Warframe is now on track to feature a warframe that takes after every pop culture, fantasy, or sci-fi trope. That only means more flavors for players to test and see if they have a favorite. Since Halloween is coming up, it's timely for players to want a horror-themed warframe. For that, not many warframes come close to how Harrow has come to represent the horror genre.

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For the uninitiated, Harrow is supposedly a dark priest warframe whose specialty is sacrificing something in order to bolster his and his allies' offense and defense. He's practically a support warframe but can rack up some dizzying damage potentials thanks to his stacking buffs. Players looking for an all-around frame that's too vengeful to die ought to obtain him in Warframe. Meanwhile, anyone who loves Harrow's design and theme will be pleased to know that he's not too hard to acquire.

In order to get Harrow, there are two main options: buying him with Platinum or farming his blueprints.

Buying With Platinum


The first option is simple enough. Players can head over to Warframe's platinum store in the Liset dashboard and search for Harrow's name. The full Harrow warframe costs 225 Platinum. This includes:

  • A ready-to-use Harrow warframe complete with an Orokin reactor installed.
  • A free warframe slot regardless of whether players still have vacant slots or not.

A more inclusive set that features Harrow's custom skin, weapon skin, and cosmetic armor costs more at 275 Platinum. This Harrow Reliquary bundle includes:

  • A ready-to-use Harrow warframe complete with an Orokin reactor installed.
  • A free warframe slot regardless of whether players still have vacant slots or not.
  • Harrow Reliquary skin worth 165 Platinum
  • Renuntio Speargun Skin
  • Etheria Chest Plate
  • Etheria Shoulder Plates
  • Etheria Leg Plates

The upside in obtaining Harrow like this is that players don't have to go through hoops. Harrow has a dedicated quest which can be lengthy for some players. Several of his blueprints also require some farming which takes time and effort and relies on luck too. After that, players also have to wait for several days while they craft Harrow.

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Still, that aforementioned method is free and won't cost any Platinum. Here's how to opt for that method:

Farming Harrow Blueprints


As expected, the biggest cost in this kind of method is time. Upon acquiring Harrow's Neuroptics, Systems, and Chassis, players have to craft them. Each piece needs 12 hours in the forge. Once that's done, another 72-hour wait is required for putting the pieces together.

That in addition to the effort and time needed for farming the blueprints for each Harrow part adds up to quite a lengthy activity. Speaking of which, here where each Harrow blueprint is located:

Harrow Main Blueprint - Reward from Chains of Harrow quest

chains of harrow quest

Players don't even need to go through too many hoops in acquiring the main Harrow blueprint. It's given as a reward after they complete the rather horrific and frightening Chains of Harrow questline.

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No farming or grinding is needed. However, the quest has a pre-requisite main quest called The War Within. It's only available for players starting Mastery Rank 5 so that's something to consider.

Harrow Chassis Blueprint - Dropped by Void Fissure Enemies

void fissure enemy warframe

Here comes the heavy grinding aspect of acquiring Harrow. First off is the Chassis Blueprint. It's pretty straightforward as players only need to kill Void Fissure enemies over and over again. The drop chance is low at three percent, meaning they might have to stay awhile in Void Fissure missions.

Some estimates point to around 33 or 34 kills— assuming the players are lucky. If not, then they might have to go the full distance for a guaranteed drop at around 300+ kills.


  • For more enemies, pick an endless mission type like Survival or Defense.
  • Bring warframes like Nekros or Hydroid so squeeze more loot out of enemy corpses via their abilities.

Harrow Neuroptics Blueprint - Spy Mission Vault Reward on Pago, Kuva Fortress


Next up is Harrow's Neuroptics which can get tricky depending on the players' warframe roster or Operator equipment. That's because Harrow's Neuroptics Blueprint can drop from Spy mission vault rewards on Pago in Kuva Fortress. The said Neuroptics Blueprint has 16.67 percent chance to appear as a cracked vault reward on Rotation A of the reward pool.

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For the uninitiated, Rotation A of the reward pool in Spy missions means the first vault (there are three to be hacked). There's a big chance of failing the Spy mission if there are too many alerts or if players only cracked on vault. So for best results, players must hack at least two vaults.


  • Bring a stealth warframe such as Loki or Ivara.
  • If not, then an Operator equipped for stealth will do.

Harrow Systems Blueprint - Defection Mission Reward

defection mission warframe

By far the most tedious part of farming Harrow's blueprints, players must brace themselves for the Systems grind. It can appear as a reward from Defection missions. Harrow Systems has a six percent chance to appear as a Rotation B reward and a 15 percent chance to appear as a Rotation C reward. Any tier or location of the Defection mission will do.

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The first Rotation (Rotation) in Defection mission counts as each successful extraction of two or four squads. Rotation B counts as six squad, and Rotation C counts as eight squads. The Rotations will reset counter again on the 10th or 12th squad which will restart as Rotation A, 14th squad for Rotation B, 16th squad for Rotation C, and so on.

That means players need to safely escort at least six Grineer defector squads for a chance to get the Harrow Systems blueprint in the reward pool. Eight squads for a higher chance.


  • Join or bring a team of other players to hasten Defection missions.

Combined Neuroptics & Systems Blueprint Farming - Kuva Survival Reward on Taveuni, Kuva Fortress


If players find the rather daunting Spy or Defection missions for Harrow parts, then they'll be pleased to know that the Kuva Survival mission on Taveuni, Kuva Fortress can reward either part. The chance is at12 percent for either the Neuroptics or Systems to appear as a reward in Rotation C.

Rotations in Survival and Kuva Survival missions count as five-minute runs. The first five minutes is Rotation A, 10 minutes is Rotation B, and 15 minutes is Rotation C. The next five minutes after that will reset the Rotation counter and the cycle continues anew.

Thus, players might have to stay for at least 30 minutes in the Kuva Survival session if they want both Harrow blueprints to drop in just one mission try. That is assuming the luckiest outcome— 12 percent is still quite low and there's a chance for duplicate blueprints. It is, however, easier to just bail after 15 minutes and start a new Kuva Survival run to avoid enemies that progressively get tougher.


  • Kill count doesn't matter here; longevity does, so bring tanky warframes such as Rhino, Inaros, or Nidus.

Warframe was released on March 25, 2013, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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