Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars takes players on an enjoyable, role-playing adventure filled with humor, cards, and lots of monsters to defeat. Along the way, players will also find new pieces of armor and weapons to equip in order to make their party stronger and more capable.

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While a lot of this equipment can be purchased, some pieces can only be found through careful exploration of the world. Secret quests, rare events, and hidden treasure chests all conceal the best weapons and armor VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars has to offer.

8 Darklore

a weapon card titled Darklore that shows a black, spiky magic staff with a light blue crystal at the top

Darklore is a magical staff filled with unbridled power just waiting to find the right user. Its flavor text in the game describes it as "a legendary staff bestowed by the gods," alluding to its incredible power. It's tied for the second strongest weapon in the entire game, behind only Mar's Oldfangs.

As a weapon for Melanie, Darklore dramatically increases her attack while sacrificing small boosts to defense and speed from her next strongest weapon, Sage's Staff. Darklore can be found inside the game's final dungeon, the Mausoleum, hidden in a treasure chest.

7 Gold Lightning

a card title Gold Lightning with a picture of a golden, ornately decorated bow

Gold Lightning is the most powerful bow in VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars, boasting a full six-point attack power boost from the next strongest bow, Assassin's Bow. It can be found by uncovering a hidden thieves cache somewhere on the Isle of Blight.

Gold Lightning's card describes it as "a bow imbued with godlike power," which is not an understatement when it boosts Ridis's attack power to over 40 when equipped. In terms of power, it's tied for second with Melanie's Darklore staff behind Mar's Oldfangs claws.

6 Oldfangs

a card titled Oldfangs with a picture of an ornate gauntlet with silver and blue accents and sharp, golden claws coming out of the front

Mar is the strongest character in the game by a slim margin, and she can attain this level of power because of her legendary claws, Oldfangs. Oldfangs boasts the highest attack power of any weapon in the game, beating out Ridis's Gold Lightning and Melanie's Darklore by a single point.

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Oldfangs can be found in a chest in the Mausoleum, not too far from Melanie's Darklore, and once equipped turns Mar into even more of a powerhouse. The card for Oldfangs describes them as "legendary claws of an ancient beast" with an impressive and fitting image to match.

5 Purest Blessing

a card titled Purest blessing with a picture of a blue and white gown that has ruffles that look like feathers

Purest Blessing is one the harder legendary pieces to find, as it's locked behind a secret quest that most players probably miss. A hidden sign on the Isle of Blight leads players to a secret stone that, when struck, unlocks an optional boss on a distant island.

After beating this boss, who's really just a lonely hermit, the hermit gives the player Purest Blessing before sending them back to the mainland. Purest Blessing is the strongest piece of armor Melanie can equip, though Ridis can also equip it as an alternative to her more defense-oriented armors.

4 Dreamwoven

a card titled Dreamwoven with a picture of a burnished, silver breastplate with a golden lock of fur attached to the left arm

For a hunter-type character, Ridis can sport a reasonably high defense stat, and Dreamwoven can help her maximize her defensive capabilities. The armor can be found in a treasure chest hidden inside the Mausoleum dungeon and is the strongest armor for Ridis, Bruno, and Mar.

Ridis has the widest potential for customization of any party character in the game, and players can choose between speed or defense as the primary stat to boost. Dreamwoven focuses on defense, offering 16 points of armor while also giving the attack stat a slight boost in the process.

3 Phoenixflame

a curved, silver sword with jagged edges and a fishhook like tip

Phoenixflame is the first legendary weapon players can discover, though it will remain out of reach for some time after it's first seen. A merchant in the town of Advent is discreetly offering the sword for 20,000 gold coins, a price well outside the reach of players just starting out on their adventure.

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Returning to Advent with the money allows players to purchase the most powerful weapon the Hero can wield, giving him a significant boost to attack power while also providing small benefits to both defense and speed.

2 Divine Armor

a set of blue armor with large, winged shoulder plates

The Divine Armor is only available to the most stalwart warriors in the region and must be claimed through victory in battle with a strange knight just north of Shoreland. Most players will encounter him while at a relatively low level, and the knight will refuse to do battle until that threshold is reached.

The knight is a tough boss, dishing out powerful attacks while maintaining a strong defense. After beating him, the knight will reward players for their strength by offering up the Divine Armor equipment. This armor set is the strongest piece the Hero can equip, and offers boosts to both attack and defense.

1 Fists Of Goliath

a rock hand with green links and dots between the brown pieces of rock

The Fists of Goliath are among the most difficult weapons to discover in the game, as they're hidden in a room with limited visibility. The second floor of the mausoleum is covered in a layer of darkness that makes it difficult to see beyond the boundaries of the character piece.

In addition, the room is filled with spikes that deal damage if players step on them. The Fists of Goliath are hidden beyond a row of these spikes, forcing players to damage themselves in order to reach the weapon. The Fists are Bruno's legendary weapon, a set of gauntlets also referred to as the "godfists."

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars was released on October 28, 2021 and is currently available on PC, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

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