Warcraft Rumble features a gacha-like system for acquiring new items in the game, one that gives players a chance to upgrade their Army with the default currency, Gold. Called the G.R.I.D., this rotating inventory is the primary means by which players expand their collection of minis and upgrade them.

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The G.R.I.D. can be confusing to understand at first. But understanding how slots modify and interact with one another, and being able to anticipate how it will react to players' choices, is key to taking full advantage of this unique shop system.

The G.R.I.D. Offers Minis, Spells, Leaders, & Talents For Gold

A Rotating Stock Of Troops And Upgrades & The Main Way To Get New Minis

Warcraft Rumble GRID Explained Guide Minis Shop Screen

The G.R.I.D. unlocks once players have acquired four Onyxia Sigils by beating the first four levels of Elwynn Forest. The G.R.I.D. can be found at the top of the Shop tab, where players are met with a three-by-three square containing a handful of minis in random locations.

In the G.R.I.D. minis, leaders, and upgrades can be purchased for Gold, and the options rotate whenever players buy one (and at midnight). Gold can be earned in a variety of ways, but the fastest methods are to complete levels and re-visit Surging levels once they appear. Once a mini has been upgraded, talents will begin to appear on the G.R.I.D. too. After selecting a slot on the G.R.I.D., tap "Buy" to add that mini, spell, talent, or other item to your Collection (and increase your Collection Level).

Warcraft Rumble: Things to Buy First

Warcraft Rumble’s shop might initially seem confusing, but here’s how to target its most valuable offers early in the game.

Typically, minis cost 90 Gold and Leaders cost 120 Gold. The price is the same for upgrade stars, which can stack and thus increase the cost. Talents will set players back 250 Gold, and are automatically slotted in the first available slot for their associated minis.

Items On The G.R.I.D. Interact, Refresh, & Can Be Moved

The G.R.I.D. Isn't Static – It Reacts And Changes Whenever Players Buy An Item

Warcraft Rumble GRID Explained Move Mini

There are a few ways that players can manipulate the G.R.I.D. to get desired minis & upgrades: waiting for the daily refresh, buying minis and upgrades, manually swapping item placements, and using a Big Red Button to start from scratch.

  • Every day at midnight, the bottom-most row of the G.R.I.D. will drop, removing any items that were there as the rest of the G.R.I.D. drops down a row, too. The top row will then offer new options.
  • When players buy any item on the G.R.I.D., all other slots in the same row and column (for a total of five slots) will refresh. This replaces existing items and upgrades in those slots with new offerings.
  • For five Gold, any mini or upgrade on the G.R.I.D. can be moved to an adjacent slot in the same row or column. The best ways to use this mechanic are to move two good minis out of the same row or column or to move a mini into the same row or column as an XP boost.
  • If nothing on the G.R.I.D. seems worth buying, players can use a Big Red Button to reset all nine slots. Players are given at least one Big Red Button reset every day, but more can be earned by collecting Daily Rewards.

Sometimes, an XP boost will appear in a slot on the G.R.I.D., giving any minis on the same row or column a boost to XP in the amount displayed, and also giving players an incentive to change the placement of items in the 3x3 square. This XP boost also applies to Upgrades for minis already collected, granting both the Stars/Talent for that mini as well as XP upon purchase.

warcraft rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Android , iOS
November 3, 2023
Blizzard Entertainment
Strategy , Tactical