
  • A new Walking Dead game can still rise from the disappointment of Destinies if the right studio is behind the project.
  • Studios like Telltale, Sucker Punch, Arkane, Supermassive, or Bloober could provide fresh and exciting takes on the franchise.
  • The next Walking Dead game should embrace the horror elements of the series to deliver a truly scary and captivating experience for players.

When it comes to The Walking Dead, the most recent attempts at a game adaptation have been lackluster. But after The Walking Dead: Destinies had its moment as one of the most disappointing games of 2023, a modern game adaptation of The Walking Dead may still have a chance to rise from the ashes of what Destinies left behind.

There was a lot wrong with Destinies when the game finally launched. From making iconic moments from The Walking Dead unintentionally hilarious to feeling like a rushed product overall, Destinies was not the modern take on The Walking Dead the franchise deserved.

A New And Exciting Walking Dead Game Is Still Possible

Finding The Right Studio

Although recent attempts at making a Walking Dead game haven't been successful, there is still a place for a great Walking Dead game to make its mark if the right studio is behind the project. Telltale Games set the bar incredibly high with its rendition of The Walking Dead, and if another great studio gets a chance at interpreting the franchise, there could be a repeat of this greatness.

A new Telltale Walking Dead game would be great, but enough time has passed that an all-new story and take on the franchise would be exciting to see unfold. On the other hand, Sucker Punch and Arkane are two studios that have a history of crafting compelling stories with amazing combat, and it would be fascinating to see how either studio handled such a major property. In terms of the horror elements of The Walking Dead, Supermassive or Bloober could be interesting studios to head such a project.

When it comes to Arkane, the disappointing state of Redfall was a low point for the studio, but the developer's rich history proves that it's worthy of a great comeback. With the studio currently developing the upcoming Blade game, Arkane is about to demonstrate how it chooses to handle a long-running IP, which could be a great way to showcase how it may approach developing the likes of a Walking Dead game. Although Sucker Punch and Arkane have strong histories with stories and action, Supermassive or Bloober could be the strongest contenders if a new Walking Dead game wanted to focus on horror.

Embracing The Walking Dead Franchise's Horror Elements

One of the most disappointing aspects of The Walking Dead: Destinies was that it simply wasn't scary. The main terror in Telltale's adaptation was in the horrifying choices players had to make, but a new Walking Dead game deserves to be truly scary. Supermassive and Bloober both have vastly different approaches to horror, but both could be worthy studios to develop the project. If Bloober pulls off the Silent Hill 2 remake, it could give the studio more leverage for an even more ambitious title, and seeing the studio tackle horror in The Walking Dead would be exciting.

It's been years since a good game adaptation of The Walking Dead has seen the light of day, but it's not impossible. Destinies was a letdown for the franchise, but such a long-running series deserves to be showcased for what it does best. With the franchise still receiving spin-offs and major collaborations, like the collaborative Walking Dead event in Call of Duty, it's clear there is still demand, and that demand should be met with a game worthy of the franchise.