In Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars, players will have to traverse card mountains, dangerously foggy forests, friendly and not-so-friendly towns, and even sail the open card seas. This game is significantly shorter than most other JRPGs are usually, and many players might be surprised by how short this title actually is.

How Many Chapters in Voice of Cards


Like many RPGs and JRPGs, players will have to trek through several chapters of story, random encounters, and events in order to get to the final boss. Unlike its fairly obvious influences of Final Fantasy 8 and 9, Voice of Cards is very short. Players have just seven chapters to complete before getting to the final cutscenes.

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  • Chapter 1: Journey in Pursuit
  • Chapter 2: the Bewildering Woods
  • Chapter 3: Unionville
  • Chapter 4: Shoreland
  • Chapter 5: The Dragon's Tower
  • Chapter 6: Isle of Blight
  • Chapter 7: Dragontear
  • Final Bosses and Ending

Each chapter varies in length; Chapters 5 and 6 are a little longer than the others. But how long is Voice of Cards: the Isle Dragon Roars in hours?

Voice of Cards Game Length


Once they add up all those chapters and the final bosses, players can expect to spend about 15 hours on a single playthrough of this title. While short for a JRPG, players can expect that length to be much longer once New Game Plus with its additional content and all the different possible endings are added in. All told, players can easily drop 60 hours into Square Enix's Voice of Cards without getting bored.

As this is a weird Yoko Taro game, players can also look out for tons of hidden items and characters. There are hidden little references to other titles in the Yoko-verse that players can spend hours looking around for. Unlike most of his titles, however, there only appear to be three total endings instead of four. That means players will have to play through the game a total of three times at least to see everything there is to see and unlock everything too. The game included loads of collectibles, unlockable skins for the game board and game pieces, different backs for all the cards, Mysterious Cards, playable characters, and more.

So while Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars might seem like a short game for the cost, players can expect to get more out of it than a single, 15-hour playthrough.

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars is available for PC, PS4, and Switch.

MORE: Voice of Cards: How to Fast Travel