch leader returning to the setting, Slaanesh has yet to make her most deadly move in the great game.

2 Tzeentch

In A Galaxy Broken In Two, Tzeentch Seeks Power

tzeentch greater daemon and sorceror

The Lord of Change and Architect of Fate is the chaos god of knowledge, ambition, deceit, destiny, magic, and intrigue. Tzeentch draws strength from those who wish for change or seek advancement. Tzeentch also focuses on the nature of evolution and mutation among mortals and supposedly directs and influences that aspect as well. Tzeentch seeks to become the ultimate victor among the other chaos gods by weaving a complex and gigantic web of plots and subterfuge. Each thread is connected to a servant who has entered into a pact with Tzeentch and is used to further the Lord of Change’s designs.

Tzeentch thrives on his ability to manipulate and control and is drawn to using mortals as his puppets. Those who are lured to the Architect of Fate are typically scholars seeking forbidden or arcane knowledge, leaders who desire to politically crush their opponents, and even downtrodden civilians who want to change their society for the better. All are potential pawns for Tzeentch.

Warhammer 40k: Strongest Chaos Space Marines Who Aren't Primarchs

Chaos Space Marines are some of Warhammer 40k's most feared characters, and not all of them are primarchs.

Embodying the ideals of development, progress, and hope, Tzeentch’s principles naturally come into conflict with Nurgle, the lord of decay who represents stagnation, dissolution, and decay. It is also common for servants of both sides to come into conflict with one another just as they wage war on other denizens of the galaxy. Tzeentch favors the Thousand Sons traitor legion led by Magnus the Red. Ever scheming and conniving, Tzeentch’s ultimate designs and endless web of deceit will eventually strangle everything in existence.

In the current setting, with the opening of the Great Rift and the Psychic Awakening, which resulted in more psykers than ever coming into their powers, the god of magic's influence on mortals is vast. Tzeentch's followers plot and scheme around the galaxy. Meanwhile, Magus The Red leads his Thousand Sons to war in Tzeentch's name, taking the Stygius Sector as their daemonic domain in the realspace.

1 Khorne

Blood For The Blood God, Skulls For The Skull Throne

Khorne on his skull throne

The Blood God and Lord Of Skulls himself, Khorne, is the chaos god of strength, war, hatred, murder, and rage among others. Khorne draws his strength and power from the desires and acts surrounding brutality, hate, and primal destruction of one’s adversaries. It is said that every killing and murder empowers Khorne; the bloodier, the better. Yet Khorne also respects honor and pride in battle, favoring and rewarding acts that defy the odds in battle.

It is Khorne’s wish to engulf the galaxy in flames and slaughter, to destroy or dominate everything in existence everywhere, until all that is left is broken bones and rivers of blood. To worship Khorne is to spill the blood of enemies and allies alike, for the battlefield is his temple, as all the slain are deemed the same in Khorne’s eyes. It matters not if warriors kill or destroy consciously, for Khorne will feel the boon of all deaths. The only transgression for followers of Khorne is to let a day go by without killing, as doing so raises the ire of the blood god.

Warhammer 40k: Strongest Daemons In The Lore

There are plenty of Daemons in Warhammer 40k; these are the strongest in the lore.

Khorne’s greatest rival among the other chaos gods is Slaanesh, and servants of Khorne look down on Slaaneshi warriors who fight for prestige and pleasure rather than truly testing their metal against powerful foes. Khorne also disdains the devotees of Tzeentch, as they appear as sorcerers who are devious and do not fight honorably at all. Khorne’s favored traitor legion is the World Eaters, led by the infamous daemon prince and Primarch, Angron.

In the current setting, Khorne has risen to the top of the great game over his fellow gods. After the return of Angron, the followers of Khorne performed a devastating ritual, causing a widespread murder curse, which turned an entire sector of space, including a huge indomitus fleet, into blood-raging berzerkers. Across the galaxy, blood is being spilled and Khorne's influence grows larger.