The smash-hit sci-fi multiplayer war game War Robots has made for some interesting revolutions in the genre. Featuring a constantly expanding roster of mecha war robots that face off similarly to that of tanks in War Thunder, players will be impressed by the vast selection of war machines to choose from.

From fast and nimble light robots to the impressive firepower of heavy robots, there's a huge number of war robots in this sci-fi game. As of now, War Robots has a total of 71 robots to choose from, only expanding their roster as time goes on. As such, players may find it difficult to pick the best robot for their playstyle, but with a little thought, these recommendations stand out from the rest as the best robots in War Robots.

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Updated on July 8, 2022, by Scott Vengel: Like always, War Robots continues to be a fan-favorite game among lovers of the mecha and sci-fi genres. While not a lot of newsworthy events have occurred over the last few months, the popularity of the game has not readily declined: War Robots has been around for 8 years now and is still releasing updates. In recognition of the game's resilience, and that of its fans, this article will be updated to include combat clarifications and an additional entry.

Combat In War Robots

As a battlefield-oriented game, much like other vehicle-driven titles such as War Thunder and World of Tanks, War Robots is heavily driven by individual and team strategy. On the team side, there are a few roles that players can play to increase their efficiency. And to do this, they will need to suit themselves with a robot that effectively gears itself for each player's preferred playstyle.

There are largely two major offensive playstyles, based on the balance between speed and health/armor: the Tank and the Ambusher. The Tank tends to use robots with higher health and armor stats, usually at the expense of speed (which often can be a benefit, as it makes their robot more targetable). These players try to take the bulk of the enemy fire and will tend to be the backbone of the assault. Ambushers are just the opposite, using robots with higher speeds to attack enemies and break their defensive lines, all at the expense of low health.

On the support side, there are a variety of roles. Defenders often make up the most, using similar high-armor robots to Tanks, but usually with long-ranged weapons. Having more firepower is important for Defenders, as they will need to outlast enemy robots during an assault. Support sometimes also includes stat-boosters and recovery, like Healers that help teammates regain health.

15 Gepard

war robots gepard mecha
  • Class: Light
  • Ability: None
  • Weapon Slots: 3 Light
  • Max Speed: 58 KM/H

Generally speaking, most robots in War Robots are sufficient for most demands the player could have. But starting with the Gepard, the robots begin to excel in at least one or more areas. The Gepard is the second-fastest robot in the game with a standard 58 km/h (enough to make a lot of other fast sci-fi vehicles look slow.)

Mixed with three light weapon slots, this makes for a good robot for quick-strike attacks, to shake up the enemy lines. However, outside of speed, the Gepard is still fairly mediocre. It has fairly average durability and only light weapons, making it a fast bot that lacks defense and firepower.

14 Jesse

war robots jesse mecha
  • Class: Light
  • Ability: Quick Draw
  • Weapon Slots: 4 Light
  • Max Speed: 49 KM/H

Generally speaking, Jesse excels largely in the same ways that the Gepard does. It is fast and feisty, though notably also lacking in terms of durability. However, where the Gepard lacking in firepower, the Jesse offers a little bit more support.

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Featuring four light weapons that can be switched, War Robots players will find themselves constantly switching two weapons at a time. In this way, Jesse opens a synergy in which one weapon is used completely, then switched to another, allowing the first to reload.

13 Pursuer

war robots pursuer mecha
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Hunt
  • Weapon Slots: 3 Light
  • Max Speed: 50 KM/H

It's with the Pursuer that the titular mechs in War Robots really start to carry their weight. Much like the Gepard and Jesse, the Pursuer is fast, with a base speed of 50 km/h. However, the Pursuer notably increases in both durability and firepower.

Most notably, the Pursuer works well as a stealth vehicle that cloaks itself with its ability. Combined with its three light weapon slots, the Pursuer works well to get behind enemy lines, destroy with its weapons until cooldown, and disappear from sight just as quickly.

12 Phantom

war robots phantom
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Blink
  • Weapon Slots: 3 (2 Light / 1 Medium)
  • Max Speed: 60 KM/H

While the purely offensive strategy is far more common, games in War Robots can also be won by obtaining more points from capturing points. The Phantom isn’t a very offensive robot (it only has one medium and two light weapons) but it makes this up by focusing on capturing points.

The Phantom’s ability, Blink, increases speed by 50% and decreases damage taken by the robot. As such, the robot can traverse long distances and mitigate any projectiles headed their way. This comes in addition to fairly high hit points, making the Phantom an excellent choice for contesting a point without falling to enemy fire.

11 Rhino

war robots rhino mecha
  • Class: Heavy
  • Ability: Assualt Mode
  • Weapon Slots: 4 (2 Light / 2 Medium)
  • Max Speed: 28 KM/H

All of the robots until now have been below the heavyweight class. And while both light and medium robots have their merits, the heavy robot class tends to perform very well, as can be seen with the Rhino.

Specifically, the Rhino has higher durability and firepower, now featuring two light and medium weapons. In addition, the Rhino has an ability that activates a physical shield and increases speed, making the robot a berserker of sorts. The Rhino can close distance between robots, and it does it well with high firepower to boot.

10 Leech

war robots leech
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Repulse
  • Weapon Slots: 4 Medium
  • Max Speed: 45 KM/H

As its name would imply, the Leech possesses an ability that changes the way health management works. When the player activates the Repulse ability, the Leech will activate 90% damage reduction while redirecting 35% of received damage to a linked foe.

While the Leech does have fairly low health, it makes this up with four medium weapons and a high speed of 45 kph. Nonetheless, in order to use the Leech to the best of its ability, players will want to use its ability often.

9 Ao Jun

war robots ao jun
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Dragon Breath
  • Weapon Slots: 2 Heavy
  • Max Speed: 33 KM/H

In War Robots, there are generally three strategy types:

  1. Defenders that fight from afar.
  2. Tanks that fight on the frontline.
  3. Ambushers that utilize speed to push the enemy back.

The Ao Jun is a perfect example of an ambusher. Although it is officially a medium robot, the Ao Jun has a lot of the capabilities associated with heavy robots. In short, the Ao Jun can utilize the speed of a medium robot, at 33 km/h, while also utilizing its two heavy armaments for high damage output. This makes it perfect for rushing enemy lines, while still having the guns of a tank.

8 Ares

war robots ares mecha
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Retribution
  • Weapon Slots: 4 (2 Light / 2 Medium)
  • Max Speed: 48 KM/H

Like the god of war that the robot is based on, the Ares brings a lot of destruction to the battlefield. However, players should ensure they don't misunderstand that statement: most of the damage dealt by the Ares comes from its opponents.

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The Ares has the impressive ability to absorb enemy attacks with its energy shields, and increase the firepower of its four built-in energy cannons. Of course, the two additional light and medium weapon slots found on the Ares for non-ability firepower aren't shabby either. It's an all-around great pick for damage lovers.

7 Nightingale

war robots nightingale mecha
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Air Support
  • Weapon Slots: 3 (1 Light / 2 Medium)
  • Max Speed: 44 KM/H

In most multiplayer games, healing is a major component of gameplay. And while it has a much smaller presence in War Robots, the Nightingale has made it clear that healing can make a huge difference in winning a game.

The Nightingale boasts two main assets: healing and its special ability. For one, the Nightingale can heal nearby allies, which makes for a vital ability in a battlefield where damage is constant. This healing robot also has an ability that lets it fly for a brief period of time, making it incredibly mobile.

6 Scorpion

war robots scorpion mecha
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Backstab
  • Weapon Slots: 3 (1 Light / 2 Medium)
  • Max Speed: 49 KM/H

All around the War Robots community, the Scorpion is hailed as one of the most beloved medium robots in the game. Its playset is unique, featuring great durability, fair firepower, and an interesting ability to boot.

More specifically, the Scorpion's ability gives it the ability to teleport instantaneously behind opponents (with an additional speed boost that players would expect from a Gundam anime.) From there, the Scorpion utilizes its two medium weapons and one light weapon to unleash mass destruction on unsuspecting foes, quickly reusing the ability to return to its original position.

5 Siren

siren from war robots
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Snowstorm
  • Weapon Slots: 3 (1 Light / 2 Heavy)
  • Max Speed: 38 KM/H

Few robots in War Robots do chaos quite like the Siren does. It has three weapon slots; two heavy gearing it for extremely high damage and one light for quick-firing versatility. At that, it has fairly high armor durability, making it a good pick for tank-oriented roles (sadly, it has the downside of fairly slow speed).

That said, the cherry on top of the Siren comes from its ability, Snowstorm. Flying into the air, the Siren absorbs 80% of damage coming in, reflecting 30% back at its opponent. If that wasn't enough, it also has one ice missile, which creates a zone where enemies are damaged per second and slowly receive the Freeze effect — a devastating duo for opponents not expecting it from a Tank or Defender.

4 Typhon

war robots typhon mecha
  • Class: Heavy
  • Ability: Blackout 2.0
  • Weapon Slots: 4 Medium
  • Max Speed: 43 KM/H

Among War Robots' cast of robots, Typhon is best named an ender. Its greatest components give it both tactical advantages and heavy firepower compared to other medium robots. Most notably, the Typhon has three energy weapons on its top that are used in its special ability: The three weapons disable the opponent's ability, prevent them from moving, and reduce their weapon damage, respectively.

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With this ability, the Typhon's opponents will become sitting ducks for the robot's four medium weapons. And if this isn't enough to end their enemies, then they'll make for good targets for the Typhon's teammates. This makes it a great pick for players that love the strategy side of games.

3 Invader

war robots invader mecha
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Incursion
  • Weapon Slots: 3 (2 Light / 1 Medium)
  • Max Speed: 40 KM/H

The Invader is of one of War Robots' most interesting heavy robots. For one, it is the only four-legged robot that can jump, making it incredibly mobile for a heavy weapon user. Additionally, it succeeds in a lot of the ways that other robots have succeeded: with decent speed and high durability.

However, despite its high standards in other areas, the Invader does have fairly low firepower for a heavy robot in War Robots. With only two light and one medium weapon slot, players may find the damage output of the Invader to be a little lacking. Despite this, the robot isn't the weakest either, a great pick for players that prefer longevity and a fast-paced playstyle.

2 Falcon

war robots falcon
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Fangs Out
  • Weapon Slots: 3 Heavy
  • Max Speed: 40 KM/H

Among the bots in War Robots, the Falcon is an indispensable tank. The robot has three heavy weapon slots, giving it heavy damage output at the top of the game.

That said, where the Falcon is amazing as a tank and defender, it also offers an ability that increases ambush potential. Fangs Out removes the Falcon’s damage resistance abilities temporarily to increase damage and speed. This makes the Falcon great for adapting to a fast-paced battle situation.

1 Behemoth

war robots behemoth mecha
  • Class: Medium
  • Ability: Siege Mode
  • Weapon Slots: 4 Heavy
  • Max Speed: 34 KM/H

The Behemoth is without a doubt the biggest force to be reckoned with in War Robots, perhaps even being among the best robots in video games. Despite being a medium robot, it has one of the highest durabilities in the game. In the end, this means that the robot can last a very long time.

However, players shouldn't let this fact foul them. Despite its incredibly high defensive set, it isn't a one-trick pony by any means. In fact, the Behemoth hosts one of the highest firepowers in all of War Robots, with a striking four heavy weapon slots.

War Robots is available on mobile and PC systems.

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