Psykers are masters at manipulating the Warp in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. While they can use the majority of conventional firearms, their true ranged prowess comes from the unique staves they have at their disposal.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Every Operative, Ranked

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide has been in beta for a while trying to balance the classes, yet some still rise to the occasion while others fall.

Each of the four Psyker staves in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide are built for different purposes. It would be unfair to crown one as the overall best without considering how the others might be excelling in different areas. Instead of ranking the Psyker staves according to their objective power levels, this guide aims to analyze each to offer players more insight into what they should pick for the role they want to play.

Trauma Force Staff

The Trauma Staff knocking down a Reaper in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

The Trauma Staff is the first Staff weapon players will unlock as they're leveling up their Psyker. Its primary fire shoots out bolts of Warp energy that deal low damage to the first target they hit. Meanwhile, the alternate fire causes spontaneous Warp explosions on the Psyker's targeted area; these attacks can be charged up to deal more damage over a larger radius.

This staff is considered by many to be the weakest due to the alternate fire's high Peril generation and slow use time. However, it is very valuable when it comes to controlling the battlefield as the Warp explosions can knock almost everything down. Fully-charged explosions also deal massive damage that's capable of evaporating most man-sized targets.

Purgatus Force Staff

Torching heretics with the Purgatus staff in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

The Purgatus Staff is, for all intents and purposes, a Soulblaze flamethrower for Psykers. It excels in burning down hordes, and it's perfect for holding choke points. Unlike the Zealot's flamethrowers, Purgatus staves require no ammunition and can be used for as long as the Psyker can manage their Peril gauge.

This weapon is a top pick in Hi-Intensity missions where hordes can easily overcome players. However, its limited range means Psykers will be forced to use Assail or Brain Rupture if they want to have a fighting chance against enemies that are far away without relying on their teammates.

Void Strike Force Staff

Launching a death orb with the Voidstrike Staff in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

This staff is essentially a cannon that deals huge amounts of damage per shot. It fires large projectiles that pass through enemies, obliterating weaker chaff and knocking down tougher targets like Maulers and Ragers. Players who want a versatile staff designed for general killing should pick this one over the others.

The Void Strike Staff's main weakness is its alt-fire's charge time. In order for its projectiles to deal the most damage, players must charge it fully. The weapon can be spammed, but it won't deal as much damage if its projectiles are launched rapidly.

Surge Force Staff

Frying a Mauler with the Surge Staff in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Patch 13 completely reworked the Surge Staff, transforming it from a crowd-control weapon into a single-target monster melter. Unlike the Void Strike Staff, this one charges up very quickly. It deals very high damage to up to three enemies at a time, and it can flash-fry anything that's covered in Flak and Carapace Armor even without any Rending stats.

The Surge Staff is best used in missions with the Shock Troop Gauntlet modifier where Elite and Specialist spawn rates are significantly higher. When using this, it's better to bring a melee weapon that excels against crowds like the Illisi Force Sword or Chainsword.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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