It's a bright and beautiful day for fans of the Real Time Strategy genre as a mix of old and new life has been breathed into the genre. Warcraft III: Reforged is a remaster of Blizzard Entertainment's 2002 game, complete with new graphics, cinematics, and for fans of World of Warcraft, some long overdue retconning. The developers at Blizzard made sure to align the art direction, city layouts, and story of the remaster with the current World of Warcraft storyline. This makes a lot of sense, considering that Warcraft III could effectively be credited for the initial success of World of Warcraft, a game that has been chugging along for almost two decades now.

But anyone that's played any Blizzard RTS game, be it in the Starcraft universe or Warcraft universe, knows that Blizzard is a cheeky company that loves to shoehorn plenty of pop-culture references into the game in the form of cheat codes.

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Glittering Prizes

Cheat codes are perfect for casual players that are interested in just experiencing the game's story and units. The functionality of the codes ranges far and wide; from invincibility to resources, to unlimited supply and level skipping.

Below is a list of every cheat code in Warcraft III: Reforged.

  • thereisnospoon – All units have unlimited mana.
  • thedudeabides – Removes current spell cooldown.
  • riseandshine – Switches to daylight.
  • lightsout – Switches to night.
  • synergy – Disable tech tree.
  • greedisgood – Gives 500 Gold / 500 Wood.
  • keysersoze # – Gives [#] amount of gold.
  • leafittome # – Gives [#] amount of wood.
  • whoisjohngalt – Enables research.
  • allyourbasearebelongtous – Instant victory.
  • somebodysetusupthebomb – Instant defeat.
  • strengthandhonor – Can’t trigger defeat.
  • itvexesme – Can’t trigger victory.
  • warpten – Build time is super fast.
  • iocainepowder – Units die faster.
  • iseedeadpeople – Removes fog of war.
  • sharpandshiny – Upgrade all units and buildings by 1 level.
  • whosyourdaddy – Makes your units invincible with 1-hit kill attacks.
  • pointbreak – Removes food limit.
  • motherland [Race] [Level ##] – Skip to any level. Ex. motherland Orc 04.
  • tenthleveltaurenchieftain – Play ‘Earth, Wind & Fire’.
thereisnospoon warcraft 3 cheat code

Notable References

As many Warcraft III: Reforged players have likely noticed, these codes are all references to early 2000's pop culture. Point Break, a favorite film of Keanu Reeves fans everywhere, is plainly referenced. That's not the only reference to Keanu, for anyone that can recall the bald child in the Matrix that spoke to him, saying "there is no spoon."

The Big Lebowski's the Dude is also in the list as thedudeabides, an ability which resets all spell cooldowns. Finally, The Sixth Sense is referenced in the delightful iseedeadpeople, which effectively removes the fog of war for players who want eyes everywhere. There's plenty of pop-culture references for keen-eyed players looking to have more than just an easy time.

Warcraft III: Reforged is available now for PC.

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