Fans of FPS will feel right at home with Warface for the Nintendo Switch. Thanks to the portability of this military shooter, players can showcase their trigger fingers as they blast through various game modes and eliminate enemies. Additionally, its unique take on classes, gear, and solid controls will demand more technical investment on the part of players.

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It's easy for newcomers to feel overwhelmed when it comes to Warface's more fluid controls. Moreover, some players notice that the smallest mistake can cost them a match. However, understanding certain key points may help players turn these potential mistakes into opportunities.

10 Don't Just Stand In The Queue Firing Range

Dont stand in the firing range - Warface Mistakes

Unlike other FPS titles, Warface puts players in a Firing Range to wait for their game mode to boot up. In this room, players can shoot their weapons at stationary dummies with unlimited ammo. Pretty skippable, right? Actually, it can help players can avoid first-minute deaths in matches if they condition their trigger fingers in the Firing Range.

Players can head to the end of the booths to trigger a more dynamic firing range experience. Additionally, the Firing Range is the perfect spot to choose attachments for their weapons, so players don't have to risk getting shot by changing attachments in the middle of the match.

9 Don't Skip The Team Composition

Dont skip team composition - Warface Mistakes

Fans excited to get into Team Deathmatch might forget that Warface has Classes. While TDM and other gameplay modes force players into intense matches, other pros get the time to use their Class skills to their advantage. Inexperienced players might meet the business end of a Medic's shotgun after that quick turn, or even a Sniper's crosshairs from a few meters away.

Players can simply count the members of each Class and use that to their advantage. Riflemen and robotic SEDs will likely meet players head-on. Engineers can heal shields, so they likely accompany other Classes. Likewise, players need to watch out for Snipers as they use high spaces, while Medics can camp and one-shot enemies with a close-range shotgun.

8 Don't Neglect The Map

Dont neglect the map - Warface Mistakes

Players who hear gunshots from the next area will want to enter and investigate. It's a kill waiting for them, right? Unfortunately, players can always get into an area only to die by firefight or even an enemy camper. Players would likely have had a few seconds to prepare for a shoot-out if they looked at the mini-map, as everything that's been happening is being reflected there.

In Warface, the mini-map in the HUD shows where the player and their allies are at any given moment. Additionally, this interface marks spots in red whenever enemy fire occurs, which become a cross (X) when someone dies.

7 Don't Ignore High Spaces

Dont ignore high spaces - Warface Mistakes

Of all Classes, Snipers serve as the biggest threat to players due to their distance advantage. After all, a mere Rifleman will have a harder time taking out a sniper from such a far distance. Players need to watch out for high spaces, since a sniper might be training their sights on them.

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Additionally, players need to watch out for high spaces near the opposite side of the map. This is usually where enemy Snipers stay and take out their targets. A well-placed shot can eliminate the Sniper with a headshot or even force them to retreat. These can buy the team more time to stay on the offensive.

6 Don't Itch On The Reload

Dont itch on reload - Warface Mistakes

FPS players know the glorious feeling of reloading in the middle of a gunfight. However, the reality is that reloading in the middle of a shootout leaves players defenseless – and this is almost always the reason for their deaths.

To avoid unnecessary reload deaths, players should stay away from the reload button until they have less than 10-percent of their shots left. Even then, players should only reload in cover to avoid unnecessary exposure. Similarly, players should always get their own crosshairs on enemies who dare reload in the middle of a fight.

5 Don't Go Out Solo

Dont go out solo - Warface Mistakes

Players admire Warface for its emphasis on team tactics. Solo players will likely end up outnumbered and outgunned, not only ruining their K/D but also leading the enemies closer to victory. Instead, players should try following their teammates into position to serve as backup. That way, enemies can't overwhelm the team easily. Likewise, players can spot attacks from places their teammates can't immediately notice.

Keeping a team setup also allows players to showcase their skills to their teammates. Engineers can restore shields, Medics can heal, and Riflemen can provide more ammo.

4 Don't Stand When Getting Shot

Dont stand when getting shot - Warface Mistakes

Players have a tendency to "go Rambo" and just keep firing while enemies are shooting at them. Yet, while Warface has an active shield system, it's still not enough to tank shots for players. Enemies use this advantage to skillfully take out players who dash into their territory without any backup plan.

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In turn, players should never engage in a firefight unless they have plans to move around. Before getting into combat, players should always have a means to access cover. This usually means aiming to shoot while moving to cover, or even shooting slowly while keeping oneself safe behind walls. In Warface, a living soldier is more useful than a dead soldier.

3 Don't Get Spawn Camped

Warface player planning a spawn kill

One of the dirtiest tricks to pull in any FPS is spawn camping: waiting for enemies to spawn in a designated area. This is frustrating to experience, as not all allies have the time to spot an enemy trying to hide in their midst. Thankfully, spawn camping is a double-edged sword, as players spawn with full ammo, health, and shields. In turn, enemies who attempt to spawn camp will almost always get killed on the spot.

To actively counter spawn camping, players should secure their back view and go to cover whenever they spawn. This allows them to spot any spawn campers and those who try to take advantage of map memorization. Likewise, going on high alert immediately after spawning is good practice, especially when the enemies have secured a location closer to the base.

2 Don't Die The Same Way Twice

Dont die the same way twice - Warface Mistakes

Players in the heat of battle will likely want to meet their enemies head-on. And given how maps in Warface tend to be compact, players will likely use the same approach no matter how many times they die. Unfortunately, enemies can use this repetitive strategy to take advantage of the opposing team. Yes – enemy grenades know where allies are because they keep returning to the same path.

Players need to diversify their paths every few respawns. That way, enemies will always stay on their toes and try to anticipate where the player will come from. This strategy also forces enemies to focus on multiple vantage points at once.

1 Don't Ignore The Objective

Dont ignore objectives - Warface Mistakes

Players might feel like they've gotten the Medal of Honor upon seeing Warface's score screen. The game actually displays the top five performers of the winning team at the end of the match. Since ranking is based on kills, then kills should be primary goal, right? Not necessarily. Carelessly getting into battle "for the kills" will most likely kill the player. This not only leads the team away from objective, but can cost them the match.

Even players who end up being the losing team's top members will earn less experience. As such, players should prioritize winning for the entire team to maximize their rank up experience and their rewards.

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