Warhammer 40,000: Darktide has been in the works for quite some time now, with players anxiously waiting to get their hands on it. Set in the universe of Warhammer 40,000, players will battle it out with their friends in co-op mode. The team of four is the last thing standing between the hordes of Chaos-infested mutants and the destruction of the hive city.

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With the game offering up quite a bit of challenge for players, new and old, a little help will go a long way. From character development to choosing the right weapons, these helpful beginner tips will lead players in the right direction to getting their teams off to the best start in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.

6 Don't Overthink Character Creation

Chaos-corrupted in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Players do not need to spend an excessive amount of time during their character creation period. For those who are seriously into min/maxing, it's not necessary in this game because the majority of their skills won't even be available until much later in the game. Taking an unnecessary amount of time, in the beginning, to focus on which skills they need to min or max will be a futile effort.

Instead, they simply need to create their character, deciding their history and appearance. Certain things will affect how they look, such as where they are from. They can fine-tune their characteristics as much as they want, but skills at this point are not as essential to focus on.

5 Keep Moving And Do It Quickly

Chaos-corrupted in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Movement is essential for those who want to stay alive. Standing in one spot for too long can result in taking a plague-rusted shiv to the side. Constantly moving toward objectives will keep the hordes of enemies from surrounding players.

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Players will also want to move at a decent pace to prevent enemy hordes from spawning around them and trapping them. They should continuously move with a purpose, never moving slowly. Not moving fast enough can be just as bad as not moving at all.

4 Experiment With Different Classes

Chaos-corrupted in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Players should experiment with the different Classes to see which one works best for them. The game allows players to create a maximum of four characters, which is perfect considering there are currently four Classes. Players can create one character for each Class to have experience with all of them.

Classes can also be customized during gameplay. So, the feats they originally choose are not permanently locked in and can be adapted as needed. However, instead of playing with all at one time, players should select one and master it before moving on to the next. While trying all of them, players should not forget to focus to maximize the results of what they get from each Class.

3 Experiment With Different Weapons

enemies in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

There is a massive amount of weapons in Darktide, allowing players to experiment at will within the Classes. Each Class has a characteristic arsenal at their command that they can cycle through as they unlock new weapons throughout the game.

While two weapons may seem similar within a Class's available options, players will often find they work completely differently, offering different benefits and attack moves. One may be good for a single enemy while the other will cut down swathes of enemies. It's important to experiment to find the best fit for the player's gaming style and the character's fighting style.

2 Scour The Environment For Hidden Items

enemies in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

It's a large world with a lot of hidden items and secrets. Players need to explore as much as possible to reveal everything that's tucked away. It's not just about the scenery, they'll need to look a bit deeper.

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Ammo and healing are often hard to come by, so taking the time to look for these items is essential. While it is critical to move quickly from one area to the next, not investing some time in exploration could mean the death of one or more party members due to loss of health or lack of ammo.

1 Don't Go Off Alone And Don't Horde The Goods

enemies in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

This game is a co-op and can't be played any other way. That means players must learn to work with their teammates. Even if they are the strongest member of the team, they cannot just run off and leave the other three behind. They won't make it far without having strong communication and teamwork. Anything could happen to someone who tries to go it alone, including a surprise spawning enemy that takes the player down.

Additionally, because supplies are short in the game, one person cannot hog them all. If a player does not need healing or ammo, they should let their teammates have it, especially if one of them is in dire need of it. The person who takes it without needing it can be the cause of their teammate's demise. It can also backfire on the player that does it as their team turns on them and leaves them to die.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide releases on November 30, 2022, for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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