The Archwing is one of the most important traversal systems in Warframe. Strapping on a set of these wings is the only way to complete certain Star Chart missions, fight the Grineer's relay-killing Balor Fomorian fleet, become a crew member on the warfaring Railjack starships, and quickly traverse the game's open-world areas.

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Like every other piece of equipment in Warframe, though, each Archwing starts off on the weaker side. It's only through proper modding that the Archwings become truly powerful tools, able to keep a Tenno alive in the vacuum of space. These are the best mods to kit out a player's Archwing with.

10 Efficient Transferral

Excalibur Warframe strapped in Odonata Archwing uses Energy Shell ability while firing at Dargyns.

Many Warframe abilities are active for a certain amount of time after a player casts them. The Odonata Archwing, for example, gains a front-facing shield for 22 seconds after casting Energy Shell. One of the best ways to make the most of abilities and limit energy expenditure is to mod for increased ability duration.

Efficient Transferral is the Archwing mod that does just that, increasing the duration of every ability by 30%. With certain Archwings, this may allow players to have shielding or movement abilities up all the time, making it one of the most important mods for any Archwing build.

9 System Reroute

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Archwing casts the 4th ability, repelling and destroying all opposing enemies in the area.

Players only have a set amount of energy to pull from in order to use abilities in Warframe, and if they don't get lucky with energy orb drops from enemies, it's very easy to run out. Mods like System Reroute immensely benefit players by making abilities burn less energy altogether.

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The mod increases ability efficiency by up to 55%, making abilities cost less energy to cast and drain less energy to sustain. This is a great mod for any Archwing player who depends on frequent ability usage to stay alive.

8 Energy Amplifier

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Archwing fires missiles over long distance due to Energy Amplifier mod.

One of the easiest ways to increase the impact that abilities have in Warframe is to increase their effective range. Ability range increases the radius within which offensive abilities target enemies as well as the radius within which players are protected by defensive abilities.

The Energy Amplifier mod increases ability range by 60%, making Archwing abilities viable across a greater distance than ever before. This mod is necessary for high-damage and survivability builds alike.

7 Kinetic Diversion

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Archwing takes Slash elemental damage from opposing Grineer Dargyn.

Even with some powerful survivability mods, players are sure to take some damage while they're flying around strapped to their Archwings. It's great to have mods that turn enemies' damage against them, and that's just what Kinetic Diversion does.

When players have this mod equipped, 40% of the damage to their Archwing's health is converted into energy. This lets players use more abilities to quickly eliminate enemy forces, or protect themselves from further health damage until their shields recharge.

6 Auxiliary Power

The Odonata Archwing has a bolstered maximum energy pool of 163, amongst the dogfight in the asteroid field. The bottom right reads "Imperator," signalling the Archgun being used, and the "200" signifies the ammo count.

Keeping a high pool of available energy is important for nearly every viable Warframe and Archwing, with very few exceptions. Energy is what lets players fire off their four abilities, doing massive damage and crowd-controlling enemy units.

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The Auxiliary Power mod for the Archwing vastly increases the max energy pool, extending it by 90%. This allows players to activate nearly twice as many abilities without an energy orb dropping, making it a very valuable mod indeed.

5 Primed Morphic Transformer

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Warframe blowing up enemy Dargyn with damage boosted Seeking Fire ability.

The most important modifier for abilities in Warframe is almost always ability strength; players can burn through energy close to enemies as long as they're able to eliminate the opposition quickly. This mod enables players to do more damage with Archwing abilities than ever before, with a 55% increase in ability strength.

Primed Morphic Transformer can be a tough mod to get, however, as it's only available when Baro Ki'Teer has it in his inventory. All of Baro's wares are sold exclusively for credits and Orokin ducats.

4 Hyperion Thrusters

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Warframe speeding through a Grineer asteroid base in the vacuum of space.

One of the best mods for the Archwing doesn't increase survivability or augment abilities; instead, it makes the Archwing an even better vehicular tool. Hyperion Thrusters is all about speeding up Archwing traversal, and when fully ranked up, this mod will provide a nice 27.5% flight speed boost.

Since one of the primary ways the Archwings are used is to get around Warframe'sdifferent open worlds, it makes sense to invest in this mod. This mod saves players time and helps them to grind out bounties and resources quickly and efficiently.

3 Argon Plating

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Archwing is fired on by enemy Dargyns, but is bolstered by his high armor stat.

When shields get burned down in Warframe, players will inevitably start taking hits that whittle away their health pool, leaving them in danger of getting downed by enemies. Building up the armor stat is a great way to mitigate health point damage and give shields a chance to regenerate outside of combat.

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With the Argon Plating mod, Archwings gain a massive 90% boost to armor, ensuring that players can take much more punishment before they're down and out of the fight.

2 Superior Defenses

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Archwing takes shield damage from approaching enemy Dargyns.

Newer players might not realize that high shield values aren't always the most important factor for survivability in Warframe since shield gating prevents players from taking health damage for a brief moment after their shields are depleted. Even still, it's important to mod shielding to come back as quickly as possible so that the shield gate will protect health again.

The Superior Defenses mod increases Archwing shield recharge rate by up to 100%, making it an essential survivability tool for any endgame Archwing missions.

1 Enhanced Durability

Excalibur Warframe in Odonata Archwing enters the fray with his Archmelee, empowered by the Enhanced Durability mod.

The Enhanced Durability mod is to the Archwing what the Vitality mod is to the Warframe; one of the most essential mods to any build. Shields are great for protecting health, and armor is great for augmenting how much damage a player can take, but nothing is more important than having the biggest health bar possible.

The max rank Enhanced Durability mod provides a whopping 150% extra health to the Archwing, ensuring players won't be getting downed in dogfights any time soon.

Warframe is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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