Snipers in Warface easily dominate the battlefield with their distance advantage. In the right hands, snipers in this Nintendo Switch title can rake in points for the team with calculated shots. As a result, enemy teams usually make an effort to take them out first. Likewise, allies often scramble to aim at opposing Snipers before they get their kills set. Fans of snipers in other FPS title will have a blast with just how powerful the Snipers in this game can become.

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Unfortunately, newcomer Snipers may end up costing the match for their team. After all, aiming too slow or too quickly can waste bullets and attract enemy attention. How can beginner Snipers dominate the headshot game in Warface?

10 Adjust Playstyle According To Rifle Type

Get the right gear - Warface Sniper Tips

Snipers in Warface rely on two kinds of Sniper Rifles. The Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle has such devastating DPS that one shot will almost always knock down enemies and even deal fatal damage. However, this option comes with fewer bullets and worse handling. Thus, Snipers need to time their headshots properly to maximize their potential damage.

Meanwhile, the Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle is closer to its Assault Rifle counterpart. They have more ammunition and better handling, but deal less damage. It may take two to three shots to take down enemies. When it comes to play style, the Semi-Automatic may demand faster aiming for the Sniper to take down moving opponents.

9 Deploy Mines Near The Stairs

Use mines - Warface Sniper Tips

Every class has a utility equipment they can use to the team's advantage. For their part, Snipers can deploy Anti-Personnel Mines to eliminate groups of enemies. This is interesting, though – wouldn't deploying a Mine require Snipers to get closer to enemies? Sounds counter-intuitive.

As it turns out, Snipers can use their Anti-Personnel Mines for defensive purposes. If they position themselves at high ground that can potentially be compromised, they might want to put Anti-Personnel Mines at the end of the stairs or platform leading to their location. That way, the Sniper's immediate assailant will most likely die and the player has time to switch to their Handgun and aim for the head of the next enemy.

8 Maximize Field Of Vision With The Scope

Field of vision - Warface Sniper Tips

Players might love the versatility the Sniper brings when it comes to battlefield. Not only does the Sniper Rifle show enemies from afar, it also lets players take them out from a distance. With that logic, players might think the Sniper Rifle makes aiming in close range easier.

Unfortunately, this isn't the case. A Sniper Rifle's scope isolates much of the player's surroundings as they focus on their target, severely limiting their field of vision. As such, aiming with the Sniper Rifle can leave Snipers open for an attack. Instead of relying on the Sniper Rifle Scope, players may as well just aim with the Handgun in close-to-mid range firefights to get more accurate headshots.

7 Get To High Ground Immediately

Get high ground - Warface Sniper Tips

Players who want to master the Sniper Class need to get to high ground as soon as they spawn. This allows them to get a vantage point to see much of the map and locate targets they can take out. As such, players need to train themselves to spot accessible points they can climb to get to higher ground. These usually come in the form of platforms that require a two-man push, which also encourages teamwork.

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Higher ground allows players to view two parts of the battlefield: the high level and the ground level. This strategy also works for maps set in buildings, as Snipers often get to see enemies roaming in buildings in front of them from an elevated surface.

6 Aim Where Enemies Are Going

Sniper getting a kill in Warface

While Sniper Rifle bullets are fast, they still take time to arrive to their destination. An enemy may be a frame or two away from the bullet by the time players pull the trigger in their direction. Moreover, this probability to hit decreases further since an enemy's head takes less space than their body.

To make more accurate headshots, players should aim where they know enemies are going. That way, they can more confidently position their sights and score a headshot just as enemies reach their crosshairs.

5 Mind The Weapon Recoil

Mind recoil - Warface Sniper Tips

A lot of Sniper Rifles compensate for their devastating DPS with terrible recoil. In turn, Snipers who want to aim more accurately need to keep in mind the recoil of their Sniper Rifles to avoid blunders. For instance, Sniper Rifles with strong recoils will likely jerk upwards while shooting, meaning the bullet itself will be a few frames higher than the original aim.

Players need to aim lower if they know their Rifles have innate bad aim. It's preferable that Snipers keep their aim on their target's neck or chest level. That way, bad recoil can still elevate the bullet to score a headshot.

4 Prioritize Other Snipers and Distant Targets

Prioritize other snipers - Warface Sniper Tips

Players who want to use the Sniper Class need to keep their eyes peeled for positions that enemy Snipers can use to spot their targets. It's also very likely for enemy Snipers to target the player first, so every spawn usually transforms into a race of who gets to kill the other Sniper.

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Players need to prioritize their targets as soon as they get to their vantage point. Snipers often lie down or crouch while aiming, making them sitting ducks open for a headshot.

3 Stay At The Back

Stay in the rear - Warface Sniper Tips

When a Sniper notices their teammates getting picked off in the front lines, it becomes tempting to provide the assist guns blazing. However, this almost always results in death. Instead, Snipers should keep themselves at the rear to spot any immediate threats that can take advantage of the chaos in the front lines.

For instance, enemies using the battle as a distraction to get to the objective will likely lose focus on their surroundings. This is the perfect time for Snipers to aim down their sights and go for the headshots, as the enemy is likely on a straight trajectory.

2 Spraying Develops Bad Habits For Snipers

Avoid spraying - Warface Sniper Tips

Players who end up as Snipers most likely start as Riflemen. In turn, Snipers who miss a moving opponent may just spray their shots and hope for a kill. While this might incur headshots against a slow enemy, doing this repeatedly will reveal the Sniper's location to the opposing team.

Instead, Snipers should get used to adjusting their aim and timing, especially against moving opponents. The key is to time shots properly, hide whenever there's a miss, and change targets if possible. Focusing too much on a single opponent can leave Snipers open for an attack. There's no shame choosing another target that's more revealed for a headshot.

1 Hipfire Can Be A Death Sentence

Dont hipfire - Warface Sniper Tips

Snipers know their Sniper Rifles deal devastating damage given long distances, so this must mean they make mean short-ranged weapons for headshots, right? Not necessarily. While it's tempting to just aim Sniper Rifles at short range, the time it takes to aim them leaves Snipers like sitting ducks.

Additionally, hipfiring a Sniper Rifle is one of the most counter-productive things a Sniper can do. Sniper Rifles have bad hipfire performance as its spread fire can be one of the worst (if not the absolute worst) among Primary Weapons. Some players note that Sniper Rifles may not even hit opponents of up to three meters away. Players may as well use their Handgun if they need to resort to short-range firing.

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