Thanks to Blizzard's Warcraft franchise, fans got treated to a more action-packed take on a fantasy story. Warcraft's Azeroth has powerful and mystical Elves, technologically-advanced Gnomes and Dwarves, and even the alien Orcs from a doomed planet. Moreover, alongside these races came various personalities — leaders, villains, and heroes — who made a mark in the hearts of gamers across the strategy game franchise's story.

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Additionally, Warcraft's fame led to World of Warcraft, an MMO that further expanded on the lore of the games. WoW allowed fans themselves to take part in stories involving the future of Azeroth. However, aside from player characters, the MMORPG also introduced new sets of villains and heroes. Outside universal beings themselves, who are the most powerful Warcraft characters?

Updated on April 24, 2023 by Rhenn Taguiam: With World of Warcraft: Dragonflight bringing the long-lost Dragonflights to the front and center as Azeroth’s restored protectors, it’s up to them and players across the Alliance and the Horde to defeat the new threat of the Primalist proto-dragons. And while their nature as some of Azeroth’s oldest beings makes them extremely powerful, they don’t immediately hold a candle to some of the characters that have graced lore before. Fans of the Warcraft story interested in meeting powerful NPCs from the lore may not necessarily have to look further, as one of them is Pandaria’s oldest ruler, the other is the Night Elves’ longest-standing leader, and another is the former arbiter of Azeroth’s version of hell.

18 Lei Shen, The Thunder King

Lei Shen the Thunder King

Known as the first and most powerful Mogu warlord, Emperor Lei Shen became the Thunder King after stealing the power to control storms from Ra, the Titan Keeper. When the Zandalari allies of the Mogu resurrected Lei Shen in the hopes of ushering in a new Mogu Age, Lei Shen transformed into the main villain of the Mists of Pandaria expansion.

At its core, Lei Shen is known for his ruthlessness and pride, whose status as the Thunder King made him think of himself as an actual god. He was under the belief that the Mogu would find a sense of purpose under one unified ruler, and the weaker “lesser” races should worship the Mogu as the superior, much “stronger” kind.

Lei Shen, The Thunder King’s Feats

Much of Lei Shen’s feats are divided among his achievements as King of the Mogu and as a warlord himself. Under his leadership, Lei Shen shaped much of the landscape in Pandaria. Not only did he lead the creation of the Serpent’s Spine that divided the continent from the harsh lands of the mantid, but he also managed to conquer the neighboring mermen Jinyu and monkey-people Hozen.

Such was Lei Shen’s strength that he even managed to best Xuen the White Tiger, known as one of the powerful Wild Gods. Never to refuse combat, Lei Shen often leads his forces to victory, fueled by the pride and hatred that the Mogu are known to possess.

17 Tyrande Whisperwind

Tyrande Whisperwind

Despite her first appearance as a priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind of the Night Elves served as a central figure for the race due to her impact in Azeroth since the War of the Ancients. Raised alongside Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage, Tyrande pursued the leadership and the protection of the Night Elves while Malfurion became Archdruid of the Emerald Dream and Illidan pursued his own path as a Mage.

Throughout the series, Tyrande became a figurehead to her race as well as Elune, eventually being relegated as her High Priestess. Tyrande is as passionate as she is rash, but she has a deep and caring soul. She protects all she loves with whatever capabilities she possesses, with the wisdom of age transforming her into a more open and amiable person.

Tyrande Whisperwind’s Feats

Given her age, Tyrande’s feats go way back to her childhood. Despite Illidan and Malfurion growing into the best members of their respective crafts, Tyrande bested them while they were children. As they grew up, Tyrande’s skill as a priestess was augmented with the need to lead the Night Elves, transforming her into a formidable general.

However, perhaps the most impressive of Tyrande’s achievements was her transformation into Elune’s divine agent: the Night Warrior. Replacing her bow with twin blades, Tyrande became a god-fueled agent of vengeance, now powerful enough to channel Elune’s wrath to otherwise incredibly-powerful individuals such as Nathanos Blightcaller. She is even powerful enough to contend with the Maw-empowered Banshee Queen Sylvanas herself.

16 Zovaal, The Jailer

Zovaal the Jailer

Belonging to the Primordial Eternal Ones that governed over death, Zovaal was once known as the Arbiter who judged souls entering the afterlife. When the Eternal Ones didn’t listen to Zovaal’s premonition of a coming threat that the First Ones’ creations (Azeroth and its Ordering) couldn’t face, Zovaal attempted to usurp the Eternal Ones’ power for himself only to be imprisoned in the Maw of which he was given absolute control.

As the Jailer of Souls, Zovaal was left in charge of the fate of the damned sent to his realm, which was a role he cherished. However, what he truly desired was to go to Azeroth and claim the world, and then put countless others under his control. He aspired to do this through Sylvanas, who he fooled into thinking all he wanted was to provide freedom beyond life and death. Had it not been for the efforts of both the Alliance and the Horde, Sylvanas’ betrayal, and even an intervention from Azeroth’s resting spirit, Zovaal was driven to nonexistence.

Zovaal, The Jailer’s Feats

As an Eternal One, Zovaal’s powers rival that of the Titans among the First Ones. Zovaal is technically capable of manipulating reality itself with enough power, only this time his machinations are limited by his confinement in the Maw. His knowledge of the inner workings of both the universe and death itself fueled his desire to rewrite the entirety of reality via the First Ones’ sigils, all of which are locked inside the secret realm of the Sepulcher of the First Ones.

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Perhaps Zovaal’s most interesting feats are related to how he slowly manipulated some of Azeroth’s most malevolent beings into working for his plans without them knowing. Zovaal managed to imprison his brothers, the Primus, and forced them to create the Helm of Domination as well as the Frostmourne. These instruments formed the Lich King, which Zovaal intended to use as heralds for his arrival in Azeroth.

15 Kil'jaeden

Kiljaeden - World of Warcraft Most Powerful in the Lore

Who better to become one of the most powerful in Azeroth than the Dark Titan’s second-in-command himself? Kil’jaeden served under Sargeras as one of his lieutenants, the other being Archimonde, when Sargeras arrived and tempted the knowledge-seeking race.

Whereas Velen would find the Eredar after refusing Sargeras’s “blessing,” Kil’jaeden and Archimonde would receive incredible power. However, it’s Kil’jaeden that would become Sargeras most trusted.

Kil'jaeden's Feats

Prior to his corruption, Kil’jaeden himself would be known for his sheer intellect. It’s through his genius and cunning that Sargeras would use Kil’jaeden to further the Burning Legion. With this and his newfound powers, Kil’jaeden would tempt and corrupt other beings as well. For instance, it’s Kil’jaeden that would impart Fel energies to Gul’dan to exact revenge on his clan.

Likewise, it’s KIl’jaeden that would spearhead the Orc’s corruption into siding with the Burning Legion. While the forces of good would thwart Kil’jaeden’s plans for the Burning Legion, it’s still Kil’jaeden that brought a lot of individuals down a path of destruction.

14 Deathwing


Serving as the primary antagonist of World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm, Deathwing isn’t simply an angry dragon with awesome fire-interior detail. Rather, he’s actually served as one of the five Dragon Aspects, empowered by the Titans to serve a particular purpose in the realm. Unfortunately, corruption by the Old Gods transformed Deathwing - formerly Neltharion the Earth-Warder - into the vengeful and vicious beast that he’s currently presenting himself as.

Deathwing's Feats

Despite his bestial form, Deathwing is actually extremely cunning and dangerous to deal with. He actually participated in the Second War to try and break the fledgling Alliance by posing as Lord Daval Prestor. Not only that, he’s manipulated circumstances around him to have the Horde enslave Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, his greatest rival. In Cataclysm, Deathwing wanted to reshape Azeroth into his image - which would’ve succeeded had it not been for the players and the combined forces of the Alliance and the Horde.

Powers-wise, Deathwing had total control over the land and its features, courtesy of his original form of Neltharion. However, his corruption now allowed him to control lava himself - a quality he’s shared with his black dragonflight. Due to this, Deathwing can withstand extreme temperatures, with only Thrall and his empowered Dragon Soul managing to destroy Deathwing once and for all.

13 Sargeras


Perhaps the most dangerous being in World Of Warcraft lore, Sargeras the Dark Titan was one of the progenitors of the known universe. However, due to the corruption of the Old Gods, Sargeras sought only the universe’s destruction to ensure the stability of the universe.

It’s through Sargeras that the Burning Legion was created, and through his influence did the Burning Legion manage to create the likes of demons and other dangerous entities.

Sargeras' Feats

Due to Sargeras’ nature as a primordial force of nature, the scope of his powers isn’t necessarily complete. Theoretically, Sargeras can manipulate almost anything depending on his whims. Across the franchise, Sargeras has demonstrated feats such as telepathy and illusion creation, possession and resurrection, and even the creation of actual planets. According to the lore, immensely-powerful demons such as Archimonde and Mannoroth are “fleas” compared to Sargeras, making him an extremely powerful being indeed.

In fact, Sargeras being a primordial being means he cannot be annihilated at all. During the finale of Legion, it’s only thanks to the efforts of the heroes of Azeroth and the other Titans that Sargeras became imprisoned in the Seat of the Pantheon.

12 Aman'thul


Also known as the Highfather of the Pantheon, Aman’thul is the leader of the Titans, primordial beings responsible for the creation of the universe. When Aman’thul rose and led his fellow Titans during the “Ordering” or creation of the universe, Aman’thul is perhaps the oldest being to ever exist.

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Given his lack of interaction with a lot of players for a majority of the franchise, not much about Aman’thul is known except for his feats throughout legend.

Aman'thul's Feats

It’s said that Aman’thul is capable of nurturing World Souls until they become Titans of their own, which demonstrates immense knowledge and power on his part. Not only that, Aman’thul is said to have created the titan-forged to combat beings as powerful as the Old Gods, demonstrating his power of creation.

Moreover, Aman’thul is also capable of blessing other beings with abilities suited to their nature. For instance, Aman’thul blessed Keeper Odyn and Highkeeper Ra with their abilities, with the latter in particular possessing something known as the Fist Of Ra-Den that could manipulate the storms themselves. During the creation of the Dragon Aspects, Aman’thul gave Nozdormu the power to travel through time.

11 Gul'dan

Guldan - World of Warcraft Most Powerful in the Lore

Gul’dan sought power for his personal gain, through whatever means necessary. As a result, his skills as a Warlock became amplified the closer he got to Sargeras and his Burning Legion. Essentially, Gul’dan sought power under the tutelage of the Burning Legion’s leaders.

As a result, Gul’dan gained enough power and influence to not just create the first death knights but also the Shadow Council that gathered mortals that believed in the Burning Legion’s cause. He is infamously known as the “Destroyer of Dreams” and “Darkness Incarnate” due to his powers.

Gul'dan's Feats

As a child, Guldan’s clan shaman sensed potential in the former to become a Shaman himself. Unfortunately, the hatred he harbored for the clan’s mockery of his crippled state made even the elements themselves reject him. It’s through Kil’jaeden that Guldan accessed Fel energies and led him to slaughter his entire clan. From then on, Gul’dan would travel to the Stormwolf Clan and corrupt their society from within, starting with Ner’zhul.

Due to his intimate relationship with the Burning Legion, Gul’dan received ridiculous amounts of power. He’s regarded as the most powerful mortal Warlock in history, and perhaps one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. He would hold so much power that even his skull served as a conduit for demonic energy, and a small fragment of Gul’dan’s soul lingered to whisper to anyone who held it. Furthermore, the skull would prove powerful enough to help the likes of Ner’zhul open the Dark Portal to get to Azeroth.

10 Thrall

Thrall - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Despite his wishes to live a peaceful life with his family, Azeroth will continuously call on Thrall to unite the Horde. A harsh childhood will forge Thrall into a fierce but intelligent warrior. Thrall, who will eventually become the Warchief of Durotar, will unite the Horde's races and become its Warchief.

However, behind his leadership is an Orc extremely in tune with the elements. Thrall will leave his post to become the leader of the Earthen Ring, the most powerful shamans of Azeroth. His incredible link with the elements allowed him to use their powers to empower himself and his allies, see visions of the future, and understand the nature of Azeroth as a living ecosystem.

Thrall's Feats

Those familiar with the lore could say that Thrall owed much to both Humans and Orcs for his growth, but it’s his own perseverance that helped him restore honor among the Orcs. When Aedelas Blackmoore took him as a child, he had him trained in both the art of combat and strategy. And thanks to Taretha, Thrall learned to use these skills for good.

In addition, Thrall’s tutelage under Orgrim Doomhammer taught him the tenets of leadership. With the Doomhammer, Thrall learned to better channel his abilities. In the novels, Thrall even became familiar with Dark Magic and its machinations.

Thanks to Drek’Thar, the spirits themselves chose Thrall to serve as their avatar for the return of Shamanism to Orcs. As a result, Thrall served as the first renewed Orc Shaman and the most powerful at that. With his abilities, he’s gone toe-to-toe against the likes of the demon Mannoroth and earned the trust of the Prophet Medivh. In fact, Thrall became so powerful that he was able to take upon the role of Aspect of Earth itself in the battle against Deathwing.

9 Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina Proudmoore - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Jaina served as one of the most talented sorceresses of the Kirin Tor, which is itself comprised of Azeroth's most powerful mages. Over time, she will become the Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor and ruler of Dalaran. In time, Jaina will be hailed as the most powerful human sorceress on Azeroth.

As a sorceress, Jaina possesses the ability to detect magic, teleportation, and an incredible roster of powerful arcane spells. Moreover, Jaina will further get irradiated with magic, courtesy of the Mana Bomb that destroyed her city of Theramore. Due to her trials and hardships, the once-sweet Jaina has become colder and more merciless, swearing to fight the Horde and the Burning Legion.

Jaina's Feats

Thanks to her noble background, the Proudmoores had Jaina surrounded by various tutors that helped her become familiar with the political scene of Lordaeron. In addition, her exposure to Proudmoore’s military history may have shaped her eventual future of leading Theramore prior to its destruction. As a child, Jaina always had a keen love for learning, which may explain her natural specialization in both magical investigation and research as one of the few female members of the Kirin Tor close to its highest officials.

Meanwhile, Jaina's own magical potential made itself apparent at an early age. She became the protege of Archmage Antonidas, the leader of the Kirin Tor himself, at 11 years old. Jaina demonstrates a remarkable quick wit and magical prowess throughout her travels. Aside from spectacles to entertain audiences, Jaina can use cast fireballs, invisibility, and teleportation.

Jaina's skill level allowed her to contend with the likes of the dreadlord Mal’Ganis, Archimonde, and even the forces of the Lich King Arthas. Additionally, Jaina proved skilled enough not just to protect the former Guardian Aegwynn but even become her student. As she grew with age, Jaina grew her knowledge of the magical arts outside the Alliance’s borders. Moreover, her close ties with Thrall and encounters with the likes of Sylvanas, Tyrande Whisperwind, and even the Stormrage brothers honed her familiarity with Dark Magic, Druidism, and ancient magics.

8 Khadgar

Khadgar - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Originally a student of the Last Guardian, Medivh, Khadgar grew to become one of the most powerful mages to exist. As a close confidant of Medivh, Khadgar saw through Sargeras' possession of his master. In turn, it was Khadgar's efforts and magical gifts that enabled him to kill Medivh, banish Sargeras, and close the Dark Portal. Unfortunately, Sargeras cursed Khadgar with frailty and old age. However, this didn't stop Khadgar from learning and mastering Medivh's spells and the nature of the Burning Legion.

Throughout World of Warcraft, Khadgar became instrumental in unifying the Alliance. Moreover, his knowledge of the mystic arts became an invaluable resource to the Kirin Tor. He eventually becomes its current Grand Magus after Jaina's exit.

Mages shouldn’t look at Khadgar for simply being “the apprentice of Guardian Medivh.” Despite starting as a frail bookworm, his resourcefulness allowed Khadgar to learn about magic while Medivh was largely absent. Khadgar learned and prepared a powerful Farseeing Spell by himself. Additionally, Khadgar would bravely study various forms of magic – from the Arcane to the corrupted Fel – to learn how to counteract them.

Khadgar's Feats

At a young age, Khadgar proved his potential in the mystic arts. In fact, he managed to clash on even terms with Gul’dan and defeat Medivh at his prime while being possessed by Sargeras. He presently serves as the Kirin Tor’s leader, while his fellow mages consider him the most accomplished of all wizards in history.

Despite his membership among the Kirin Tor, Khadgar would frequently clash heads with members whose beliefs seemed to harm both Alliance and Horde factions. Nevertheless, Khadgar’s most impressive feats included the Dark Portal’s destruction in the Second War, helping correct the timeline in Draenor with the Alliance Expedition, and even organizing a counterattack against the forces of the Burning Legion itself.

7 The Lich King

Lich King - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Anyone who wears the Helm of Domination is granted the curse of becoming the Lich King, serving as the lord of the Scourge from their dominion in the Frozen Throne. Unlike other characters, the Lich King is a title — first held by Ner'zhul, then Arthas Menethil, and then Bolvar Fordragon.

As the Lich King, one has complete control over the Scourge for as long as they wear the Helm and sit upon the Throne. Moreover, the Lich King's legendary runeblade, Frostmourne, can steal the lifeforce, memories, and skills of anyone it kills.

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The Lich King's Feats

The Lich King serves as a formidable foe given its sole power set. Only the chosen could wield the runeblade Frostmourne. With this artifact, its wielder can siphon the souls of the living and absorb even their unique abilities. Meanwhile, the Helm of Domination allowed the essence of the Lich King to control both its host and its army of the Scourge. In fact, the Lich King could have another person wield the Frostmourne as a secondary host to corrupt and follow its whims.

The Lich King’s abilities have grown so immense that even dreadlords have grown afraid of its potential. The Lich King’s other abilities include telepathy, subtle mind control, and even the creation of Death Knights – its most powerful soldiers. As a result, the Lich King is formidable not just in its innate abilities, but in its nature as a means of dominating others.

Additionally, its possession of various individuals allowed the Lich King to access a myriad of abilities. For instance, its possession of both Arthas Menethil and Bolvar Fordragon allowed the Lich King to obtain their fighting prowess. Additionally, the Lich King could potentially tap into their connection with the Light given its hosts’ status as former Paladins.

6 Aegwynn

Aegwynn - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Unbeknownst to most people, the seemingly unnoticeable Aegwynn served as one of the Guardians of the Order of Tirisfal. As a Guardian, the wizard Aegwynn received incredible magical powers and longevity. In turn, Aegwynn became equipped to fight the Burning Legion – to the point of destroying Sargeras' avatar when the Dark Titan attempted to return to Azeroth 9,000 years after the War of the Ancients.

Mages regard Aegwynn, or Magna Aegwynn, as one of the greatest sorcerers of all time. Aside from her magical talents, Aegwynn possesses incredible intelligence and cunning. For instance, she planned the birth of her successor Guardian — her son Medivh — who she wanted to attain Guardianship without the meddling of the Order.

Aegwynn's Feats

As the penultimate Guardian of Tirisfal, she received gifts of longevity and incredible magical abilities. However, Aegwynn already possessed incredible magical potential that she honed at a young age. In fact, Aegwynn herself managed to read the lost text and master the magic from the 9,000-year-old Meitre scrolls. Through her efforts, the mages chose Aegwynn to be the next Guardian of Tirisfal, but her feats would only begin there.

Aegwynn would soon discover another set of Meitre scrolls, this time about a mystical being named Aluneth. Despite the difficulty, Aegwynn would subdue Aluneth and bind its power to her greatstaff – a feat even the wizard Meitre couldn’t achieve. Her power as Guardian would grow so much that she could contend with the Avatar of Sargeras himself.

Aegwynn lost an incredible amount of her magical abilities after passing them to his infant son, the Guardian Medivh. She only maintains a longevity spell to keep herself looking young. However, her knowledge of ancient magics remains, to the point where even Jaina sought her knowledge. Aegwynn herself would serve as Jaina’s chamberlain until her death.

5 Illidan Stormrage

Illidan Stormrage - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

When the demigod Cenarius rejected Illidan Stormrage as his student, Illidan sought more power to prove his worth. With the Dark Titan Sargeras' admiration, he replaced Illidan's eyes with mystic fire that can see all magic. Moreover, Illidan's consumption of the Skull of Gul'dan granted him demonic powers beyond comprehension. Throughout the years, Illidan will become a feared Demon Hunter and Lord of the Outland with his Twin Blades of Azzinoth, his fiercest weapons.

Despite his death, Illidan will be resurrected to lead his Demon Hunters into battle. However, Illidan has a larger destiny to fulfill. According to the naaru Xe'ra, Illidan is the prophesied "Child of Light and Shadow" to end the age of demons. Illidan will eventually be appointed the jailor of Sargeras, proving his might.

Illidan's Feats

Even as a child, Illidan proved himself as a capable sorcerer. Whereas his brother Malfurion excelled in Druidism, Illidan himself has a natural aptitude for the arcane.

In search of power, Illidan defected to the Burning Legion, where he lost his eyes in exchange for the ability to find and detect demons around him. He would eventually attain the Skull of Gul’dan and its Fel energies, allowing him to tap into demonic energies and transform into a demon. Illidan would gain control over his spellcasting and demonic nature, to the point of being able to impart this knowledge to others. As a result, Illidan creates the Illidari, his own faction of fellow Demon Hunters.

Due to the unique nature of his soul, even the mystic Naaru thought of him as the Chosen One. However, Illidan rejects the idea and even kills the Naaru Xe’ra – a being of pure energy – when she tries to forcibly infuse Illidan with the Light. His powers would prove powerful enough to contend with the likes of the Lich King Arthas and Kil’jaeden. Even with his own powers alone, Illidan proved powerful enough to fight Sargeras himself.

4 Medivh

Medivh - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Unlike most people, Medivh had his destiny decided before his birth — that he would become Aegwynn's successor, a Guardian of Tirisfal to defend Azeroth. Unfortunately, Sargeras saw through Aegwynn's plans and inserted a part of his soul into Medivh. In turn, Sargeras would imbue Medivh with incredibly dark magic alongside his slow corruption. Eventually, Medvih's powers will open the Dark Portal to herald the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth.

Magus Medivh's apprentice Khadgar and the Guardian's friend Lothar will kill Medivh to stop the Burning Legion's assault. However, Aegwynn will revive Medivh to warn Azeroth of the Scourge (Warcraft 3) before once again disappearing. Lore considers Medivh an Eternal, a demigod of sorts that possesses immortality and vast measures of power.

Medvih's Feats

Azeroth’s most powerful mages already imparted great magical abilities upon Medivh as a child. Destined to become the next (and eventually, last) Guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh trained under the tutelage of extremely powerful wizards to protect Azeroth from the Burning Legion.

Unfortunately, Sargeras would soon make his way to Medivh, which in turn imbued the Guardian with both parts of the Dark Titan’s powers and knowledge. Through this corruption, Sargeras as Medivh proved that the Guardian is capable enough to open the Dark Portal and herald the arrival of the Burning Legion. Upon his death at the hands of Khadgar, Medivh’s spirit proved so powerful it managed to glimpse into the nightmarish Twisting Nether. Upon his resurrection, Medivh gained the power to touch the minds of demons, see through memories, and enter the dreams of others.

Medivh once wielded Atiesh, the Greatstaff of the Guardian, after receiving it from his mother. He eventually passed the staff down to Khadgar, his apprentice. The staff itself allowed Medivh to tap into ancient powers unknown to most wizards, immediately giving him an advantage in most magical confrontations.

3 Malfurion Stormrage

Malfurion Stormrage - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Compared to his brother Illidan, Malufiron Stormrage introduced the art of druidism amongst the Night Elves. Thanks to his studies under the guidance of the demigod Cenarius, Malfurion helped the Night Elves halt the Burning Legion's assault of Azeroth in the War of the Ancients, 10,000 years ago. In turn, Malfurion will not only become the co-leader of the Night Elves, but also the most powerful archdruid of all time.

Moreover, as an archdruid, Malfurion took it upon himself to protect Azeroth through the Emerald Dream. In turn, Malfurion can tap into the Emerald Dream's font of magic or explore it in his spirit form. Whereas most of his companions fight in the real world, Malfurion protects Azeroth from various powerful threats while asleep.

Malfurion's Feats

Arch-Druid Malfurion is heralded as the strongest Druid in Azeroth not just out of status. Rather, the demigod Cenarius himself introduced Druidism to Malfurion more than 10,000 years ago, which Malfurion then shared with the Night Elves. Malfurion honed his Druidism alongside other Druids as they slept after the War of the Ancients, sculpting the Emerald Dream to repair the world. Courtesy of his connection to life within Azeroth himself, Malfurion holds the title of Shan’do or “Honored Teacher” and is perhaps one of the most powerful mortals in the Warcraft universe as a whole.

Even without his Druidism, Malufiron boasts centuries’ worth of knowledge – thanks in part to his leadership after the fall of the Highborne Elves. Since the War of the Ancients, Malfurion and Tyrande co-ruled the Night Elf race. With his age, Malfurion has grown familiar with various kinds of abilities and magic, and he even saw Druidism evolve into the incorporation of various Forms.

With his age, others can regard Malfurion as a great and venerable leader, but also a mighty commander in his own right. His familiarity with the evolution of the Night Elves over time should help Malfurion coordinate strategies and tactics quickly. This may have helped the Night Elves create a formidable defense throughout the times the Burning Legion attempted to invade Azeroth. Likewise, it’s through his experiences that the Night Elves have become perhaps the oldest and one of the most powerful members of the Alliance.

2 Sylvanas Windrunner

Sylvanas Windrunner - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Once the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, a corrupted Arthas killed Sylvanas Windrunner and transformed her into a banshee. Unfortunately, despite freeing herself from his control, Sylvanas would never find salvation in the Afterlife. Throughout World of Warcraft, Sylvanas will lead the Forsaken as the Banshee Queen, the Warchief of the Horde, and then abandon them to become the partner of the Jailer of the Shadowlands.

As Silvermoon's Ranger-General, Sylvanas is perhaps Azeroth's most skillful archer. Moreover, her fall as a banshee granted her remarkable dark powers. Additionally, her affiliation with the Shadowlands has gifted her with abilities that make her a force between life and death. In fact, such has Sylvanas' power has grown that she managed to best Lich King Bolvar Fordragon and destroy his Helm of Domination, shattering the balance between life and death itself.

Sylvanas's Feats

One would fall if they underestimate Sylvanas, as the Banshee Queen boasts various skills even before her time as the Queen of the Forsaken. Sylvanas belonged to the prominent Windrunner family, being one of the children within a decorated family. Sylvanas herself joined the Elven Rangers at an early age, through which she will eventually gain the title of Ranger-General of Silvermoon. This places Sylvanas at the command of all High Elven forces.

Prior to her time serving the Lich King, Sylvanas is a peerless and feared archer. Additionally, her training in military strategy makes her an excellent commander, even before her leadership at the Horde.

As a Banshee, Sylvanas would possess incredibly fearsome and ghastly abilities. She would possess the ability to peer through the spiritual realm, become incorporeal, and even control the bodies of others. Their piercing screams could also disorient their victims. When Sylvanas manages to set herself free of the Lich King’s control, she would also reclaim her body. As such, Sylvanas would soon possess not just her abilities as a ranger but also retain her Banshee powers. Through the expansions, Sylvanas would grow to have various dark magics.

Thanks to her leadership abilities, Sylvanas would create her own faction called the Forsaken – all composed of freed Undead. Soon, Sylvanas would earn a place within the Horde’s leadership and even became their own Warchief. After her defection, Sylvanas would still lead the Forsaken but also join forces with the Maw. This decision would make her in charge of the Mawsworn, sworn servants of death itself.

1 Anduin Wrynn

Anduin Wrynn - Most Powerful WoW NPCs

Instead of walking his father Varian's path as a warrior, Anduin Wrynn chose to become a priest. However, his incredibly strong connection with the Light and upholding of Varian and Thrall's ideals made Anduin fit to become the High King of the Alliance. In turn, Anduin's incredible power stems not from his battle prowess or any magical abilities. Instead, it's from his incredibly strong connection with the Light.

Anduin wields his father's sword Shalamayne, from which the priest-king channels his magic. He's tapped into the Light to do otherwise-impossible things, such as healing Varian's extremely fatal wound. Recently, Anduin channeled the same magic to perform a Mass Resurrection of his fallen soldiers against Sylvanas, something even the most powerful priests find difficult to do. Due to his young age, Anduin may yet access his full potential.

Anduin's Feats

Despite his youth, Anduin’s strength lies more in his calm, contemplativeness, and diplomacy. Instead of using force and strength like his father Varian, Anduin wholeheartedly wants to seek peace. It’s through this that Anduin helped strengthen the ties between the Alliance and the Ironforge Dwarves after solving their internal conflict. Likewise, Anduin helped the Alliance make a good mark in the eyes of Baine Bloodhoof, Tauren leader, in a chance encounter.

Given his previous status as Prince of Stormwind, Varian has familiarized Anduin in various matters of politics. Anduin is intimately familiar with the inner workings of the Alliance and therefore has intimate knowledge of its military structure, capabilities, and resources.

However, just because Anduin appreciates diplomacy doesn’t mean the King of Stormwind is a pushover. In fact, Anduin proved himself as one of the most capable and powerful priests of Azeroth. In the Battle for Azeroth trailer, Anduin managed to resurrect his fallen allies with a single spell. Likewise, his tutelage under powerful Priests such as Prophet Velen of the Draenei and August Celestia Chi-Ji the Red Crane in Pandaria helped Anduin familiarize himself with various kinds of magic.

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