Warcraft Rumble Leaders come in all shapes and sizes – from the relatively weak but unpredictable Charlga Razorflank, to the beefy (no pun intended) Cairne Bloodhoof, the game does a good job of offering Leaders suited for many different playstyles and situations.

Warcraft Rumble: Things to Buy First

Warcraft Rumble’s shop might initially seem confusing, but here’s how to target its most valuable offers early in the game.

But the best Leaders Warcraft Rumble has to offer tend to work well against a variety of opponents rather than just a few targeted ones. These best Warcraft Rumble Leaders are the Leaders that players should prioritize acquiring in the G.R.I.D. and from Onyxia Sigil rewards for their unique abilities, battlefield presence, or synergy with a variety of Army compositions.

Updated March 24, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: Warcraft Rumble has been around for a few months now, and in that time it's been through several Seasons and content updates. With the introduction of new leaders, the rankings of the Warcraft Rumble best leaders have changed a bit. After they were added in recent content updates, Old Murk-Eye and Emperor Thaurissan are now listed below for their ability to steamroll enemies and buff nearby allies with Burn damage. In addition to these two new Leaders, Bloodmage Thalnos and Sneed – available since launch – have been added to this list of the best leaders Warcraft Rumble offers for their unique abilities that benefit from specific strategies.

10 Bloodmage Thalnos

In A Spell-Heavy Team, Thalnos Becomes A Wrecking Ball

Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos Best Leaders



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Gains +1 Level for every Spell played, until death

Mini Traits

Ranged, AoE, Elemental

Bloodmage Thalnos is far from the best Warcraft Rumble leader, but he's not the worst, either. Though he is an unimpressive unit when first unlocked, with the right Talents and units to back him up, he becomes a one-man wrecking ball – against certain enemies, at least. That's because he levels up every time you cast a spell – but the levels disappear if he dies, and must be re-gained next time he is summoned.

Bloodmage Thalnos' main drawback is his low HP. Even in a deck that's got a lot of Spells to buff him, he will still get annihilated by melee damage-dealers if they get to him. However, with the Lifesteal talent, he can make it a lot further up a lane before being downed.

9 Sneed

Time Is Money, Friend – But So Is Siege Damage

Warcraft Rumble Sneed Best Leaders



Placement Cost

5 Gold

Unique Ability

Grants 2 Gold when any Siege damage destroys a Tower, opens a Chest, or captures a Stone

Mini Traits

Melee, AoE, Tank, Armored, Siege

Like Bloodmage Thalnos, Sneed requires a certain playstyle to be successful. He is a pretty powerful unit, one that cost a large 5 Gold to place, and will last a decent amount of time against other melee units without much support. However, Sneed becomes much stronger when played alongside one or two others that can deal Siege damage.

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There are a lot of WoW callbacks in Blizzard's new mobile game Warcraft Rumble, and some of these WoW references are pretty deep cuts.

With Sneed as your Leader, every time you destroy a Tower with Siege damage, deal Siege damage to open a Chest, or capture a Meeting Stone with Siege damage, you will gain 2 Gold. This can catapult (heh) you forward in the Gold economy race – a surefire strategy to get the upper hand, as you can summon more units faster. Sneed's major downside is that he relies on Siege damage and capturing objectives, and will turn an already winning position into a dominant one, but he doesn't do much to help you if you're behind.

8 Emperor Thaurissan

Buffs Allies With Burn Damage On All Attacks

Warcraft Rumble Emperor Thaurissan Best Leaders



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Gives nearby allies Burn damage while alive

Mini Traits

Ranged, AoE, Elemental, Bombard

With Season 3 of Warcraft Rumble, new leaders like Emperor Thaurissan were introduced to the game. Emperor Thaurissan is a Blackrock-aligned Warcraft Rumble Leader and costs 4 Gold to place, on par with most Leaders. His special ability goes above and beyond what most Rumble leaders offer, though.

When placed, nearby allies will also deal Burn damage in addition to their normal damage output. This applies to every damage-dealing unit, and even if an enemy target is resistant to Burn, the extra damage still goes a long way.

7 Old Murk-Eye

Where Else Could You Play As A Murloc?

Warcraft Rumble Old Murk Eye Best Leaders



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Summons a Murloc Tidehunter for every Gold spent on minis for 5 seconds after being summoned

Mini Traits

Ranged, AoE, Elemental, Fast

Old Murk-Eye is one of the best leaders Warcraft Rumble players can get because of the potential to completely overrun your opponent, in the right circumstances. After being summoned, for five seconds, every single piece of Gold you spend on minis will create one Murloc Tidehunter mini that will start charging down the field.

Warcraft Rumble: How To Get Gold

There are a handful of ways to get Gold fast in Warcraft Rumble, but for the most part, playing the game normally is players' main source of income.

If you can time it correctly and have decent Gold income, place Old Murk-Eye on an empty lane so he has no competition, then let loose on summoning units in the other lanes to balance things out. Your opponent will be forced to respond to the incoming horde of Murlocs while also responding to your other summons. Old Murk-Eye's main weakness is his low HP and personal survivability.

6 Hogger

Hogger Gets Faster Every Time He's Played

Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Hogger



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Every time Hogger is played, he gains an extra 35% Attack Speed and Movement Speed

Mini Traits

Tank, Melee, AoE

Of the three Beast leaders available in Warcraft Rumble, Hogger offers the most reliable and powerful leader ability. While Old Murk-Eye can help spawn lots of minis quickly, and Charlga Razorflank can theoretically reduce the cost of powerful units incredibly, Hogger's simple increase to his own Attack Speed and Movement Speed are not to be underestimated, especially in a deck that can support Hogger's ability to rapidly push in the late game.

Hogger is far from the best leader in Warcraft Rumble, but when an opponent's army calls for a Beast-heavy counter army or a Dungeon requires a Beast leader, he's the one to go for.

5 Rend Blackhand

The Capstone Leader To A Flying-Centric Build

Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Rend Blackhand



Placement Cost

6 Gold

Unique Ability

Other Flying minis cost 1 less Gold while Rend is alive

Mini Traits

Dismounts, AoE, Elemental, Flying

Rend Blackhand is a two-in-one leader who comes with his very own Phase Two. For the highest cost of any available leader at 6 Gold, Rend Blackhand will ride his red dragon Gyth until knocked off, at which point he becomes a ground-based melee warrior. While Rend is alive, every Flying troop costs 1 less Gold, but no less than 2 Gold total.

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Warcraft Rumble can be a complicated game for players new to its gameplay style – with these five tips, beginners will learn how to win more matches

The other choice for the Blackrock faction is General Drakkisath, who can do a lot of heavy lifting in an Elemental Damage-oriented army. But in general, Rend Blackhand's ability to stay in the fight, and make other Flying minis cheaper, makes him a better general pick.

4 Cairne Bloodhoof

Tank That Gives Higher HP For Horde Troops, No Matter The Distance

Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Cairne Bloodhoof



Placement Cost

5 Gold

Unique Ability

Other Horde troops gain 20% Max HP

Mini Traits

Tank, AoE, Attack Stun, Melee

Cairne Bloodhoof is one of three Horde leaders in Warcraft Rumble, and his leader ability benefits Horde troops the most directly. When slotted as the leader of the army, Cairne Bloodhoof will increase the health of all Horde troops in play by 20%. Unlike some other leaders, minis don't have to be close to Cairne to get this bonus – it applies to all Horde minis on the whole map.

A 20% boost to HP might not seem like a lot, but in a lot of cases, that extra fifth of health is enough to survive otherwise overwhelming enemies and keep pushing a lane. Cairne himself is a force to be reckoned with, too, with one of the highest HP pools of any leader, making him the best tank Warcraft Rumble leader.

3 Baron Rivendare

Free Skeletons Spawn At Towers Under Players' Control

Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Baron RIvendare



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Summons Skeletons periodically at Towers and Meeting Stones the player controls

Mini Traits

Tank, Elemental, One-Target, Armored, Melee, Fast

Baron Rivendare is like a mix between a true Tank and a Siege unit, able to quickly advance up a lane on his Deathcharger and take a fair amount of damage at the same time. The real draw of this best undead leader Warcraft Rumble players can acquire is his ability to summon Skeletons at all buildings that the player controls.

Warcraft Rumble: How To Upgrade Minis

Upgrading mini Rarity in Warcraft Rumble grants an extra level and Talent slots – upgrading just requires a few prerequisite materials.

At the beginning of a match, two skeletons every few dozen seconds isn't much, but this bonus applies even when Baron Rivendare isn't on the field. As players slowly conquer more objectives, their undead hordes will slowly amass and shamble down lanes alongside troops as both free damage sponges and sources of damage themselves.

2 Tirion Fordring

Close-Range AoE Healer That Tanks, Too

Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Tirion



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Can Heal nearby allies with Holy Light

Mini Traits

Tank, Healer, Melee, Armored, One-Target

One of the Warcraft universe's most famous characters, Tirion Fordring shows up in Warcraft Rumble as one of the leaders of the Alliance faction. Tirion is a 4 Gold unit that heals nearby allies, the amount of which is healed increases as the unit levels up.

Jaina and Maiev can be powerful when players build around their abilities (spells and Unbound troops, respectively), but Tirion will generally play best for all Alliance-based armies. In addition to his ability to cast Holy Light, healing himself and allies, Tirion isn't a half-bad tank for 4 Gold thanks to the Armored trait, too.

1 Grommash Hellscream

Bloodlust: Just As Overpowered In Warcraft Rumble As It Is In WoW

Warcraft Rumble Best Leaders Grommash



Placement Cost

4 Gold

Unique Ability

Gives nearby allies Bloodlust while alive

Mini Traits

Tank, One-Target, Bloodlust, Melee

The Bloodlust trait in Warcraft Rumble increases a mini's attack speed and movement speed by 33% – after playing Grommash Hellscream, all minis near this fearsome Horde leader will gain Bloodlust, quickly overwhelming most enemies and towers they come across (if they aren't directly countered). Plus, when Grommash dies, minis that had Bloodlust will still retain the effect for a few seconds.

Grommash can take a fair amount of damage, with a base 1240 HP and fast attacks, but this unique ability is what makes the first Orc to drink the Blood of Mannoroth the best leader in Warcraft Rumble. Save up some Gold reserves, play Grommash in the middle of a pack of varied troops, and very few things will be able to stand a chance at stopping their advance.

warcraft rumble
Warcraft Rumble

Android , iOS
November 3, 2023
Blizzard Entertainment
Strategy , Tactical