War Hospital throws players into World War I, running a hospital just behind the trenches on the front lines of France. Players can find themselves quickly overwhelmed with patients if not managing their intake and operating areas of the hospitals appropriately, especially once the enemy forces begin unleashing artillery fire and chemical weapons on the nearby friendly soldiers.

For players to keep the hospital morale high enough to maintain functionality (and prevent a game-over), it is critical to properly assign patients and set work schedules for hospital doctors. By correctly assigning operation schedules for doctors, players can save a massive number of troops, sending heavy amounts of combat strength to the trenches or support troops to headquarters in exchange for war permits that can be spent on upgrades.

War Hospital: All Improvements (& Which To Upgrade First)

Upgrading is absolutely essential in War Hospital, and here are the improvements that should be made first.

How to Set Operation Schedules

Players can set the schedules for doctors in the Casualty Clearing Station (CCS). Go inside the CCS, select a patient card from the left of the screen, and assign the patient to one of the available doctors. Players can only assign up to 6 patients per doctor in each ward; be sure to get patients in the worst conditions assigned for operation first. Players will receive patients in one of the following conditions:

  • Terminal - The patient is on the brink of death and requires immediate operation to prevent death.
  • Critical - The patient has severe wounds and will only last a few hours before the condition deteriorates to terminal and the patient is lost.
  • Serious - Heavily wounded and should be scheduled for operation within 24 hours. Assign to a bed in the CCS to slow condition deterioration.
  • Stable - Lightly wounded, can survive multiple days in the CCS with proper improvements and assigned nurses.
  • Good - The patient is strong and has a high chance of survival. While patients in good condition should not be ignored, they can be left unassigned in the CCS when it's overflowing with patients, and they will survive several days.
War Hospital: All Hospital Personnel Explained (Assigning Staff & Scheduling Shifts)

This guide provides detailed information on every staff type in War Hospital and outlines how players can assign them for maximum efficiency.

Arranging Patients

When patients are assigned in the CCS, players may notice some patient cards stamped with a skull. This indicates that the patient is at a high risk of dying before receiving the necessary operation if the assigned operation schedule remains. When this skull appears, try moving the patient with the stamp to an earlier operation time with the assigned doctor or to a different doctor in the ward.

As players progress through the game, they will receive skill upgrades for the doctors stationed in each ward that can allow for faster operation times or increase the chance of operation simplifications. Pay attention when assigning patients as the operation time and difficulty will drop when assigning patients to skilled doctors. Once players arrange all patients in the schedule without any displayed skulls, back out of the CCS and let the hospital team get to work.

Players should also consider improvements that allow for special operations, such as the Amputation Tools upgrade. Once unlocked, players can assign patients to a special operation in the operation schedule in the CCS. Using these operations will make the patient unfit to return to combat but will dramatically reduce the amount of time required for operation, making the special operations incredibly useful when the CCS is overflowing to quickly push through patients.

War Hospital - Patient cards

When using special operations, consider the red chevrons on the patient card. These chevrons indicate how much combat power the patient can restore during rehabilitation. It is wise to refrain from using special operations on patients showing three red chevrons, if possible, and send these high combat power troops back to the frontlines once rehabilitated.

It is a good idea to frequently check in with the CCS, not just for new patients arriving (indicated by an audio communication from one of the nurses) but to manage patient condition deterioration.

Players may receive 4 patients who are all in the same condition, but some of the patients may begin to deteriorate faster than others. Players will want to move up the operation time of patients who are deteriorating quickly to ensure that they do not die before seeing the operating table. Once a patient is pulled from the CCS for operation, the patient card will update with an Operating stamp, and the patient's condition will change to good.

War Hospital: How To Get Staff Permits

With this guide, War Hospital players will learn the best ways to acquire more staff permits and grow their hospital workforce with ease.

How to Assign Rest Periods to Doctors

As players assign multiple patients to a doctor, they will notice a tag that appears at the top of the assigned patient cards, indicating when the doctor will reach exhausted, extremely exhausted, and collapsed conditions. Players will want to ensure to set rests for the doctors by moving the rest tag to one of the assigned patients.

Once set, the doctor will automatically go to the staff lodging to rest once completing the operation on the tagged patient. It is best to assign rests sooner rather than later, as doctors lose operational effectiveness as they become increasingly fatigued, and setting an operation that is too long while a doctor is already exhausted can push the doctor to collapse, making them unavailable for use for a longer period than a standard rest.

A good rule of thumb is to assign a rest period the moment an exhausted tag appears for a doctor. In times of emergency, when the CCS is overflowing with patients, doctors can be pushed to extremely exhausted. Just be cautious of the length of operations assigned while a doctor is fatigued; if a doctor collapses during an operation, the patient will be lost.

Improving Efficiency

Players can enhance the effectiveness of the operating schedule by constructing improvements that increase operation simplification, operation time, and housing improvements that reduce rest time needed for staff members. If players can get the rest time improvements pretty early in their playthrough, two doctors per operating ward should suffice as long as players are actively managing the schedule at the CCS and assigning rests at appropriate intervals.

Players will intake VIPs that, if fully rehabilitated, will offer to join the hospital staff, including several doctors, allowing players to expand the number of patients that can be scheduled in the CCS without spending the staff permits to hire a doctor.

War Hospital is available now for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

War Hospital: How To Assign Rehabilitated Patients

To increase combat power or receive war permits in War Hospital, players must properly assign patients after completing the healing process.