Xaku is an underrated frame that often gets overshadowed by the others. In Warframe, every character is unique, and each at least fills a niche role in the game. The Xaku frame is neither a he nor she. It is a frame assembled by the fallen frames of Gaze, Accuse, and Deny. After a buff a few months ago, Xaku is now one of the better frames to use in the game.

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The frame was assembled by those lost in the void, so it makes sense that it would wield the power of the void. Players will have the choice of six separate abilities when using the new frame. This list will cover everything gamers need to know about Xaku, the androgynous skeleton.

10 Passive Abilities Of Xaku

Warframe Xaku

Xaku's passive ability reduces the damage sustained by AOE attacks by 25% and has a chance to block incoming weapon damage. It is not clear what the frame's exact parry percentage is, but it is at least a few percent. The frame's passive is not the best in the game, but it provides a couple of small benefits to help players survive in Warframe. AOE damage reduction can be very useful when fighting enemies that primarily deal that type of damage.

9 Xata's Whisper

Xaku Pistol Warframe

When Xata's Whisper is active, Xaku will deal a small amount of void damage on top of the base weapon damage. The void damage is dealt regardless of the mods equipped and is based on a percentage of the damage a weapon inflicts.

A secondary benefit of the void damage is the void shield that is created as a status effect. The small concentration of void energy will block oncoming bullets and keep Xaku from sustaining damage for a short period. To make the most of the void status effect and added damage, players will want to use a weapon with a high status chance.

8 Sequester Weapons With Grasp Of Lohk

The frame's second ability is definitely the most enjoyable of the four to use. Any enemies within the AOE will be disarmed and Xaku will wield them to inflict void damage on foes. There is a limit on the number of weapons can can be stolen, but Xaku can disarm ten or more enemies at once. Each weapon will deal damage to the enemy it was taken from based on the level of the enemy.

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If gamers are below the weapon cap, the ability can be re-cast to disarm even more foes. Some enemies will be staggered by the attacks as well. It is extremely satisfying to watch a dozen enemies chase Xaku while getting shot by their own weapons. NPCs will only be able to use melee attacks while disarmed. Grasp of Lohk is certainly one of the more creative abilities Digital Extremes and Panic Button Games have come up with.

7 The Three Lost Frames

Xaku Moon Warframe

The Lost allows gamers to cast one of three different abilities, each of which is from a fallen frame used to construct Xaku. By tapping the ability button, players can cycle between each. Holding down the ability button will cast the ability that is selected. All three area of effect abilities can be used in one fight, which is an interesting aspect of the frame few gamers utilize.

6 Turn Enemies To Allies With Accuse

Xaku Heart of Deimos Warframe

Xaku can turn enemies into allies by using the Accuse ability. Each enemy will have its own ability duration, which means a re-cast will not extend the timer. Like the Grasp of Lohk, Accuse has an effect cap, which is reached after a dozen or so enemies are turned into allies. The ability will stun enemies for a second, after which they will begin to turn on their own kind.

5 Bind Foes With Gaze

Xaku Character Warframe

The Gaze ability will trap and bind a target in place, rendering it immobile for a short period. Damage inflicted on bound targets will not be inflicted until after the effects of the ability wear off, at which point the enemy will likely be dead. Just two targets can be bound at a time, and the first target that was trapped by the ability will be freed after a second re-cast. Of the three options, Gaze is probably the worst.

4 Deny's Immobilization Beam

Warframe Xaku New

Xaku's Deny ability shoots a beam of void energy that damages and stuns any target hit. Enemies that are struck by the beam will be damaged and suspended in the air for several seconds. Players can cast the ability again to immobilize more enemies.

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Gamers will be able to quickly dispense of any stunned enemies while they are frozen in place. The ability requires slightly more accuracy than Accuse, but it is still very useful when fighting multiple NPCs.

3 The Vast Untime

Xaku Armor Warframe

The frame's final ability was an incredible addition to Xaku, and it is a lot of fun to use. Once activated, Xaku will detonate, sending shrapnel from the frame in all directions. Enemies close enough to Xaku will be damaged by the area of effect. After detonation, Xaku will transform into a lighter skeletal frame that can move faster than before. The frame will move 20% faster while the ability is active.

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The Vast Untime also provides a buff to Xaku's passive. While in skeletal form, Xaku has a 75% chance to dodge attacks and a 75% AOE damage reduction. Xaku feels almost unstoppable while sprinting around with a stripped-down frame. Any enemies that are in Xaku's line of sight will be inflicted with a small amount of void damage as well. It is extremely enjoyable to decimate waves of enemies with the Vast Untime in Warframe.

2 Broken Ability Combinations

Xaku Standing Warframe

Xaku is a great choice in any type of mission because the frame technically has six different attacks to choose from. The most deadly combination is Accuse and Grasp of Lohk, which is particularly useful in defensive games. Xaku can control a dozen NPCs and the remaining enemies are disarmed by the Grasp.

Another effective combination is Gaze or Deny and Xata's Whisper. Using the synergy will disable high-level enemies and deal a large amount of void damage in addition to weapon damage. Xaku can be played in a number of ways, and any of the three AOE attacks will be effective when combined with another ability.

1 The Secret Farming Technique

Warframe Plains of Eidolon Expansion Teaser Trailer

Many players do not know that the Vast Untime will actually destroy all containers in a room when activated. Using the ability is a smart way to farm resources such as Argon Crystals. Gamers will need to have a decent amount of ability range for larger areas, however. Anyone looking for rare resources should use the Vast Untime to speed up the process.

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