Anyone who has already given Warhammer 40,000: Darktide a try, or has played games similar to it such as Left 4 Dead 2 or of course Vermintide 2 (though surprisingly not Space Marine 2) can probably vouch that audio cues are incredibly important in these types of games. Being able to hear and immediately know (or see) when an Elite/Special enemy is spawning is a huge advantage.

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So, let's go over both the audio and visual cues of every zombie-like Nurgle Elite and Special enemy in Warhammer 40k: Darktide. And, keep in mind while there are technically both Elite and Specialist enemies, they all basically fall under the same category, so let's just label them all as "Elites".

Disclaimer: Not every Elite enemy has an audio cue, some are purely visual.

17 Pox Hounds

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Poxhound In Meat Grinder

Let's start things off with the Pox Hound, the horribly annoying pup that can down the 8-foot-tall Ogryn Reject with ease, especially if they're going for solo-play or a run with bots:

Audio Cue

It has a global howl similar to a classic werewolf or wolf howl, followed by the audible sounds of its approaching paws and sporadic barks.

Visual Cue

Pretty obvious, it's the only enemy that's a dog.

16 Mutants

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Mutant Close Up In Meat Grinder

Next up are the Mutants, the second of the three Elite enemies that have unblockable (but not undodgeable) disables that feel even worse than enemies who could do similar things in VT2. The Mutants charge straight at a target they seem to choose as they spawn and grab them in one hand before either launching them in the air randomly or slamming them on the ground a few times first:

Audio Cue

Deep human-like "roar" followed by the sound of very heavy footsteps approaching fast.

Visual Cue

The Mutant is the largest purely human Elite. Very top-heavy mostly grey humans with all kinds of green Bane-like vials attached to their backs.

15 Pox Bursters

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Pox Burster Mid-Mission Jumping In To Blow Up

Pox Bursters are one of the least-liked Elites in the game due to how easily they can down a player or launch people off of the map. The Pox Bursters are enemies that literally throw themselves at the Rejects before exploding in a bunch of high-damage Nurgle-based goo:

Audio Cue

Very distinctive beeping that gets faster as they get closer.

Visual Cue

Has an incredibly unique silhouette, with a body shape similar to a lightbulb or a pear. Additionally, had a glowing red light on the 'belt' of explosives strapped across their chest.

14 Scab & Dreg Tox Flamer

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Dred Tox Flamer and Regular Flame In Meat Grinder

The Dreg Tox and Scab Flamer enemies almost always spawn from behind the Rejects, approaching from behind to light them up with Toughness-shredding flames while they're distracted by what's in front of them:

Audio Cue

Visual Cue

Scab Flamer: Maniacal laugh or the igniter sound of its Flamer people may recognize sounds similar to their grill or oven turning on. Also has unique voice lines about flames or fire.

Scab Flamer: Covered in Carapace Armor. Looks very close to Scab Gunner but has a Flamer in hand instead and a gas pack on their back.

Dreg Tox Flamer: Same as above.

Dreg Tox Flamer: Distinct green neck to Flamer hose, wears yellow, has a unique face mask, and sprays green flames instead of red ones.

13 Scab Trapper

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Trapper In Meat Grinder

Trappers may just eke out ahead of the Pox Bursters as the Elite that players enjoy seeing the least, especially on harder difficulties. These Special mobs have one job and one job only, trapping their target in a net. They almost exclusively sneak up from behind, and will often start running away almost too quickly when players notice them.

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Players caught by them are thrown to the ground in a net and must be freed by another player:

Audio Cue

This one is harder to hear until it's almost too late, but players may hear one of their rare voice lines when approaching or the jingling of their equipment. Otherwise, they'll hear them by the clicking noise their Net Gun makes right before firing.

Visual Cue

The Trapper has a lot of glowing parts on it whether it's the red glow of its goggles or the red glow coming out the end of its Net Gun.

12 Scab Bombers

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Bomber Enemy In Meat Grinder

Bombers are likely responsible for many player deaths in Darktide, simply because their Incendiary Grenades can separate a squad by a sea of flames. Similar to the Trappers, the Bombers hang in the back and wait for the right time before lobbing their Grenades at their target of choice, reposition, and then start throwing again:

Audio Cue

Also has rare voice lines it can use, but if players listen closely they can hear all its grenades jingling around as it runs.

Visual Cue

Bald enemy with no face cover (or nose) that has two belts of glowing red grenades strapped to their chest.

11 Scab Snipers

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Sniper Enemy In Meat Grinder

Ah, the Elite most responsible for downing players who aren't paying enough attention during any of the 'Defend' portions of many Mission Types, the Scab Sniper. This Elite also stays in the back, aiming at whatever player enters their line of sight before firing a deadly beam that can melt through both Toughness and Health:

Audio Cue

Meant to be stealthy, so it doesn't really have an audio cue. But, because it usually fires quickly after getting into position, most players use the distinctive noise of its first shot as the audio cue.

Visual Cue

The thin red guide laser coming from their sniper, follow it back to find the Sniper. The actual enemy themselves is covered by a cloak and has a bright green glow from their goggles.

10 Crushers

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Crusher Ogryn In Meat Grinder

The first of the Ogryn-type enemies, the Crusher is an absolute powerhouse that can almost instantly down even the tankier players with one overhead swing. The Psykers are best for popping them with Brain Burst, but they can get downed by the Crusher even easier. In any case, Crushers are covered in Carapace Armor and are often found alongside at least one other Ogryn Elite:

Audio Cue


Visual Cue

The only Ogryn Elite with a helmet on. Fully-armored and wielding a gigantic maul made of what seems to be concrete.

9 Bulwarks

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Bulwark Ogryn Behind Shield In Meat Grinder

This is the Elite that most allies tend to confuse their allied Ogryn Skullbreaker player with, the Bulwark. This Elite is an Ogryn wielding a shield and a one-handed club or hammer of some sort:

Audio Cue


Visual Cue

It's an Ogryn with a giant tower shield in front of it.

8 Reapers

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Reaper Ogryn In Meat Grinder

The only gun-using Ogryn Elite, the Reaper, is also typically the biggest problem of the three. Yet somehow, Ogryn players keep trying to use these to complete their most frustrating Penance. In any case, It fires an automatic rifle like it was a minigun, constantly pushing, damaging, and peppering allies with projectiles:

Audio Cue

None, other than the sound of its machine gun winding up, barely audible.

Visual Cue

It's the only Ogryn Elite wielding a giant gun.

7 Scab Maulers

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Mauler Close Up In Meat Grinder

Maulers are one of the Elites that tend to surprise players with their appearance the most, second only to Ragers.

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This is because both Maulers and Ragers are about the size of a normal human, and they like to move and mix themselves into a horde of Poxwalkers. Using its chainsaw axe, the Mauler can deal some serious damage to an unaware ally:

Audio Cue


Visual Cue

Almost always fully covered in Carapace Armor, is wielding a two-handed chainsaw axe, and has a welding helmet on with a red glow coming from the eye slot.

6 Scab & Dreg Gunners

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Dreg Gunner And Scab Gunner In Meat Grinder

Gunners, both of the Scab and Dreg variety, are one of the easier Elites to kill, but also one of the most terrifying depending on the situation. These ranged units love to unload clips of ammo and lasers at the Rejects, absolutely shredding their Toughness and Health if caught unaware:

Audio Cue

Visual Cue

Scab Gunner: None

Scab Gunner: Covered in Carapace Armor, green glowing goggles in the helmet, glowing light on the shoulder.

Dreg Gunner: None

Dreg Gunner: Yellow armor, spiked shoulder, long-barreled machine gun with ammo hanging out of it.

5 Scab & Dreg Shotgunners

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Dreg And Scab Shotgunner In Meat Grinder

Another Elite with both a Scab and Dreg variant, the Shotgunners are the exact type of enemy players want to keep their distance from. As long as they do, these guys aren't very scary:

Audio Cue

Visual Cue

Scab Shotgunner: None

Scab Shotgunner: Carapace Armor, two skulls on spikes on back, shotgun with yellow lines.

Dreg Shotgunner: None

Dreg Shotgunner: Yellow armor, hooded, face mask, three skull spikes on back, and green glow behind them.

4 Scab & Dreg Ragers

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Dreg Rager And Scab Rager In Meat Grinder

When it comes to enemies that can beat any of the Rejects in a one-on-one melee fight, the Ragers may just have the best shot. They're one of the more aggressive enemies in the game and will constantly swing at any player in sight with their dual weapons:

Audio Cue

Visual Cue

Scab Rager: None

Scab Rager: Usually covered in some sort of Carapace armor, tend to have two spiked clubs and maybe a helmet.

Dreg Rager: None

Dreg Rager: Glowing vials in the back like Mutant enemy, have at least one Sawblade cleaver, and often wears yellow clothing.

3 Plague Ogryn

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Plague Ogryn Boss Found In Level

Finally, it's time to talk about the Monstrosities. There are three in the game as of December 2022, the Plague Ogryn, Beast of Nurgle, and Daemonhost. Each Monstrocity has its own distinct look and gimmicks, with the Plague Ogryn being the simplest:

Audio Cue

A distinct roar that's deeper than any other.

Visual Cue

The life bar pops up at the top of the screen, as well as it's a naked Ogryn much larger than any enemy in the game.

2 Beast Of Nurgle

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Fighting Beast Of Nurgle Mid-Mission In Game

Whereas the Plague Ogryn is a hulking mass of muscle, the Beast of Nurgle is a disgusting glob of fluid and pus. It's basically a giant slug that slithers around eating Rejects, spraying slowing Corruption-based goo, and just generally being gross:

Audio Cue

Similar roar to the Plague Ogryn, but a bit higher-pitched and more guttural.

Visual Cue

The HP Bar is at top of the screen and it's a gigantic slug with multiple mouths.

1 Daemonhost

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Official Art Close Up Of Daemonhost Boss Type Elite Enemy

And lastly, there's the Monstrosity added to the game most recently, coming alongside the full release of Darktide, the Daemonhost. For all intents and purposes, the Daemonhost is exactly like the Witches in Left 4 Dead. They're high-damage high-aggression enemies that, when disturbed, can down multiple allies in 30 seconds or less. Frankly, they're one of the main reasons the game has become so much harder after release:

Audio Cue

Rambling and whispering that sounds like a lady muttering to herself.

Visual Cue

A barely-clothed person curled into a ball surrounded by greenish-white smoke. Ice also slowly starts to creep in from the edges of the screen and the Daemonhost stands up as players get closer or stand within the smoke.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is out on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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