Warframe is a massive game that blends genres, with multiple currencies and game modes taking place throughout the solar system. There are hundreds of Warframes, weapons, and equipment for players to create, a comprehensive quest list, and pretty much anything a player could want in a game. While free-to-play, Warframe does have premium currencies, notably Platinum, that can be used to obtain more powerful equipment and weapons that are otherwise unobtainable.

RELATED: Warframe: Ways To Earn Platinum, Ranked

Warframe has something called a Prime Vault, which is where in-game items go when they are no longer obtainable through any means available to the player other than trading with players who already have these items. The Prime Vault rotates every so often, changing up what in-game items are available. This corresponds with the Void Relic system, in which every new player should begin playing as quickly as possible.

What Are Void Relics?

Void Relics on the Equipment tab of Warframes menu

Void Relics are long-lost artifacts that players can break open to obtain a random reward from the respective Void Relic's drop table, which players can view by hovering over it. Opening Void Relics is one of the best ways a player can obtain one of Warframe's best swords and other weapon types, so it is advised the player spends a good amount of time getting through their collection of relics.

On the Navigation tab, the player will be able to take on a Void Fissure mission, which follows the mission structure of a regular mission, but the player (s) must obtain 10 Reactants, which spawn randomly from enemy kills, in order to break open the relic and obtain one of the rewards. Void Relics can be found by going to Equipment > Void Relics.

In most cases, these rewards are exclusive to the Void Relic it is obtainable from. There are hundreds of individual Void Relics, and while the drop tables do converge across multiple relics for certain items, this is often not the case. Since the availability of certain Void Relics rotates with the Prime Vault, players are advised to obtain as many items as they can from the available Void Relics before they become vaulted.

How To Obtain Void Relics

Warframe Angels Of Zariman

There are multiple ways across Warframe to obtain Void Relics, with some being better than others. Just by playing the game, the player will consistently pick up a lot of relics. Warframe is one of the best live-service games because it has enough content to always keep the player busy, but pretty much everything can be obtained eventually.

The player can obtain Void Relics by:

  • Completing endless missions such as Defense and Survival, as well as completing Spy missions.
  • Completing any mission in the Void.
  • Every fifth rotation reward from Void Fissure endless missions.
  • Elite Sanctuary Onslaught and Heist missions.
  • Packs of three from Syndicates such as New Loka, Perrin Sequence, etc.
  • The Market for 20 Platinum.
  • Trading with Teshin for 15 Steel Essence.
  • Trading with other players.

Players should use community resources such as tenno.tools and warframe.market to see how they can acquire certain relics and at what cost. When grinding lots of endless missions, it's good to pick the best Warframes for Defense games and Survival to ensure that the games are easier.

How To Be Efficient With Void Relics

The refinement page on Void Relics on Warframe

Warframe is a game where a lot of players want to be as efficient as they can, in order to lower the overall time spent grinding throughout the game. This is true across all areas of the game, with some places being better to farm Plastids and other resources than others. While players are fine to just go through Void Relics in whatever order they like, there are ways to make it more efficient.

Through the process of Refinement (Equipment > Void Relics), players can spend Void Traces (collected in Void Fissure missions automatically) to give Void Relics a better chance of unlocking the higher reward. There are four tiers for a Void Relic from worst to best: Intact, Exceptional, Flawless, and Radiant.

Players can group up and all use the same Radiant Void Relic. This will increase the chances of obtaining the best rewards from the Void Relic's drop table, and allow the player to clear off a certain Void Relic from their list of which items they need to acquire. It's better to go after the rarer items of a Void Relic first and work backward, since the common items are likely to appear naturally regardless of whether the Void Relic is Radiant or not.

Warframe is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox One Series S|X, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Warframe: Best Warframes Everyone Should Know