Warhammer 40,000 is a well-known franchise that gained popularity due to its unique wargame sets and other games focused on the superiority of man. In Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef, players will be required to design their own Ork by selecting features such as class, clan, and weapon loadout.

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Each character is individually equipped with two special abilities. Some of these are passive, while others serve to access secondary abilities for other weapons. The best classes in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef can make a huge difference to gameplay, so players will need to think carefully about which one they choose.

4 Beast Snagga Boy

weird boy in warhammer 40k

If a player needs the most dynamic and aggressive character class, then Beast Snagga Boy is a perfect choice. Beast Snagga Boy has a single goal: to tear everything in its path to shreds. The abilities of this character class ensure that it can concentrate on midrange attacks as required and also attack crowds of enemies when they come too close. In comparison with the other character classes, Beast Snagga Boy has a different melee weapon which is the throwable Rokkit Spear.

Enemies attacked by the spear will be impaled on it and be stuck to a surface or knocked down. After the spear has made contact, an explosion will go off after a few seconds and cause damage to any enemies in the nearby vicinity. Beast Snagga Boy also has a throwable ability called the Bomb Squig. This is not a regular grenade, it is attached to a Squig that attacks the closest enemy once launched. Immediately after the timer runs out, an explosion goes off that damages any enemies around.

3 Weird Boy

weird boy in warhammer 40k

Players that are used to the Warhammer 40,000 franchise will be excited to see Weird Boy among this game's characters. Weird Boy is the Psyker character of this game, and it can manipulate the energy around. By concentrating this energy into as many attacks as possible, Weird Boy has very important abilities that come in handy when playing with other people. This character's passive ability is the Weirdboy staff, a melee weapon that is virtually the opposite of the Tankhammer. The staff does not do as much damage as other melee weapons in the game, but, in its own unique way, it more than makes up for the difference.

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Anyone that is attacked by the staff will be stunned into a state of shock and be unable to move for a short time. This ability is very important when players need a minute to catch their breath. Weird Boy also has a throwable called the Shokka Bomb which increases the stunning effect of the Weirdboy staff by affecting a wider area when thrown. With the staff, a player would need to be relatively close to enemies to attack. However, with the Shokka Bomb, Weird Boy will no longer need to be within the enemy's range to stun them meaning that attacks can be made from a safe distance. Abilities come in handy when a player needs to stun a number of enemies without putting themselves or the rest of the team in danger. It also serves to slow down the enemy's advance.

2 Flash Git

flash git in warhammer 40k

Most of the characters in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef can carry a gun but the class most likely to find ranged weapons most beneficial is Flash Git. Like other characters, he carries throwables which include the Molotov cocktail-like Burna Bombs. Once this bomb is launched, it will go off in the target area, setting anything in its path on fire. The effects are always devastating. When throwing the bombs, players need to be careful to ensure that neither they nor their fellow players are in the line of fire so that they don't suffer damage as well.

Flash Git is a gunslinger with his own passive ability called More Dakka. This passive ability ensures that Flash Git does not need to spend ammo when firing at enemies with his gun. This is one character class that is very effective with the gun, hence, this ability will come in handy for any player who wants to take this character for a spin. Players never know when they need to take out enemies from a distance, hence the need to have a character like Flash Git. His throwables and his passive ability ensure that a player can attack enemies while maintaining a safe distance and staying away from direct attacks.

1 Stormboy

storm boy in warhammer 40k

Stormboy is the best choice if players need an attack character. His abilities ensure that he will always be useful during a fight. The Stormboy character holds a Tankhammer, a strong attacking melee that can be a bit slow. However, the damage it deals is considerable and can save players from difficult situations. Like other characters, Stormboy has two abilities, with one being passive and the other being a throwable. His passive ability is called Rokkit Dash, which makes the regular dash mechanic much better by adding to the dash distance and setting all enemies in the players' path on fire. This is especially useful during an ambush.

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In addition to this ability, he also has the throwable ability, Klusta Bomb. Klusta Bomb ensures that Stormboy can throw bomb grenades at enemies, irrespective of their direction. When it lands, the grenade explodes, destroying everything in its area. The explosion also launches smaller grenades around. Stormboy's equipment ensures that he will be very efficient in the heat of a battle. By being able to cause astronomical damage using both abilities, combined with the punches from the melee attacks, Stormboy is arguably the best character class in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef.

Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS.

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