Developer Saber Interactive's upcoming Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is set to continue the trail blazed by Captain Titus (now demoted to Lieutenant) and his fellow company members in the 2011 title. For its second outing, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 will follow the next leg of the gritty tale of the Emperor's chosen ones of the Ultramarine wing, as well as their mission to fend off the swarms of Tyranids that have emerged and are rampaging across the Imperium. Like the original, Space Marine 2 will have players shooting, hacking, and slashing their way across an action-packed and bloody campaign.

In addition, the previous PvP modes will be returning to Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 in a revamped fashion. The sequel will also include an all-new co-op PvE mode dubbed "Operations." Dmitry Grigorenko, lead game designer, spoke with Game ZXC about how this mode came together with aid from the story and prior PvP modes.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Has Good News for Fans

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 players can take solace in the fact that the game will seemingly be free of some of the usual staples of live services.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Designer Highlights its New Operations Co-Op PvE Mode

The Origins of Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2's Operations Mode

Grigorenko stated that one of the main goals for Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 was to be "the perfect sequel." This meant automatically bringing the PvP modes back while introducing a completely new co-op PvE experience with Operations. As for how the setup and existing aspects lent themselves to creating Operations mode, Grigorenko explained that the team wanted it to impart a sense of grand-scale combat for the sequel and forces being deployed in larger theaters of war.

Now that there is a galaxy-wide conflict with the Tyranids , a lot of things have to be happening at the same time to make it believable. Titus can’t be everywhere at once, and he still needs a squad. That's how the idea of Operations was born.

Noting some key differences between PvP and Operations mode, Grigorenko pointed out that the human element and three distinct flavors of PvP serve to keep rounds feeling fresh. However, Operations' PvE components are comparatively more complex, which meant the team focused on including a number of procedural elements to bolster it in this regard.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2's New and Expanded Classes for Operations Mode

Grigorenko went on to outline that the range of classes in Space Marine 2 has doubled from three to six, with all being shared across both PvP and Operations modes. With the greater versatility and teamwork potential these additions provide, they are also balanced to be effective in multiple situations.

Each class has its own role and set of weapons and signature abilities, like the Sniper's Camo Cloak, and they all play differently. But they're still battle-hardened Space Marines . Even though the Sniper is obviously range-oriented, they will still be very effective in melee combat. The same goes for the melee-oriented classes. The Bulwark has the Combat Shield and cannot wield any two-handed weapons, but as a Space Marine remains deadly with sidearms.

Players will be able to extensively customize their characters as well via a wide selection of the Space Marines' iconic heraldry, decals, and gear. Revealing some of the team’s favorite options and insignia to create for Space Marine 2, Grigorenko noted that the Bulwark’s robes and the Sniper’s capes were some of the most fun to work on, adding that, "Everyone likes capes!" With all that's set to come from its story, PvP, and brand-new Operations mode, fans can look forward to jumping into the fray with Titus and his squadmates when Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 releases on September 9, 2024,