Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars is a fantasy RPG adventure set in a magical world made up entirely of playing cards. Everything from the people to the environment is laid out on these cards, creating the aesthetic of an intricate tabletop game.

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As an RPG, players can level up their characters, equip them with new weapons and armor, and even choose from a collection of powerful spells and abilities. As characters level up, they'll unlock a range of potent skills to choose from, but some prove far more useful than others when it comes to the game's more challenging battles. Here are some of the best to pick.

10 Freeze

a playing card titled Freeze with a picture of a frozen slime monster

Freeze is one of the first skills Melanie learns after joining the player's party early in the game. It's one of the stronger attacks she can learn, adding an additional four points to her attack when calculating damage. It's also one of only two water-element attacks players have access to in the entire game.

Freeze's most useful aspect, though, is its ability to inflict the frozen status effect on enemy monsters. Freeze in VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars is similar to the same effect in the Pokemon series in that it immobilizes enemies; however, it has the added effect of doubling the damage of the player's next attack on the afflicted enemy.

9 Roundhouse

a playing card titled Roundhouse with a picture of several comic book style POW balloons

Roundhouse is one of the few attacks players will have access to that can hit multiple enemies, and because of Mar's high attack stat, this attack can dish out some serious damage. Groups of enemies can be wiped out with a single hit of Roundhouse.

Additionally, because it only costs two gems to activate, Roundhouse is one of the more powerful, versatile attacks that doesn't require players to stockpile gems. Pairing it with Melanie's Charge Spell attack makes Roundhouse a great skill for grinding against lower-level enemies.

8 Poison Arrow

a playing card titled Poison Arrow with a picture of green bubbles in a purple frame

Poison Arrow is one of Ridis's best skills and a reliable attack well into the later portions of the game. As one of the few abilities in the game that can inflict a status effect, it's incredibly useful to have equipped, and it's the only player skill that can inflict poison.

Additionally, Poison Arrow is a dark-element attack that, while not as useful early on, becomes almost necessary as players reach the end of the game. Many of the light-affiliated enemies in the final dungeon have a weakness to dark damage that Ridis can easily exploit with Poison Arrow.

7 Crystal Arrow

a playing card with the title Crystal Arrow and a picture of a frozen slime monster

Ridis's attacks are the best for inflicting status effects, and Crystal Arrow is no exception. While it might not receive the same damage bonus as Melanie's Freeze skill, Crystal Arrow sports a lower dice roll number for inflicting the extremely useful frozen effect on enemies.

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Since Crystal Arrow bears the same two-gem activation price as Freeze, some players may be more inclined to rely on the more powerful of the two abilities. But the better chance of inflicting frozen on enemies makes Crystal Arrow just as, if not more, reliable.

6 Eulogy

a playing card titled Eulogy with four orange circles with starbursts inside pictured below

Healing is often a tricky thing to navigate in VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars, especially when considering the gem cost. While the main hero can heal large quantities with Heal+, only Ridis and Bruno have the ability to heal multiple allies at once.

Ridis's Eulogy skill is the more efficient skill to equip, though, as it only costs two gems to use and can heal up to 15 points of health with a critical hit. Its cost-effective, team-wide healing capabilities make it a lifesaver when trying to take down a tough boss.

5 Demonic Dance

a card titled Demonic Dance over a silhouetted man with his arms spread wide

Mar has some of the highest stats of any party member in the game, with a large health pool and powerful attacks that can take out an entire enemy squad with one hit. But Mar also makes an excellent defender, and Demonic Dance makes her even more effective.

Demonic Dance essentially works as the taunt ability that can be found in many other RPGs. It draws the enemy's attention for a single turn, forcing them to attack Mar with their next strike regardless of what it might be. It's a good skill to use when Mar is paired with a low-defense teammate, like Melanie.

4 Zephyr

a card titled Zephyr over two green arcs swirling around each other

Zephyr is one of the earlier spells Melanie learns, and one of the most useful purely based on its attack potential. It can hit enemies up to five times with a critical hit and deals out reliable damage with almost every cast.

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It also happens to be the only skill in the entire game that deals wind damage, a surprising limitation that makes Melanie a necessary active party member. Numerous humanoid enemies in the overworld are weak to wind, and can be tough to take down without Zephyr handy.

3 Charge Spell

card with the title Charge Spell over a picture of an orange circle with a starburst symbol inside

Melanie is a powerhouse of a character, dishing out massive damage with her wide variety of spells and targeting every enemy weakness with her elemental powers. But Melanie has one skill that can also make her a powerful support character: Charge Spell.

Instead of magic points or MP, players in VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars use gems to activate their special abilities. Players earn a new gem at the beginning of each turn, but Charge Spell allows Melanie to generate two more gems on her turn instead of using any. This allows players to set up some of the costlier skills with ease.

2 Triblade

a card titled Triblade with a picture of several white sword slash trails

Any good RPG gives its main character a super attack to pull out when the situation is dire. For VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars, that attack is Triblade. There are no frills here, just a straightforward attack boost.

The Hero lashes out with several sword strikes followed by one, all-powerful slash that can wipe out a boss in a single hit. It deals three times the Hero's current attack power in a single move, though it does cost three gems to activate.

1 Guardian

A card titled Guardian with a picture of a shield next to an upward red arrow

Keeping the party alive is a priority in any RPG, and VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars provides players with a range of moves to buff the team's stats to help them stay on their feet. One of the best is the Hero's ability, Guardian, which buffs the entire team's defense for several turns.

While Guardian does cost three gems to use, using it can mean the difference between staying alive for the next attack and having to start over from the last save. The Hero also learns Guardian as his last skill, which is fortunate timing as many late-game enemies utilize party-wide attacks.

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