When taking patients through the healing process in War Hospital, the final step in recovery will have patients stay at the Rehabilitation Center. As long as nurses are assigned to work the center, all patients will slowly make progress toward recovery. Once patients are completely healed, players can delegate one of three options to each patient, receiving a slight boost as a reward for curing them.

Players will need to properly balance where they assign rehabilitated patients if they want to run the hospital successfully. For those unsure, this guide highlights the benefits of each post-rehabilitation option and details which patients should be sent down each of the three different paths.

War Hospital: How To Get Staff Permits

With this guide, War Hospital players will learn the best ways to acquire more staff permits and grow their hospital workforce with ease.

Rehabilitating Patients

Rehabilitating Patients in War Hospital

Each patient that arrives at the hospital will have a strength designation listed in chevrons on their patient card in the Casualty Clearing Station (CCS). Ranging from 1-3 chevrons (with 3 being the strongest), players can gauge the reward bonus of a patient once the healing process is complete. If players must resort to special operations, which make patients unfit for combat or, in the worst cases, deny patients altogether, they should avoid selecting patients with 3 chevrons for these alternatives.

Players will find that certain patients will automatically be sorted in the rehabilitation center, most commonly with VIPs and patients who went through special operations. While these patients cannot be sent to the frontlines for combat power or to the HQ for war permits, players will still receive a morale boost once these patients finish rehabilitation. Additionally, certain VIPs will offer to join the hospital staff upon full recovery as a thank-you for saving their lives.

In some cases, VIPs will be left up to players to designate a post-rehabilitation option. Take a moment to read the recommendation note attached to their patient card, as it will most often recommend to players the best course of action for said patient. If players rehabilitate a VIP who has a recommendation to return to the trenches and send them back to HQ or dismiss them from duty, a penalty can be sent in from HQ, which can cost materials, staff permits, or war permits. Especially early in the game, any loss of these materials or permits can significantly impact a player's experience.

Be sure to assign at least one nurse to the rehabilitation center for patients to make recovery progress. Assigning multiple nurses on a single shift at the rehabilitation center will increase the speed of recovery for all patients at the center.

War Hospital: All Improvements (& Which To Upgrade First)

Upgrading is absolutely essential in War Hospital, and here are the improvements that should be made first.

What To Do With Rehabilitated Patients

Once patients have completed their recovery, players will have three options for each patient: Send to Frontlines, Send to HQ, and Release from duty. Each patient will be awarded 1 point of combat power, 1 war permit, or 1% morale for each chevron on their patient card.

If players send troops back to the frontline, the combat power of the trenches will go up, beefing up defenses for the next enemy attack. If players do not have a Good or Strong combat power rating for the trenches, sending troops to the frontline should be a priority. Having a high combat power is key to reducing the number of casualties that require medical attention after each attack.

If players send patients back to HQ after rehabilitation, players will receive war permits equivalent to the chevrons on the patient card. This is the main way for players to gather war permits to begin improvements around the hospital. Once players have a Good or Strong combat power, they should send as many patients back to HQ as possible.

Release from duty is an option that players will not need to select often, as certain patients will automatically designate themselves to this group. Additionally, there are many other ways for players to increase morale rather than releasing patients from service, so it is best to receive combat power or war permits in exchange for patients over the slight morale boost. Any patients that undergo special operations will automatically be assigned to Release from duty along with any VIPs that could be potential staff members.

War Hospital is available now for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

War Hospital: All Hospital Personnel Explained (Assigning Staff & Scheduling Shifts)

This guide provides detailed information on every staff type in War Hospital and outlines how players can assign them for maximum efficiency.