Medics in Warface serve as the healer Class in this Nintendo Switch title. Thanks to their abilities, they can revive downed teammates and potentially never let a fatality happen. Additionally, the added healing capacity can enhance a team's survivability in more complicated modes such as Battle Royale.

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However, as in other games, the Medic's healing role can become overwhelming for newcomers. After all, their healing comes at the cost of their practical firepower. Medics have to risk getting close just to get their shotguns in range. Furthermore, waiting to heal leaves them open to an enemy assault. With all this in mind, how exactly can Medics in Warface maximize their use in combat?

10 Maximize Equipment Options For Defense

Maximize the weapon - Warface Medic Tips

Compared to other Classes, Medics need to get in close range to maximize their skillset. After all, Medics need to be next to allies to heal and resurrect them. Additionally, Medics need to get in close range to deal damage with their weapons. Medics put themselves at risk to both fight enemies and heal allies. They need gear that enhances their defensive options as well as weapon performance.

If possible, players should equip gear that boosts damage mitigation. This ensures that Medics deflect as much damage as possible in gunfights. Likewise, since Shotguns have innately devastating DPS, Medics should focus on attachments that improve handling, recoil, and reloading speed to ensure proper control in high-intensity close-range fights.

9 Get Point Black With The Shotgun

Shotgun sliding kills - Warface Medic Tips

Unlike other Classes, Medics specialize in the Shotgun. At first glance this sounds counterintuitive, as this forces Medics to get in close range to deal considerable damage. Isn't this dangerous? That depends on the approach.

Medics shouldn't sprint into the middle of a gunfight to clear their Shotgun rounds. Rather, Medics should slide their way to the enemy to deliver the shot. Another safe maneuver is to always sneak up on an enemy to deliver the killing blow. Medics might also want to tinker with their Shotgun's reload mechanics, as some options allow players to fire mid-reload.

8 Know That The Handgun Is A Beast

Handgun - Warface Medic Tips

As with all Classes, Medics get a Handgun as part of their sidearm. This makes a decent mid-range weapon for Medics who need to conserve their Shotgun ammo, or aim at opponents from afar. Additionally, while the Handgun is less powerful than a Shotgun, it can still dominate the battlefield in the right hands.

The Handgun has enough stopping power to dispatch Snipers from a considerable distance. Medics can also rely on the Handgun in emergency firefights, especially if they run out of Shotgun ammunition. Players striving to be excellent Medics need to get familiar with their Handgun, as it's the next-best thing they have to the traditional Assault Rifle.

7 Secure Mobility To Maximize Performance

Maximize mobility - Warface Medic Tips

As previously discussed, Medics function best when they're up close and personal — both when it comes to healing allies and harming enemies. And in a shooter like Warface, getting too close is often bad news for everyone.

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Thankfully, Warface does have advanced movement controls. Mechanics such as vaulting, sprinting, and sliding allow players to move around the map as efficiently as possible. Medics need a keen mastery of these advanced maneuvers to get to their destinations quickly. Extremely efficient Medics can sprint to an ally to heal them, and then slide to an enemy for a fierce point-blank kill.

6 Steal A Weapon When Necessary

Use other weapons - Warface Medic Tips

While Medics stay faithful to their Shotgun and Handgun, nowhere in the game does it state that Medics should only use those two. In fact, in high-intensity firefights, Medics can steal an Assault Rifle from a dead Rifleman or a Sniper Rifle from a nearby Sniper. This strategy helps Medics do a variant of multiclassing, meaning players can tap into their inner Rambo or Hawkeye to switch up their playstyle.

This strategy can be very helpful in clutch situations, especially when the Shotgun isn't proving useful for the map. Medics need to be careful which weapons they choose, though. An Assault Rifle might pack more punch but it won't be as useful if it barely has any ammunition.

5 Make Use Of Comms

Use Comms to coordinate - Warface Medic Tips

Fans might wonder why Warface has voice commands when fights become too intense. After all, why trigger voice commands while enemies are shooting? However, efficient teams can capitalize on these commands to take note of objectives, share enemy locations, and declare key information. Medics should use comms to spot if anyone needs healing or to declare if they're in need of ammo restock.

On another note, Medics get a better view of the battlefield while their teammates duke it out in the frontlines. As such, Medics can declare relevant details that their teammates can miss, such as advancing opponents or other nearby objectives.

4 Take A Page From The Movies With The Defibrillator

Perform defib kills with the Medic - Warface Medic Tips

Fans of action flicks might have seen some movie stars whip out a defibrillator and just "clear!" baddies in hospital fight scenes. Interestingly, Medics in Warface can use the same strategy to transform the Defibrillator's healing into a combative tool. In what the community calls as "defib kills," Medics can actually rush to opponents and use the Defibrillator on them, killing them with one or two clears.

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Granted, this move can become extremely risky. Medics can slide towards the enemy or sneak up on them to make this work best. Moreover, switching between the Shotgun and the Defibrillator makes the Medic vulnerable against enemy fire.

3 Prepare To Strictly Heal

Heal properly - Warface Medic Tips

Medics have a lot of time to shine in team-versus-team Co-Op matches. After all, it's fun shotgun-camping and defib-killing opponents around a map. However, the real deal starts with the more intensive team missions, as Medics there will likely find focus on keeping the team alive. In fact, some missions might have Medics deal no damage at all.

In Safari and Defensive Missions, Medics will likely stay behind to give continuous heals while allies stay on objective. Granted, this won't give Medics time in the spotlight. However, this stays true to the nature of the class – they're not meant to be in the frontlines. Sometimes, they need to stay in the rear to ensure teammates get back to the fight.

2 Other Medics Take Priority

Prioritize revives - Warface Medic Tips

As with other MMOs, the Medic will have to make tough choices when faced with multiple casualties. However, in intense firefights, the order of revives remain the same: rescue the other Medics first before helping others.

Warface players who frequent MMO raids will understand this choice. One healer can do a ton of healing, but more than one healer at a party can get the team back up and running in case of emergencies. In the case of Warface, multiple Medics can ensure more teammates become useful, instead of reviving just one person and still being outnumbered in a gunfight.

1 Choose Who To Revive Carefully

Prepare to strictly heal - Warface Medic Tips

Thanks to the Defibrillator, Medics have the power to bring back teammates downed in the match. However, Medics shouldn't use their special abilities willy-nilly. Reviving teammates in an open field or outside cover will just risk the Medic's life - and one living Medic leaving a dead teammate behind is far more useful than a Medic dying.

Thus, Medics should choose carefully who to revive and when. They should focus on resurrecting downed allies in cover,x to ensure they're not exposed to enemy fire. Remember, Medics can always go back to teammates in the open field provided other teammates provide covering fire.

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