War Robots is a 6v6 PVP shooter where robots fit on the palm of players' hands. The game features dozens of different robots, all with their own distinct strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. There are also hundreds of different weapon combinations.

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This amount of content can be overwhelming for a lot of new players. Looking up community resources, and researching before starting on War Robots is the best way for new players to get to grips with the game and give themselves the best chances of succeeding in the PVP battles. The robots are well-designed and distinct from one another, with lots of them reminiscent of adorable sci-fi movie robots.

10 Start With The Destrier

A group of bots huddled together in the video game War Robots.

At the beginning of the game, players will be offered a bot to start off with. The best choice for beginners is theDestrier bot. Players should stick to the Destrier bot, focusing on getting a general feel for the game and the controls.

The Destrier is a decent all-rounder, making it perfect for someone learning the ropes. It has a Durability of 44,000 and 42kph Speed. It's used for flanking, close-in engagement, and securing beacons.

9 Preserve As Much Gold As Possible

A screenshot of a blue bot in the gacha game War Robots.

It can be tempting in the beginning when players start to feel more accustomed to the game to purchase upgrades. Progress comes fast in War Robots if players stay patient, and in the beginning, it's easy to spend money on robots or weapons that become obsolete shortly after.

New players should preserve as much gold as possible, and take the time to learn what's available, what different weapon and robot combinations can do. This is where community resources come in handy, where experienced players have written guides on when to start spending gold.

8 Don't Push Too Hard

Promotional image of bots in flight from the gacha game War Robots.

The best strategy when going up against other players who are more experienced is to play it safe. Players should hang back for quite a lot of their first games, and try to scope out what everyone else is doing. Picking off straggler opponents and avoiding conflict as much as possible.

More experienced players will capitalize when a beginner overextends. Just like strong League of Legends champions will capitalize on a beginner's overextension, so too will strong War Robots. Stay back, and take time to ensure the best strategy is being taken.

7 Don't Upgrade Starter Bots Past Level 2

A promotioal image of multiple bots charging from the gacha game War Robots.

Bots can be upgraded and leveled up, growing stronger and having more weapon capabilities. It can be tempting for players to spend their gold on starter bots, deciding to stick with them rather than branch out.

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It's better not to upgrade any of the starter bots past level 2. These starter bots become obsolete pretty quickly, and though it can be tempting for newer players to want to work with more powerful bots sooner, waiting is better. They are however vital for understanding the game in the beginning, just like beginner-friendly champions in League of Legends.

6 Use High Fire Rate Weapons

war robots poster

There are lots of weapons available in War Robots, and they differ in fire rates. While half the fun in games like this is experimenting with all of the weapons, keep in mind that the high fire rate weapons are best. Players who like using sniper rifles in Call of Duty will enjoy experimenting with lower fire rate weapons.

There is little point in firing every ten or twenty seconds when there are weapons that fire every second. It gets harder to compete with a lower fire rate, and it's even harder for beginners if they haven't yet developed their aim.

5 Figure Out Playstyle

war robots jesse mecha

Up until level 20, players should figure out their playstyle ready for taking their game more competitive. Sniping, brawling, or playing support roles; all of these and more are possible roles that players can choose to play.

Figuring out playstyle will help players to focus on the bots and weapons that suit their playstyle, and keep on top of the meta in order to use the most competitive bots are being used at all times. War Robots has a lot of options available, but figuring out playstyle allows players to narrow their focus.

4 Run Away When Mismatched

war robots rhino mecha

More experienced players have the advantage over newer ones; they know when they are mismatched, thanks to their experience in the different bots and weapons available, and they will have an instinct to flee when necessary due to having played more overall games.

Newer players should try to develop an awareness of when they're mismatched as quickly as possible. Escaping to avoid dying is a sound strategy, and players should be prepared to run from a fight at all times, even if it seems like they are getting the upper hand at first. Running away is a useful, core mechanic in Hunter's Arena: Legends, and it's a similar case with War Robots.

3 Learn Crucial Beacons

war robots behemoth mecha

Using community resources like the War Robots subreddit, beginner players can ensure that they go into games with the best possible knowledge. Across the different maps, an array of beacons will appear. These beacons are very important to the game, and some are more important than others based on where they're positioned on the map.

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Learning the crucial beacons for all of these maps gives beginners a sense of where to aim for, where to be more cautious. Map knowledge is a huge part of War Robots and can be learned quickly.

2 Invest In Punishers And Tulumbus First

war robots nightingale mecha

Punishers and Tulumbus should be given priority by beginner players when upgrading their weapons. Both of these weapons are viable in the lower leagues and easy to use. Helpfully, they are also fairly cheap compared to other available weapons.

The Punisher is a light kinetic weapon suited for close to mid-combat, while the Tulumbus is a mid-range Medium rocket launcher. Players who have experienced using the best weapons in Fortnite and other games will no doubt be on the hunt for the best weapons in War Robots; look no further than the Punishers and the Tulumbus.

1 Don't End Games Too Early

war robots typhon mecha

It can be tempting to stomp the enemy team when a player and their team are clearly winning. It's part of the fun, showcasing strength, and keeps it moving. However, newer players may want to try and prolong games if they can. Just like the frustration of doing a Skyrim quest with low rewards, going through a War Robots game and yielding next to nothing in rewards can kill motivation fast.

When games end too early, the player will receive fewer rewards that are collected for upgrades. Since players, in the beginning, need as much Silver and Gold as they can get, they should try to prolong the game while preventing a counterattack in order to maximize profits.

War Robots was released April 14, 2014, and is available for PC, Android, iOS, Fire OS, and SteamOS.

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