After more than two decades of lore, World of Warcraft has seen more than a few romantic dramas. Sometimes the love story is a major part of the plot, other times it's an ongoing part of the backstory or a way to add some tension or stakes to an existing narrative.

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These romances are more memorable than others, featuring popular characters from the lore, pivotal moments in Azerothian history, and familiar settings that go back to the game's genesis in the 1990s. The best romances don't have to be the most popular ones either, as some of the most touching stories are the most obscure.

7 Sylvanas Windrunner And Nathanos Blightcaller

Sylavans And Blightcaller screenshot Legion epilogue

It was a love that persisted even in death, literally. In life, Nathanos Marris was the only human who ever carried the title Ranger Lord, and it was bestowed upon him by his friend, ally, and lover, Sylvanas Windrunner. Players in the Classic version of the game can travel to the Marris Stead in the Western Plaguelands and see him in his undead form under the name he would adopt for all eternity, Nathanos Blightcaller. Alliance players can get a quest to kill him.

The end of this romance is a tragic one. Blightcaller returns to Marris Stead alone, only to be permanently killed by Trande Whisperwind, and Sylvanas doomed to a long and arduous penance in the Maw.

6 Vereesa Windrunner And Rhonin Redhair

Vareesa and Rhonin Dalaran

Not all of the Windrunner Sisters came to tragic and lonely ends. Sylvanas' youngest sister Vereesa, who never renounced her High Elf identity after the Second and Third Wars, can be found in Dalaran with her husband, Archmage Rhonin. He might look like a warrior, and he's decent with a sword, but he's one of the most powerful mages in Warcraft history.

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This romance started when Vereesa was tasked with escorting Rhonin to Khaz Modan, and what seemed like a simple escort quest became an epic adventure to save a dragon. This couple's future included several happy years together and two children before Rhonin was killed in the Attack on Thermore Isle.

5 Jaina Proudmoore And Arthas Menethil


It's not quite the oldest romance in World of Warcraft, but it's the one that everyone seems to know, and maybe that's because the idea of young love gone wrong after reality sets in resonates with everyone. Arthas and Jaina are already deeply involved with their careers and have promising futures ahead of them in their chosen fields, but their romance doesn't go as planned.

Things hit a serious bump when Jaina draws a line at the Culling of Stratholme, the event in which Arthas decided to purge the city of its living residents before they turned into infected zombies. The result of his crime still burns today in no less than two dungeons, even as he was defeated as the Lich King in WoW's most popular expansion.

4 Durotan And Draka

Durotan_and_Draka_WoW moveie screenshot

Their romance was the best part of the live-action adaptation from 2016, which is one of the reasons they're the most recognizable Warcraft couple outside of the game's community. World of Warcraft was a much better movie than anyone gave it credit for thanks to the on-screen drama of Durotan and Draka, but awkward marketing and a niche audience kept it fairly quiet.

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The saga of this couple might be the oldest one in Azeroth's history, and although Durotan and Draka came to a tragic end, their son Thrall survived to become the leader of the Horde. Their story comes full circle when Thrall is united with his paternal grandmother Greatmother Geyah as part of The Burning Crusade expansion.

3 Warlord Zaela And Garrosh Hellscream

warlord zaela garrosh-hellscream

It's a speculative romance but a real and profound personal relationship. A lot can be inferred from the respectful and almost tender way that Zeala speaks of Garrosh, and it's hard to miss the sacrifices she makes to stay close to him.

Garrosh Hellscream was chosen by Thrall to lead the Horde after he left, and the new Warchief put the war back in Warcraft. Perhaps he was just too busy being Legion's main antagonist to have a romance, but he showed his love by keeping Zaela with him as often as he could and entrusting her with all of the Horde's most important missions.

2 Tyrande Whisperwind And Malfurion Stormrage

Tyrande Whisperwind

It was the love triangle that included Illidan Stormrage in this saga that made it famous. Malfurion and his sibling were competing for Tyrande's love for hundreds of years until Illidan became the Betrayer and was imprisoned in the Barrow-Downs. There's even a running joke: now that Malfurion has taken Ysera's place, Ilidan might finally have his chance.

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Tyrande has always been a heroic but tragic character. She has incredible powers and is the caretaker of the entire Night Elf race, and these obligations always have to take second place to her personal happiness. It was only because of their immortality that she and Malfurion had the time that they did.

1 Enchantress Ilanya And Priestess Driana

Enchantress Ilanya and Priestess Driana

It's a quest few players have even noticed, but given the behavior of Blizzard management, it's not exactly a shock that one of the few same-sex relationships in the game would be hidden behind the Enchanting profession in an obscure part of the zone of Azsuna in the retail version.

This is a tragic story that the player can help make right again and reunite the estranged lovers. The quest "Crossroads Rendezvous" starts a short chain that brings peace to the Enchantress and her lost love, Priestess Driana. It's a sad story that's similar to so many others but love still conquers all.

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