Excitement about the growth of Warcraft’s story became more apparent with the promotion of Chris Metzen as the franchise’s full-time Executive Creative Director, potentially placing the story of World of Warcraft in a more consistent direction. With what appears to be the world-soul of Azeroth itself posing a new threat to the Alliance and the Horde in the upcoming The War Within expansion, fans of the 19-year-old MMO may be eager to find out just what questions the story finally answers for players curious about certain aspects of the lore.

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Whether disguised as glitches or unexplored plotlines, certain mysteries in the Warcraft universe may be snippets of a delightful development process or clues towards bigger surprises that are yet to be teased by Blizzard. And fans who want to explore some of these questions may need to head to the proper World of Warcraft location.

10 The Mystery Of Golk The Rumble

Why Can't Players Free The Sea Giant?

Golk the Rumble


Hatecoil Slave Pen, Azsuna (58.42, 41.71)

NPC/Character Involved

Golk the Rumble

Potential Answer/s

A future questline may have players free Golk as part of a side quest or a storyline

As players explore Azsuna on their journey across the Broken Isles, they may encounter a number of entities from the rule of the High Elves. Such an entity is Golk the Rumble, a sea giant in the Hatecoil Slave Pen. While Golk explains that he's been chained since childhood, it's not known whether he's been held captive recently or if he was there in the days of the War of the Ancients, when the High Elves were cursed by Queen Azhara.

Throughout interactions with Golk, the sea giant says he's grown strong enough to break his chains but not quite small enough to fit the cave's opening. There are no other interactions available with Golk. The game's files hint at a Golk's Key that opens Golk's Lockbox, as well as Golk's Lockbox Credit. They remain physically missing in the game, but their presence in the files means there may be a way - or perhaps purpose - to free Golk in the future.

9 The Purpose Of Night Elf Markings

What Do The Markings On The Kaldorei Represent?

Night Elves in the form of Tyrande and Malfurion


Azeroth, Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Broken Isles

NPC/Character Involved

Night Elves

Potential Answer/s

It could be a special rite of passage reserved for specific individuals

While Illidan and his Demon Hunters possess special tattoos to help contain the evil powers they use, perceptive Warcraft fans may find these markings similar to the ones certain Night Elves also possess. Compared to other races in Azeroth, Night Elves and their distant Nightborne cousins seem to be the only elves with customization options that include tattoos.

The only hints towards the purpose of Night Elf tattoos were given in specific stories (Stones, Moss, and Tears as well as Stormrage and Elegy), where tattoos are an optional indicator of a rite of passage. Former lead narrative designer Dave Kosak said the tattoos may represent a Night Elf's ties with nature, but nothing too specific. While tattoos may indeed be an optional stylistic choice, Night Elf tattoos could be given more meaning especially since the lore often ties powers to tattoos and brands.

8 The Presence Of The Owl Of The Watchers

Interacting With Them In Order Provides Buffs, But Why?

Owl of the Watchers


Isle of the Watchers, Azsuna, (44.2, 72.4; 40.6, 73.1; 40.5, 75.1; 43.2, 85.3; 43.6, 87.5; 46.0, 84.1; 47.5, 84.7; 37.1, 82.2; 50.4, 91.7)

NPC/Character Involved

The Watchers

Potential Answer/s

The Watchers may be using these Owls to empower them in their hunts

After Illidan's capture in Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, he spends some time in captivity guarded by Maiev Shadowsong, a member of the Watchers. Armed with her Crescent Blades, Maiev and her elite unit are tasked with hunting Azeroth's most notorious criminals. Not much is known about the Watchers beyond Maiev's history with the lore, but more of their secrets are unraveled when players get to the Isle of the Watcher.

Scattered across the Isle are nine owl-shaped statues, all called the Owl of the Watchers. Interacting them in a certain order grants buffs to the player. No other area of the world has information about the Owls, and players may only know of Maiev's involvement with them in a Heroes of the Storm dialogue, where she says: "Why yes, I do know the secret behind the owl statues on the Isle of the Watchers. All Wardens do. We just won't share it with you." It's possible that the Owls may simply be objects of worship that grant buffs to Watchers, and they are a part of their secret armaments.

7 The Hidden Tortollan Wedding

A Tortollan Wedding Is In A Settlement In The Ruins Of The City Of Gold, But Why Are They There?

The Tortollan Wedding


Zuldazar (24.4, 44.4)

NPC/Character Involved


Potential Answer/s

Their settlement may be there for a specific agenda involving an item of later relevance

The Zandalari Empire's status as one of Azeroth's most powerful empires made it home to quite the pristine gear, making its capital city of Zuldazar potentially a site of unimaginable wealth. While the City of Gold remains in ruins in today's Azeroth, it seems some societies have taken an interest in what's left of Zuldazar. As players venture into its outskirts, they may see a peculiar pair of Tortollan Hardshells guarding a rather large entryway. Venturing further will reveal a small settlement of Tortollans, of which the most notable sight would be a Tortollan Wedding between a Tortollan Hardshell and a Tortollan Seeker.

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Among citizens in the location are Tortollan Younglings with Tortollan Scrollsages, as well as Tortollans with professions such as Travellers, Tamers, and even Traders. Only one Tortollan Seeker can be interacted with in the settlement, with dialogue hinting at a quest about the acquisition of an item with no follow-up. It's yet to be revealed why Tortollans have made a settlement in Zuldazar, although the dialogue with the Seeker may imply a search for a special item.

6 The Identity Of The Tidemother

What Is The Identity Of The Tidemother?

Kul Tiras in World of Warcraft


Unknown, Kul Tiras

NPC/Character Involved

Kul Tiras Tidesages

Potential Answer/s

Water connections may hint at her being a mere Water Elemental, but she can also be the Spirit of Water or even Neptulon. Quests and Lore also imply connections with Elune and Queen Azshara

Like other expansive fantasy worlds, even the most powerful of Warcraft's characters have ties to Azeroth's fair share of deities. While much of the world's locations have their versions of local pantheons, none are as mysterious and powerful as the Tidemother. Worshipped in the maritime nation of Kul Tiras, the Tidemother's Tidesages seek her whispers in the water for guidance. The game has yet to fully reveal the true nature of the Tidemother's identity, but it has alluded to multiple potential identities.

The Tidemother's water connection may hint at her being the Spirit of Water, or Neptulon who once faced the Titans as the Elemental Lord of Water. A quest involving the Orb of Elune may imply that she may be another form of the Moon Goddess. However, the Tidemother's more violent recent manifestations may hint at some connection to Queen Azshara of the Nagas.

5 The Identity Of An'she, The Tauren Sun God

Does Elune Have A Sibling Sun God?

Tauren in World of Warcraft


Unknown, Azeroth

NPC/Character Involved


Potential Answer/s

A manifestation of the Light, or an unknown sun god equivalent to Elune

Orc Warchief Thrall becoming one of the most powerful Shaman in Warcraft lore emphasized the impact of the elements on Azeroth's day-to-day life, especially to the Tauren. In their lore, the Earth Mother sacrificed herself to ensure Azeroth doesn't fall into corruption, entrusting guardianship of the world to her twins Mu'sha the Moon and An'she the Sun, their younger Moon Sibling Lo'sho, and mortals among the Shu'halo or the Tauren. The Night Elves' known reverence of Elune as the Moon ties the deity to Mu'sha, but there are no hints of An'she's identity in Azeroth's other cultures.

While An'she's true nature is yet to be revealed, the game has instances where it's implied he is connected to the Light that some Alliance members worship. For instance, when Anduin Wrynn handed Fearbreaker to the Tauren Baine Bloodhoof, the latter "sensed" a connection to An'she even though the hammer was forged by King Magni Bronzebeard, a Dwarf who believes in the Light. Likewise, the blade Felo'melorn was only crafted due to a vision of a blade burning like the sun received by Dath'Remar Sunstrider of the Blood Elves.

4 The True Nature Of The Prototype Pantheon

Is The Prototype Pantheon Simply The First Versions Of The Eternal Ones?

A member of the Prototype Pantheon


Sepulcher Of The First Ones

NPC/Character Involved

Eternal Ones

Potential Answer/s

The Prototype Pantheon may have been the basis of all other Pantheons created by the First Ones

During the player's exploration of the Shadowlands, they can form partnerships with the Covenants ruled by the Eternal Ones. One such Eternal One is the Winter Queen, in charge of rebirth and bringing spirits back onto the mortal plane. Together with her sister Elune, the Moon Goddess, they represent the cycle of Life and Death. In the Shadowlands, the Eternal Ones are revealed as a creation of the First Ones to represent the force of Death. As players venture into the Sepulcher of the First Ones, they eventually fight the Prototype Pantheon, their first versions.

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Based on designs, it's easy to see which Eternal One the Prototypes of Absolution (Denathrius), Duty (Kyrestia), Renewal (the Winter Queen), and War (the Primus) represent. However, revealing that the First Ones created Pantheons to represent the universe's six governing forces may imply that the Prototype Pantheon didn't just serve as the basis of the Eternal Ones. Rather, the Prototype Pantheon may have been the base through which all Pantheons in the universe were created.

3 The Identity Of The First Ones

Who Are The Progenitors Of The Universe?

Sepulcher of the First Ones in WoW


The Universe

NPC/Character Involved

The Shadowlands, Everywhere Else

Potential Answer/s

Their ties to the universe's origins may be the reason why Magic exists, but it's unknown whether they have current ties to Azeroth's activities today

When Sylvanas of the Horde destroyed the Lich King's Helm of Domination, its subsequent fracture connected the mortal realm to the Shadowlands, the dominion of death. Throughout the player's experience in this realm, they would eventually learn that even the Shadowlands, and in turn, the rest of existence, had a creator: The First Ones. Not much is known about them, except for the fact that they created the Six Forces that govern reality.

Such is the mystery and incomprehensible nature of the First Ones that their architecture and technology resemble mathematics. It's implied that their creation of the Six Forces meant that a spellcaster's ability to influence reality may be a fraction of the First Ones' abilities. It's currently unknown if the First Ones created the Old Ones and the Titans.

2 The Final Prize

What Is The Jailer's Endgame?

The Jailer


Sepulcher Of The First Ones

NPC/Character Involved

The Jailer

Potential Answer/s

The ability to reshape reality, as a singular power or through Azeroth's World-Soul

As players gain access to the Shadowlands, the forces of the Alliance and the Horde are eventually tasked to stop Zovaal, the Jailer, in his mission to rewrite reality in the Sepulcher of the First Ones. It's revealed that this endgame was thousands of years in the making, with Zovaal mastering the very Domination magic used to bind him so that he can take full control of others as well. The MMO reveals that the Jailer created the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne to create avatars of his will, the Lich King.

Despite all the Lich Kings resisting Zovaal's commands, the Jailer insisted this effort would lead him to his so-called Final Prize hidden by the First Ones. After Zovaal's eventual defeat, this concept wasn't ever explained. While it's implied that this has connections to the power to shape the universe, it's unknown if it relates directly to the First Ones or to Azeroth's injured World-Soul.

1 The Impact Of The Sword On Azeroth

How Did The Sword Of Sargeras Affect Prophecies About Azeroth?

Sargeras stabbing Azeroth



NPC/Character Involved


Potential Answer/s

Azeroth's bleeding may change the prophecy, instead helping Adventurers ascend to become the world's strongest protectors

Even before players manage to explore the Shadowlands, World of Warcraft already gave answers on why Azeroth is such an important location in the game: it's set to become the most powerful Titan upon its awakening. Not only that, it's been referred to forebodingly as the "last Titan," hinting at a grander conflict to come to the game down the line. However, while Sargeras of the Burning Legion is eventually banished, the Dark Titan manages to wound the planet through the Sword of Sargeras.

While Azeroth's World-Soul calling out to adventurers seems to be the premise of the upcoming The War Within expansion, one might wonder as to the impact of Sargeras' injury to the World-Soul. Unless the expansion reveals the injury as an intended means to Azeroth's ascension into Titanhood, it's possible that the release of Azerite into the world may be a hint of the players eventually ascending to the status of protector.

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World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004