
  • Imperial Guard Regiments like the Armageddon Steel Legion offer diverse long-ranged plays in Warhammer 40K battles.
  • The Mordian Iron Guard's disciplined sniping potential can be a double-edged sword, dependent on matchups in the game.
  • Tallarn Desert Raiders' hit-and-run tactics make them hyper-mobile masters of mobile warfare, ideal for outmaneuvering foes.

Players of Warhammer 40K might look at the Imperial Guard and see them as mere cannon-fodder, especially when compared to the more brutal Space Marines, the wilder Orks, the devastating Tyranids, and the ravenous forces of Chaos. However, on top of what the Astra Militarum has in terms of numbers, are various Imperial Guard Regiments prepared to lay down their lives for the Imperium through their specializations.

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For newcomers to Warhammer 40K in terms of both lore and gameplay, the sheer numbers and specialties of the Imperial Guard may tempt them to explore this faction’s many branches. However, just which Imperial Guard Regiment suit specific kinds of players and playstyles?

10 Armageddon Steel Legion

Mechanized Rapid-Fire Experts Who Fought Their Fair Share Of Orks

Armageddon Steel Legion


Rapid-fire experts with mechanized infantry options provide diverse long-ranged plays.


Suffers from suboptimal bonuses.

Notable Units

As per 8th Edition Rules, units with the <Regiment> keyword can be assigned <Armageddon>.

Of the factions in Warhammer 40K lore, Orks can be some of the toughest warriors due to their keen resilience and knack for reckless fighting. No one knows this better than the Armageddon Steel Legion, as their homeworld of Armageddon has become the site of frequent sieges from Orks. While absent in the current 10th Edition, their presence in 8th Edition adds burst-fire capabilities to an Imperial Guard army. Their quick-acting nature extends to being rapid-fire experts, with Mount Up! (Order) allowing them to quite literally hit-and-run should a vehicle be nearby.

Other interesting mechanics include Industrial Efficiency (Doctrine) that lets Armageddon infantry double attacks with Rapid Fire weapons up to 18in, while Vehicles treat AP -1 attacks as AP 0. Armored Fist (Shooting Stratagem) lets Armageddon units disembark from a Vehicle reroll a Hit of 1. Despite the potential of the Steel Legion to become powerhouses, their bonuses hit the mark to become truly useful in large-scale fights, making them more optimal as support units but not necessarily mainline fighters.

9 Mordian Iron Guard

Disciplined Long-Ranged Specialists For Sniper Plays

Mordian Iron Guard


Long-ranged specialization allows them to mow down targets from afar, giving them decent sniping potential.


Sniping potential is at the cost of being dependent on matchups.

Notable Units

As per 8th Edition Rules, units with the <Regiment> keyword can be assigned <Mordian>.vb

The planet Mordian’s existence within the dangerous Dark Imperium has necessitated a rule of extreme rigidness and discipline, with the Mordian Iron Guard being the epitome of such absolute dedication. As units trained on a planet constantly attacked by forces of Chaos in Warhammer 40K lore, it makes sense for the Mordian Iron Guard to be self-sufficient and skilled at taking down foes before they even pose a threat. The game reflects this through various mechanics: Form Firing Squad! (Order) enables Rapid Fire weapons to target non-nearby enemies, Parade Drill (Doctrine) gives +1Ld and 5-to-Hit Overwatch, and Volley Fire (Shooting Stratagem) gives another Hit roll after hitting 6+ in the first Hit.

While absent in the 10th Edition, their setup as a Regiment option in 8th Edition allows them to take on sniping roles and even deal decent damage when firing from Overwatch. However, this setup is risky, as Parade Drill is best used against opponents dependent on close-quarters combat. Without the proper setup, the Mordian Iron Guard can see their weaknesses quickly against better-equipped shooting foes.

8 Tallarn Desert Raiders

Hit-And-Run Masters Of Mobile Warfare

Tallarn Desert Raiders


Hyper-mobile forces can outmaneuver foes quickly.


Lacks consistent firepower against tankier foes.

Notable Units

As per 8th Edition Rules, units with <Regiment> keyword can be assigned <Tallarn>.

The Tallarn Desert Raiders have become infamous for their hit-and-run tactics, not out of training, but rather out of necessity, as their lush homeworld of Tallarn was transformed into an inhospitable desert during the Horus Heresy. After Tallarn repelled the forces of Chaos in a clash of 10 million tanks, Tallarn’s survivors became notorious for being masters of mobile warfare. While they’re absent in 10th Edition, their presence in 8th Edition has inspired the creation of hyper-mobile vehicle divisions. This is captured in gameplay easily through Get Around Behind Them! (Tank Order), allowing their vehicles to move before or after a shot for maximum maneuverability.

Their kit also incentivizes making faster, more efficient shots. Swift as the Wind (Doctrine) removes the penalties for Advancing and shooting (for Infantry), moving and firing Heavy Weapons (Vehicles), and treats Heavy Weapons as Assault Weapons (for Titanic Vehicles). For maximum effect, Ambush (Deployment Stratagem) allows Tallarn Desert Raiders to be set up for a surprise attack, and their Warlord unit may use Swift Attacker (Warlord Trait) to force units to charge even after falling back.

7 Vostroyan Firstborns

Flexible Weapon Options Diversify Ranged Attacks

Vostroyan Firstborns


Attack bonuses make them potent long-range soldiers.


They suffer in terms of overall unit quantity.

Notable Units

As per 8th Edition Rules, units with <Regiment> keyword can be assigned to <Vostroyan>.

After the Industrial World of Vostroya refused to assist the Emperor in the Horus Heresy, the shamed planet aims to repent for its lack of service by making its firstborns join the Imperial Guard. Reflected through the Vostroyan Firstborn, these hardened soldiers use their distant familial ties to strengthen their camaraderie just as how their planet’s brutal alleyways and winters have trained them. While absent in the 10th Edition, the Firstborns in the 8th Edition boast strong firepower as Repel the Enemy! (Order) lets them fire any weapon within an inch of their model.

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The rest of their kit excels at modifying weapon capabilities. Heirloom Weapons (Doctrine) add 6 to Rapid Fire and Heavy Weapons, allowing them to hit foes much further away. Meanwhile, Firstborn Pride (Shooting Stratagem) adds +1-to-Hit, making this quite a massive bonus for incremental firepower. Vostroyan Warlords can also use Honoured Duellist (Warlord Trait) to reroll failed Hit and Would rolls during the Fight phase, giving them more room to damage foes.

6 Attilan Rough Riders

Cavalry Masters Can Overcome Terrain To Secure Objectives

Attilan Rough Riders


Counter-charge specialists who can wreak havoc against weaker enemy units as flank support, especially when aiding or being aided by a larger force.


Bigger cavalry units don't work well with cover, poor durability.

Notable Units

Rough Rider, Rough Rider Sergeant.

The Warhammer 40K lore pays homage to the legacy of the Mongol Empire through the Attilan Rough Riders, perhaps one of the game’s best cavalry units that hail from the Feudal World of Attila. Despite merely riding horses, the Rough Riders possess Horse Masters (Ability) that allow them to bypass terrain and movement modifiers and Scything Momentum (Ability) that gives them +2 Strength in the Fight phase should they perform a charge move this turn. As such, the Rough Riders compensate for their lack of interactions with Secondary Objectives because they can make potent counter-charge units.

Performance-wise, the Attilan Rough Riders possess Hunting Lances that can be modified to pack a lot of punch against cannon fodder units. Rough Riders can also benefit from Thunderous Charge (Stratagem) which can inflict 1 Mortal Wound to an enemy within their range after charging, whereas Feinting Strike (Stratagem) lets them shoot and declare a charge in the same turn in which they initiated Fall Back.

5 Militarum Tempestus

Elite Troops Become A Mini-Army Within The Imperial Guard

Militarum Tempestus


Limitations are compensated in terms of quantity and access to a more balanced kit.


Restricted unit list and lack of Regimental Doctrines lock them out of stronger Imperial Guard strategies.

Notable Units

Tempesus Scions, Valkyries, Taurox Prime, Auxilia (Commissars, Enginseers, Bullgryn, Ogryn, Ratlings, Psykers, Priests, Servitors).

Considered as elite troops of the Imperial Guard, the Militarum Tempestus are equipped with both the training and the armaments required to secure objectives methodically and consistently. In their Warhammer 40K faction gameplay, this does mean having tactically viable units with more customizable weaponry and Deep Strike (Core Ability) to expand their deployment reach. Likewise, Storm Troopers (Ability) also allow them to reroll a Hit Roll 1 or reroll the Hit entirely when within the range of an objective. Their restricted unit list makes it ideal for Tempestus Scions to be deployed in 5-unit teams for quick skirmishes or heavier 10-unit teams for long-term firefights.

Compositions-wise, the Militarum Tempestus limitations allow them to take Commissars and other Auxilia forces. This allows players to slightly customize their Tempestus loadouts with Psykers, Ratlings, Bullgryns, and Servitors. Deployments become more convenient with Taurox Prime, while a Valkyrie could provide much-needed air support for the team.

4 Kasrkin

The Original Imperial Predecessors To The Scions



Flexible nature allows them to accommodate different combat roles, with backline Orders allowing them to swoop into the battlefield with no interruptions.


Limited move range needs some momentum to perform, poor durability.

Notable Units

Kasrkin Troopers, Kasrkin Sargeant.

Despite the destruction of their homeworld of Cadia, the Kasrkin of the Imperial Guard are known to have even more grueling training than their Storm Trooper counterparts. Named after the fortress cities Kasrs that they protect, Kasrkin are self-commanding and extremely adaptable fighters capable of adjusting to almost any combat situation. This is reflected in Warrior Elite (Core Ability) which allows them to have one Order on top of an Officer model’s other Orders during the Command phase that can affect them, even from Reserves.

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In addition to having varied weapon choices, their Wargear can further expand their battlefield potential. Thanks to their Vox-Caster (Wargear Ability), they can gain 1 Command Point upon a 5+ roll whenever the unit is targeted by a Stratagem. Likewise, Melta Mine (Wargear Ability) can target an enemy within 3in, whereas a 2+ on a D6 can inflict D3 Mortal Wounds on a normal target or 2D3 against a vehicle.

3 Death Korps Of Krieg

Tough To Kill Gas Mask Soldiers

Death Korps Of Krieg


Extremely durable kit, making them suitable for holding the defensive line with the right support.


Poor damage output.

Notable Units

Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team, Death Korps Infantry Squad, Death Korps Death Riders, Death Korps Grenadiers, Death Korps Marshal.

Hailing from the nuclear wasteland of Krieg, the Death Korps of Krieg are among the examples of total devotion to the Imperium of Man due to their lore. In their Warhammer 40K story, the Death Korps of Krieg wear gas masks not solely for aesthetic but also for survival, having hailed in a planet that had to resort to nuclear warfare to fight a centuries-long civil war to maintain devotion to the Imperium. In the lore, this is reflected with a kit that emphasizes durability and effects that proc when they are damaged.

Death Korps Infantry has Grim Demeanor (Ability) that provides +1-to-Hit when damaged and +1-to-Wound when below Half-Strength, with their Medi-Pack (Wargear) restoring up to D3 destroyed Troopers in the Command Phase. Meanwhile, the Death Korps Marshal’s Martial Dedication (Ability) grants Feel No Pain 5+ to units it leads to objectives, securing durability against various weapon types. At the same time, the Death Riders have a reactionary move via Screening Line (Ability) that can intercept enemy charges.

2 Catachan Jungle Fighters

Survivors Of A Killer Planet Can Practically Outlive Anything

Catachan Jungle Fighters


Toolkit emphasizes buffing melee combat and heavy firepower with less penalties, incentivizing burst-fire tactics for massive damage.


Cost more than Infantry Squad and Cadian Shock Troops, melee bonuses not as potent.

Notable Units

Catachan Jungle Fighters, Catachan Command Squad, Deathstrike Missile, Sly Marbo, Iron Hand Straken, Sergeant Harker.

Among Imperial Guard Regiments in Warhammer 40K lore, the Catachan Jungle Fighters have some of the wildest lore despite not being the behemoths that are the Space Marines. Originally denizens of the planet Catachan, the Catachan Jungle Fighters are known for having ways to survive almost any encounter, not out of training but out of necessity. Of the Imperium’s worlds, Catachan is a planet out to kill its citizens, as its flora and fauna are extremely hostile to humans.

In the game, the physique required to survive Catachan is reflected in Brutal Strength (Doctrine). This Doctrine gives infantry +1S in the first round of melee the option to move and shoot heavy weaponry without penalties. Catachan Jungle Fighters can also flex quite the massive Deathstrike Missile for total obliteration, which when used with the Vortex Missile (Stratagem), not only re-rolls failed hits, but also gets +1 to-Hit units within 6in. Moreover, players must roll for wounded (but not slain) foes to get D6 Mortal Wounds on a 6.

1 Cadian Shock Troops

All-Around Poster Child Of The Astra Militarum

Cadia Shock Troops


Lore-accurate kit provides many damage options, with some units boasting different weapon mechanics.


Damage output still needs synergies to maximize performance.

Notable Units

Cadian Command Squad, Cadian Shock Troops, Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad, Kasrkin, Cadian Castellan.

Considered the poster child of the Imperial Guard, the Cadian Shock Troops remain perhaps the most popular Imperial Guard Regiment in both Warhammer 40K lore and as a core feature of an Army in live play. Hailed as the hyper-efficient militarized population of the fallen Cadia, survivors of the tragedy have begun forming populations in new worlds to continue the legacy of their planet. In the lore, they excel in practical warfare, combining coordinated strikes with tanks and firearms.

The Cadian Shock Troops being perhaps the most popular Astra Militarum regiment means they're among the best first armies to play due to their specialties. Such specialization is reflected in-game, with Born Soldiers (Doctrine) serving as a 6-to-Wound that can become 5-to-Wound with 1CP. Meanwhile, Vengeance For Cadia (Stratagem) adds +1-to-Wound against Chaos units near Cadian units, while Cadia Stands (Stratagem) auto-fails Wound Rolls of 1-3 for Cadian infantry. Units-wise, Shock Troops have different weapon mechanics for expanded options.