For fans of raising simulators, like Long Live the Queen and the Princess Maker game series, Volcano Princess is a new game that just might pique their interests. Volcano Princess is a parenting simulator by Beijing-based game developer Egg Hatcher. After the death of the player's partner, the monarch of the Volcano Kingdom, players have to raise their daughter on their own.

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As her father, all the player's choices affect the type of person she will grow up to be. Players can lead their daughter down many different paths depending on what attributes they focus on, the skills they let their daughter learn, the people they let her interact with and so much more. Volcano Princess is a game that can be enjoyed over and over again, for those who want to see all the different endings. No matter which ending a player is working towards, there are some basic beginner tips that will help for every playthrough.

5 What Kind Of Father Should The Player Be?

Player choosing to be the type to keep his daughter safe and his daughter's rating of him

When the game first begins players can pick their daughter's name, birthday, and blood type. Blood type doesn't have any effect on gameplay, but there will be special events during the birthday month. Another thing that players will get to choose early on is the kind of father they want to be. There are three options: "a father who makes his daughter feel safe, a father who makes his daughter proud, and a father who dotes on his daughter." Depending on which of the options is chosen, the daughter's evaluation of her father will be judged on certain values.

For the father who wants to make his daughter feel safe, they are judged based on Kind and Intelligence values. The father who wants to make his daughter proud, they are judged on the Brave and Kind values, and the one who dotes on his daughter is judged on the Gentle and Kind values. It's important to really think about which of the three options the player prefers so that they can focus on the right values. Players have to earn 100 points before the time of the Birdie festival.

4 Make Choices Based On Values And Attributes

Infant Classes that players can choose from

The first five rounds, which play out as months, are important in raising the two values a player needs to get a good evaluation from their daughter. During the first turn, there is only one conversation event where the player gets to choose how they respond to their daughter keeping a secret. If they want to raise their Gentle value they should choose to respect their daughter's secrets. If they want to raise their Brave value they should choose the option to comment on how every warrior has a unique treasure chest, and if they want to raise their Intelligence value they should choose the options where the father remembers something interesting.

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Choosing to look under the bed will raise their "Lame" value, which deducts points from their overall score. Soon after, the player will be introduced to schedule planning and courses. Players can have their daughter take 5 classes each round and each class has a recommended level of an attribute that will guarantee better results. Players should make sure that their daughter's base attributes are as close to the recommended percentage as possible.

3 Use Action Points Wisely

Player and daughter in the town center on Birdie Festival

The second day will be when the map becomes usable and players can take their daughter to different places in the Volcano Kingdom. Only the Family Restaurant and Wild Horse Lake will be available to travel to. There will be several townspeople that players can interact with, but only talking to the Lazy Soldier and the Magic Creatures Scholar at the Family Restaurant, and the Soothsayer at the Lake will give players the option to increase their values. To do certain activities, players have to spend Action Points. At the beginning of each round, players are given 10 Action Points and once they are out of Action Points they cannot do certain activities.

But there are ways to replenish these points, players can sleep at home and sit on the stump at the Lake to get 2 action points, each. Eating one of the two staple meals at the Family Restaurant will also earn points. There's a family meal and a children's meal, the family meal restores 5 Action Points while the children's meal restores 3. Players should make good use of their points and use them for things that will raise the attributes they want to focus on.

2 Keep Daughter Happy

Cutscene of daughter chasing after golden bird

Another thing that players have to keep track of is their daughter's mood. At the beginning of the game, the only thing that lowers the daughter's mood is going to class. It's important to not let her mood get below 50, otherwise, she will lose points in her attributes.

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Luckily, there are ways to lift her mood. At home, players can chat and play with her. Players can also increase her mood at the Family Restaurant by listening to a story and eating snacks they can purchase there.

1 Complete Objectives

Excercise class, father doing push ups with daughter on back

The choices players make in rounds 2 to 5 should be made with the mindset of boasting the two values that are most important to becoming the type of father they want to be. It's also important to complete the Key Targets. For the first part of the game, there are 3 objectives. Players have to complete 3 class courses, eat at the Family Restaurant with their daughter 3 times, and talk to the townspeople 10 times, all of which can easily be done.

Each task completed earns players a reward, in this case, players are rewarded with books that will greatly raise their daughter's attributes. Doing all of this will give players the best chance of sending their daughter on the right path where she can be the best (or worst) person she can be.

Volcano Princess is available on PC.

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