With hundreds of models, multiple books, and dozens of accessories Warhammer 40K has fans around the world. Players can take part in local tournaments or battle against their friends. However, some fans of the hobby simply enjoy building and painting models.

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The tabletop game has countless customization options, so the hobby can rack up serious price investments. The larger titan and transport sets can cost players hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Hobbyists looking to take their armies to the next level may find themselves looking at some of the bigger more expensive sets.

10 Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan ($400)

tyranid hierophant bio-titan painted by hivefleet_40k

"via: hivefleet_40k on Twitter"

One of the largest Tyranid creatures, the Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan stands at around 10 inches (255 mm) tall. The monstrous Tyranid is built to counter plenty of war engines on the field.

The Hierophant is the Tyranid's largest shock trooper. The model comes equipped with Bio Cannons, multiple claws, and razor-sharp blades. It is also covered in a thick hide that exudes poisonous spores. The Hierophant can also transport other Tyranids in a player's army, around the battlefield. Tyranid players, looking to bring a high power level behemoth into their next game, can expect to pay a minimum of $440 not including paint.

9 Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport ($505)

Legion Mastodon Super-Heavy Assault Transport paint by Vika Fenryka

"via: Vlka Fenryka"

One of the heaviest assault transports in the Legiones Astartes, the Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport can hold forty Space Marines (including Dreadnoughts). The Mastodon's is equipped with a Siege Melta Array, a Sky Reaper Battery, and Two Void Shields.

Players looking for a multi-purpose transport can rest easy knowing that even if the Mastodon is destroyed it counts as heavy cover. This heavy transport piece is often used to breach fortified walls. Players looking to ram through enemy lines can expect to pay a minimum of $505 for the set.

8 Acastus Knight Porphyrion ($535)

Acastus Knight Porphyrion paint job and build by echoesfromthewasteland

"via: echoesfromthewasteland on Blogspot"

The Acastus Knight Porphyrion is one of the most heavily armed armored Knight chassis. When it comes to size and power the Acastus Knight Porphyrion can rival Scout Titans and is taller than the Cerastus Knights.

Equipped with two Autocannons, Ironstorm missile pods, two twin-linked Magna Lascannons, an Ion Shield, Blessed Autocimulacra, Throne Mechanicum, and Titanic Feet. The Acastus Knight also has plenty of optional gear, for further customization. Players looking to bring this massive knight to their next game will have to spend $535 on the resin kit.

7 Warhound Titan ($665)

Warhound Titan model paint job by Richard Gray

"via: Richard Gray on Figure Mentors "

One of the more difficult titans to build, the Warhound Titan can dish out serious damage to infantry and vehicles alike. The Warhound Titan can be fielded in a two-thousand points match and is the only titan to likely see play outside of Apocalypse. This means players who want to bring titan power to less competitive gaming spaces, can do just that for $665.

The Warhound comes equipped with a Turbo Laser and the Mega Bolter. Players can also further customize by mixing and matching with an inferno gun. With the release of Imperial Armour Volume 13, players can swear their Warhound to the service of a chaos god.

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6 Thunderhawk Gunship ($735)

Red Thunderhawk Gunship by Jack Hunter

"via: Jack Hunter "

The Thunderhawk Gunship can fulfill a variety of strategic roles. Despite having the primary function of a dropship, the Thunderhawk can be just as lethal as its cargo. The Thunderhawk is equipped with a Turbolaser, numerous Heavy Bolters, and missiles. The aircraft can carry up to thirty Space Marines and hover in place providing unparalleled air support.

The Thunderhawk can engage with targets as large as a Scout Titan or super-heavy tank. The Thunderhawk's armor allows the aircraft to take large amounts of damage. Players looking for an aircraft transport that can rival their enemies' tanks can purchase the Thunderhawk for $735.

5 Reaver Titan ($1,118)

Reaver Titan Forge World Titan Builder UI

Using the Forge World Titan Builder players can create this particular Reaver Titan, by combining: the Reaver Titan Body, the Apocalypse missile launcher, and two power fists. This particular build will cost players $1,118 on the website. Though other equipment combinations can reduce that cost.

Though not as heavily armored as other titans, or as fast as the Warhound Scouts, Reavers are commonly used as shock and assault units. Reavers support other infantry units and are typically armed for short-range combat.

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4 Sokar pattern Stormbird ($1,260)

Sokar pattern Stormbird model by Felix

"via: Felix"

This dedicated attack lander is a high-durability orbital assault craft. The Sokar Pattern Stormbird can withstand heavy ground fire while landing a strike force. The Stormbird is equipped with four turret-mounted Lascannons, three twin-linked Heavy Bolters, and six Dreadstrike Missiles. A series of Void Shield Generators protect the armor plating and troops as they deploy. The Stormbird can transport fifty Space Marines or up to five Dreadnoughts.

The Sokar Pattern Stormbird is the largest Imperial aircraft in production by Forge World. Players who want this durable set can purchase the Stormbird for $1,260.

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3 Warbringer Nemesis Titan ($1,570)

Warbringer Nemesis Titan by Kilofix

"via: kilofix"

The Warbringer Nemesis Titan is the best bang for your buck when it comes to titan class models. The Warbringer Nemesis Titan's attachments are all the same unit price in the titan builder, leading to more customization options for the same price. The Nemesis can be equipped with a carapace-mounted Nemesis Quake Cannon, two carapace-mounted Anvilus Pattern Defense batteries, three Ardex-Defensor Mauler Bolt Cannons, and two arm-mounted Reaver Laser Blasters. Optional attachments include the Reaver Gatling Blaster, the Reaver Laser Blaster, the Reaver Volcano Cannon, or the Reaver Melta Cannon. In addition, the Nemesis Titan's Volcano Cannon alone has a strength of 25 and deals 12 damage, making it one of the fiercest weapons in all of 40k.

2 Manta ($1,705)

Manta Model on Display at Warhammer World surrounded by army

Weighing in at six times as much as the Thunderhawk, the Manta rules transport in the sky. The Manta has a fully working interior with two transport decks, capable of carrying 200 models. This super-heavy Tau spacecraft is well armored and can deliver a massive rain of firepower. Mantas can hover over the battlefield or act as flyers and skimmers on the surface.

With the Manta being as massive as it is, the amount of damage they can deploy is comparable to Imperial Titans. The Manta comes equipped with: sixteen Long-barrelled Burst Cannons, six Long-barrelled Ion Cannons, two Heavy Rail Guns, Missile Pods, and a Battery of Seeker Missiles, as well as a Networked Markerlight Turret.

1 Colossal Warlord Titan ($2,106)

Colossal Warlord Titan Forge World Titan Builder

Among the most feared and most ancient of the Imperium's war engines, the Colossal Warlord Titan is fierce. Using the Forge World Titan Builder players can create this specific titan by combining the Mars Warlord Titan body ($1,510), Laser Blasters ($185), the Mars Alpha Pattern Head ($101), along with two Arioh Power Claws bother valued at $155.

The Arioh Power Claws have a strength of 32 with 12 damage and can throw vehicles or monsters toward enemy lines. The Colossal Warlord Titan is a force to be reckoned with, however, it is very often deployed into combat alone, as they're extremely powerful.

NEXT: The 10 Best Warhammer 40K Video Games Ever Made (According To Metacritic)