Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is a thrilling romp in the Warhammer 40k universe across the Forge World of Graia as a Space Marine tasked with eliminating the Forces of Chaos present. Doing so is a hefty task, as the Ruinous Powers are a challenge even for the Imperium of Man's finest soldiers. The Space Marine will face ungodly abominations and unruly heretics, all with the insatiable desire to snuff their existence from Graia and progress their wicked plans. Stopping them demands much more than a Boltgun and Chainsword.

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Fortunately for the Space Marine and unfortunately for their foes, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun equips the Space Marine with some of the deadliest weapons found in Warhammer 40k. They will be brandishing much more than a Boltgun and Chainsword as they progress through the game, finishing with nine weapons to their name. While each armament is something to be feared, some stand out from the rest as far deadlier or more practical. These outstanding arms are arguably the best weapons in Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun.

5 Meltagun

Warhammer 40000 Boltgun Meltagun
  • Strength: 7
  • Capacity: 10

The Meltagun is a classic weapon in the Warhammer 40k universe, holding a special place in the heart of fans for its ability to melt through most barriers and armor. In Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, it remains a noteworthy weapon best used in close-quarters engagements against heavily-armored foes like Chaos Space Marines, who have a high Toughness. But what makes this weapon a cut above the rest is its unique capability to penetrate surfaces, allowing players to reach enemies hidden behind a cover or barricade.

The Meltagun is a surefire choice when getting up close and personal with the more durable enemies of the Forces of Chaos, making it one of the best weapons in Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun. However, this gun's low ammo capacity and limited range keep it from a higher spot on this list, as having to reload frequently in the thick of battle is a dangerous move. Even so, being able to deny foes the safety of their armor and defenses is too good to pass up, not to mention the satisfying sound it makes with each shot.

4 Volkite Caliver

Warhammer 40000 Boltgun Volkite Caliver
  • Strength: 6
  • Capacity: 60

The Volkite Caliver is a lesser-known yet prominent weapon in the Warhammer 40k universe that fires a concentrated beam of thermal energy that can penetrate the most durable armor. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun does this magnificent weapon a service, making it a medium-ranged shredder that works wonders against enemies with a lot of Health and Toughness. Keeping the thermal ray of this weapon locked on a notably powerful foe will whittle them down swiftly, reducing the mightiest of daemons and heretics to a blazing heap.

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The Volkite Caliver is undoubtedly a boss shredder that does not require much experience or skill to use, just a clear line of sight and a steady hand. Keeping the deadly beam on the target will guarantee their demise, as its high Strength and capacity allow for incredible DPS. Yet, the Volkite Caliver suffers from its inability to combat swarms of oncoming enemies, as its thermal ray demands concentration on a single foe to be most effective. The immense damage it can inflict on a lone enemy makes it one of the best weapons, but it lacks versatility.

3 Grav-Cannon

Warhammer 40000 Boltgun Grav-Cannon
  • Strength: 5
  • Capacity: N/A

The Grav-Cannon, or Graviton Cannon, is one of Warhammer 40k's most unique and devastating weapons that manipulates gravity into an implement of destruction. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun took this dangerous armament, often seen mounted on turrets and vehicles, and turned it into a handheld medium-ranged weapon that turns foes' mass against them. The Grav-Cannon generates a gravity field that draws enemies in before shredding them and shooting their remains outwards, making it an excellent crowd-control armament.

The Grav-Cannon is the answer to the issues that are droves of enemies or powerful foes you do not want to come close to. Its decent Strength and unique function make it a dangerous gun even the Forces of Chaos should fear, especially the lowly infantry troops. The only shortcoming of the Grav-Cannon is that it eats through its ammo very quickly, making it a weapon a player should use sparingly, saving it for emergencies or notably strong opponents. Yet, this slight flaw is hardly enough to mitigate the destructive potential of the Grav-Cannon.

2 Chainsword

Warhammer 40000 Boltgun Chainsword
  • Strength: N/A
  • Capacity: N/A

The Chainsword is a reliable and popular weapon in the Warhammer 40k universe, and for a good reason, it is easily attainable and shreds through everything. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun committed to this idea by giving players a Chainsword from the start and making it an effective killing machine in close quarters. When using it, players can lock onto enemies, slowing the game for a period before leaping onto them and ripping through them. If the Chainsword does not get the job done first strike, players can keep revving it, doing continuous damage until they stop or their foe drops dead.

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The Chainsword is a great weapon against any enemy that does not need ammo and, in fact, saves players from wasting a bullet or more. It works well with weapons like the Shotgun and Meltagun, as it can close the distance between the player and an enemy, getting them into the thick of battle. It is a reliable and effective armament that players will use throughout the game. While the Chainsword serves to finish off weaker foes, weaken others, or deliver killing blows, it is limited in what it can achieve without using other weapons. But even in light of this flaw, it remains second only to one other armament.

1 Boltgun

Warhammer 40000 Boltgun Boltgun
  • Strength: 4
  • Capacity: 25

The Boltgun is among the most powerful and widespread weapons in Warhammer 40k, finding use throughout the Imperium of Man's endless army. Of course, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun doubled down on its namesake by making the Boltgun the most dependable and efficient slayer of all things unholy. A weapon that can cover any distance, the Boltgun is a mighty implement of war that can make quick work of lowly infantry and elites alike without needing to worry about ammo, as Boltgun rounds are the most common in the game.

The Boltgun alone is a terrifying weapon that can shred through masses of enemies or single targets with deadly efficiency, but it becomes more deadly when loaded with special ammo; there are several types: Dragon Fire Rounds, Kraken Rounds, and Vengeance Rounds. This enhanced ammunition makes the Boltgun — an already deadly armament with decent Strength, impressive capacity, and good fire rate — into a killing machine without equal. There is no weapon in Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun that compares to the well-rounded and lethal Boltgun.

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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