
  • Weapon Perks in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide provide bonus stats like increased base damage and critical hit damage against specific enemy types.
  • Blessings in Darktide modify weapons and can range from Tier 1 to Tier 4, offering diverse effects and individual icons and names.
  • The Class Overhaul patch in Darktide has introduced buffs to several Weapon Blessings, making them stronger and more effective for players.

The 'Traits' on a weapon in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is a system comprised of two things. First, there are Weapon 'Perks' which are the bonus stats players will get on the weapon that typically gives them more base damage with that weapon against certain enemy types, more Critical Hit damage, and so on. Secondly, there are the Blessings that appear in the lower section of the Weapon Details (as opposed to at the top like with Curios). These Blessings can range from Tier 1 to Tier 4 in their effects and are a bit more 'diverse' in regard to how they actually modify the weapon. Additionally, all Blessings also have individual icons and names tied to them.

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Now there are over 60 different weapons in Warhammer 40k: Darktide, with each one having a pretty deep pool of potential Blessings for players to mess around with using Hadron's system of Re-Roll and Re-Bless mechanics. Let's go over the best of the best Blessings, in particular, so players, both new players on Game Pass or veteran players returning to the game aren't wasting their Dockets and Plasteel.

Updated October 10th, 2023 by Jacob Buchalter: The Class Overhaul Patch for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide has not only revitalized the game in regard to its playable 'Operatives' but it's also introduced a whole laundry list of changes for just about every other aspect of the game. Mission Select works a bit differently now, areas of the hub have introductory cutscenes, and Blessings have pretty much universally all received buffs. Weapon Blessings in particular are stronger than they've ever been previously, and players are now finally able to mess around with a lot of the ones that seemed good before but didn't quite work as intended. So, let's go over some of the best Weapon Blessings in Darktide after the October 4th, 2023 update and talk about why they're so good.

10 Adhesive Charge

Darktide - Adhesive Charge Blessing Next To Image Of Plague Ogryn

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On

Adhesive Charge


Your Grenades stick to Ogryns and Monstrosities

Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler

First up is a Weapon Blessing that recently got a lot better due to the October 4th Class Overhaul patch, Adhesive Charge. Originally, this Weapon Blessing for the Ogryn's Rumbler (which is basically just a simple grenade launcher) only worked with Monstrosities such as Demonhosts, Plague Ogryns, Chaos Spawn, and Beast of Nurgle. However, the October 4th update made some pretty expansive changes to a lot of the Weapon Blessings, and now Adhesive Charge also sticks to Ogryns as well. And, considering how often Bulwarks, Crushers, and Reapers show up, this allows Ogryns players to now strategically stick their Rumbler grenades to Ogryn-type enemies in the middle of a swarm of basic mobs constantly.

9 Rampage

Darktide - Rampage Blessing Next To Image Of Cinematic Trailer Of Weapon Stuck In Pox Hound Corpse

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


+24-36 Percent Damage

Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by X Percent for 3 seconds.

Cadia MK IV Assault Chainsword, Catachan 'Devil's Claw' Sword (MK I, IV, & VII), Maccabian Dueling Sword (MK II, IV, & V), Munitorum MK III & VI Power Sword, Tigrus MK II Heavy Eviscerator, & Turtolsky Heavy Sword (MK IX, VI, & VII)

Next is a pretty simple Blessing, as Rampage essentially just increases the player's damage for a short duration as long as they're constantly hitting multiple (3+) enemies with each attack. This is obviously designed with the Zealot (and by extension the Veteran's Power Sword) in mind, as Zealots are almost always going to be in the middle of a horde just swinging away. And, the Class Overhaul patch just recently buffed this Blessing as well, not only increasing the damage bonus from 12.5/20 Percent to 24/36 Percent but also giving this buff an equal 'Power' Bonus, causing players to Stagger and knock over enemies much more often. In general, while it's not the end-all-be-all best Blessing to have, it's almost always worth using.

8 Haymaker

Darktide - Haymaker Blessing Next To Trailer Image Of Ogryn Swinging Weapon

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


1-4 Percent Chance

X Percent Chance to Instakill human-sized enemies on Chained Heavy Hit. Stacks 5 times.

Brunt Special Mk I Bully Club, Brunt's Basher Mk IIIb Bully Club, Brunt's Pride Mk II Bully Club, Catachan Mk III Combat Blade

The Haymaker Weapon Blessing is another one that was massively improved by the Class Overhaul Patch. The reason for this is Fatshark completely changed the way that Blessings centered around Chained attacks work. Previously, if players wanted to keep a Chained Heavy Attack buff going, as soon as they used a different type of attack, it would be gone. However now it's just on a timer, and if they don't land another Heavy Hit during that time then the buff goes away, allowing for players to mix Light and Heavy Hits in naturally while also having about a 20 Percent chance to just instakill any human-sized enemy on hit.

7 Deadly Accurate

Darktide - Surgical Blessing Next To Image Of Veteran Firing At Mutant Weakspot

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On

Deadly Accurate

70-100 Percent

X Critical Weak Spot Damage Bonus

Agripinaa Mk IX Headhunter Autogun, Kantrael Infantry Lasgun (MG la, MG IV, & MG XII), Vraks Mk III & Mk VII Headhunter Autogun

This next Blessing is another one that went from great to amazing in such a simple way. Most of the modifications to the Weapon Blessing effects in the October 4th patch were buffs, as it seemed like the mentality behind the changes was to make players feel stronger and have more fun and then balance things from there.

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And, one of the biggest buffs was for Deadly Accurate. Previously, depending on the Tier of the Blessing, it would give players between 27.5 and 50 Percent Critical Weak Spot Damage, which was still good. However, changing that to between 70 and 100 percent is simply absurd, especially since most of the guns this Blessing can appear on already tend to have other benefits related to buffing Weak Spot damage.

6 Surgical

Darktide - Surgical Blessing Next To Image Of Veteran Aiming Down Sights

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


0.3-0.45 Seconds-While-Aiming

+10 Percent Critical Chance for every X second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.

Lucius Helbore Lasgun (Mk I, II, & III), Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver

The Helbore Lasgun (Mk III) in particular, has almost always been among the best weapons in all of Darktide. The thing just has some truly unbelievable damage output, and it stays almost equally viable even on the hardest difficulties. However, the buff this Blessing just got is even more absurd, as it turns the 2-5 Percent Critical Chance buff into a flat 10 Percent (regardless of the Blessing Tier). While this may not initially seem like much for those who don't play Veteran characters often, those who do are instantly aware of how fantastic this change is.

5 Bloodletter

Darktide - Bloodletter Image Next To Image Of Enemies Bleeding

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


(Dependant on weapon) 10-16, 11-14, or 3-6 Bleed Stacks

X Bleed Stacks from Special Attacks.

Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe, Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword, Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator

Bleed damage in Darktide has had a real back-and-forth story from the game's initial release to now. Originally, players thought Bleed damage was amazing, then they found out it was bugged and not working as intended, then it seemed to only really benefit hyper-specific builds, and now it's incredible again. Honestly, Bleed-centered builds will probably dominate the meta for Zealots and Veterans, especially for the foreseeable future. And, a lot of these builds are hyper-dependent on Bloodletter, as it can very quickly build up the Bleed Stacks.

4 Onslaught

Darktide - Onslaught Blessing Next To Image Of Player Firing Into Horde of Scabs

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


Minus 6-12 Percent Charge Time

Chaining Charged Attacks reduces their Charge Time by X. Stacks 5 times.

Lucius Helbore Lasgun (Mk I, II, & III)

Whereas a lot of the Blessings are on here simply because they buff the damage output of the player or class in question, Onslaught is on here because it makes the Helbore Lasgun even more fun to use. Granted, this gun is already one of the strongest in the game and an absolute blast for any Veteran player with great aim to use, but Onslaught makes it even more fun.

This is simply because, as players lay into a tough enemy, usually a Monstrosity, this Blessing will quickly go from unleashing shots every second or two, to pumping out multiple Lasgun shots every second. Sure, a lot of the time, players will only need 2-3 Lasgun shots to take out the enemy, but even then that second shot will come out 12 percent faster and the third 24 percent faster.

3 Deflector

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Force Sword With Deflector Blessing Next To Image Of Psyker Blocking With Force Sword

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


22.5-30 Percent Reduction

This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by X.

Deimos Mk IV Blaze Force Sword, Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword, & Obscurus Mk II Blaze Force Sword

Moving on to Deflector, a Blessing that only Psykers have access to and that's for the best as it would likely trivialize ranged combat if it was obtainable by other weapons or classes. In Darktide, ranged units are actually pretty terrifying. Even basic mobs can easily down a full-health player with a barrage or two depending on the difficulty, and Suppression is no fun either. So, having the Deflector Blessing on any of the Blaze Force Swords, a trait that makes it possible to actually 'block' ranged attacks, actually has a huge impact on the survivability for the game's squishiest class.

That said, Psykers will probably want to also run the Kinetic Deflection Talent alongside this Blessing, since blocking bullets using Stamina will almost instantly drain it and cause the bullets to pierce through.

2 Momentum

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Momentum On Eviscerator Weapon Next To Image Of Eviscerator Swinging In Meat Grinder

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On


12-15 Percent

Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, restores X Toughness.

Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer, Ironhelm Mk IV Thunder Hammer, Brunt Special Mk I Bully Club, Brunt's Basher Mk IIIb Bully Club, Brunt's Pride Mk II Bully Club, Bull Butcher Mk III Cleaver, Krourk Cleaver (Mk IV & Mk VI), Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator

Here's the thing, both the Zealot and Ogryn don't really struggle when it comes to regenerating Toughness. Both of them have a lot of Talents and general passives that allow them to recover Toughness pretty quickly in a myriad of ways. That said, adding one more method of Toughness recovery, especially one that comes from horde clearing, is absolutely more than welcome. And, that's exactly what the Momentum Blessing does.

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This Blessing instantly grants a Butcher Cleaver, Krourk Cleaver, Bully Club, Eviscerator, or Thunder Hammer user between 12-15 Percent Toughness as soon as they hit 3 or more enemies in a single swing (with no visible cooldown). This is actually even stronger than it used to be as well, as the previous Toughness gained was only between 7.5-12 Percent. Essentially, this Weapon Blessing just makes it a lot easier for a Zealot or Ogryn to go buck wild swinging with Heavy Hits in the middle of a horde and still come out alright.

1 Shattering Impact

Warhammer 40k Darktide - Bolter With Shattering Impact Blessing Next To Inspect Menu For Bolter In-Game

Blessing Name

Tier 1-4 Effects


Weapons Found On

Shattering Impact

1-4 Stacks

Target receives X Stacks of 5 Percent Brittleness on direct projectile hit. Lasts 5s.

Blastoom Mk III Grenadier Gauntlet, Locke Mk IIb Spearhead Boltgun, Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler, M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun

Finally, for the last of the Blessings, let's talk about Rending. Rending is particularly useful, as it works as a sort of 'armor penetration' or 'armor shred' that can make taking out heavily armored enemies like the Maulers, Crushers, and Scab Ragers a total breeze.

And, after the Class Overhaul patch, Rend-based Talents and Rending Weapon Blessings are even stronger than they were previously, which makes this Blessing even more useful. The difference between Rending and Brittleness can be a bit confusing, but it essentially gives the same Armor Piercing regular Rending does, but for all future attacks, meaning an enemy with Brittleness will also take more damage through their armor from ally attacks, while Rending damage only applies to the player inflicting it.

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Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Warhammer 40K
PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 30, 2022