In Warcraft Rumble Collection Level is tied to players' ability to easily level up their minis. As players level up their Collection Level, the amount of XP that can be earned from almost every activity is increased – XP gained from new unit bonuses, quests, all Tomes, Daily Rewards, and XP boosts in the Shop all scale with players' Collection Level.

Warcraft Rumble: How to Beat Raene Wolfrunner

​​​​​​​Raene Wolfrunner is a challenging early-game boss in Warcraft Rumble; here’s how to kill her with basic troops and Minis.

To level up fast in Warcraft Rumble, players need to focus on three things: collecting new minis, upgrading minis, and leveling up minis. Each grants some progress towards the next Collection Level rank, but focusing on acquiring new Minis is the fastest way to level up in Warcraft Rumble.

Buy New Minis In The G.R.I.D. To Increase Collection Level Considerably

New Minis Contribute The Most To Players' Collection Level

Warcraft Rumble GRID Explained Guide

When looking to rank up accounts in Warcraft Rumble, specifically the Collection Level, the best way to get lots of XP fast is to collect new minis over talents and upgrades to existing ones. Though these other purchases can contribute, completing the base collection of all minis in Warcraft Rumble should be the top priority.

There are a total of 54 minis in Warcraft Rumble, and each costs 90 to pick up – 120 for leaders. It can take a while to earn enough gold to acquire them all, but having every mini available when building squads is a game-changer. By the time players have all of them, the Collection Level should be at least in the double digits.

Purchase Stars For Minis, Then Upgrade Them To Increase Rarity

Increasing A Mini's Rarity (Color) Grants A Slight Boost To Collection Level

Warcraft Rumble Upgrade Minis Stars Upgrade

Minis have both a rank and a rarity, indicated by the number and color of the card respectively. By gaining XP through battles, boosts, and other sources, minis will increase their Rank and base stats. However, by increasing a mini's Rarity, it both gains a free level and a Talent slot – and contributes a little bit to players' Collection Level.

World of Warcraft's Warcraft Rumble Minis Explained

World of Warcraft has added some collectibles to show off its incoming Blizzard counterpart, Warcraft Rumble, launching on mobile.

To upgrade mini rarity, check how many Stars the mini requires, and ensure that you have enough Arclight Power to complete the upgrade. For Uncommon units, this tends to be comprised of 3 Stars and 500 Arclight Power, but the amounts required tend to increase dramatically for rare, epic, and legendary upgrades.

Sometimes, upgraded minis can be purchased outright from the G.R.I.D., which will contribute a ton of XP to players' collection level if the mini itself wasn't already unlocked.

Increase Mini Rank With Combat, Quests & Tomes To Level Up Slightly

Leveling Up Mini Ranks Increases Collection Level, Too

Warcraft Rumble Level Up XP Mini Rank

Minis gain ranks as they gain XP, all sources of which are determined by players' Collection Level. XP comes from playing matches, Daily Rewards, quests, and Tomes earned in various ways throughout the game. Each time a mini gains a level, players' Collection Level is also increased by one.

It's not too much of an increase compared to purchasing new units or upgrading minis, and is best treated as a passive way to increase Collection Level. But, if you're on the precipice of the next Collection Level rank, consider buying an XP boost from the shop with Gold, or take on a Quest to get over the edge.

warcraft rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Android , iOS
November 3, 2023
Blizzard Entertainment
Strategy , Tactical