While people may have theorized about a potential Metal Gear Solid 3 remake for quite a long while now, there's now a growing list of evidence that suggests as much, too, and one of the studios previously suspected of working on the remake has now listed Konami as a client. Now that it's clear that Konami is making a substantial push with Silent Hill, it seems increasingly more likely that the Metal Gear IP is being leveraged as well.Metal Gear Solid has been hibernating ever since the release of Metal Gear Survive, a widely criticized survival offshoot to Hideo Kojima's own Metal Gear Solid 5. Aside from a few notable pachinko machine offerings, Konami had otherwise seemingly kept the franchise in a kind of stasis instead of openly announcing any new projects. However, fans believe that this may change sometime in the relatively near future.RELATED: Metal Gear Solid 2 Gets Third-Person Camera ModNot only did Virtuos' recent recruitment video hint at the existence of a potential Metal Gear Solid project at the studio, but the company's official website has now listed Konami as one of its clients, underlining this notion further still. Better yet, Insider Gaming has spotted mentions of Virtuos referencing experience with developing in Konami's FOX Engine, which has historically only ever been used for Metal Gear Solid and Pro Evolution Soccer titles. Naturally, nothing conclusive has yet been mentioned in an official capacity, but it's difficult to ignore all the signs that something might be going on.[EMBED_TWITTER]https://twitter.com/GGFTL1/status/1586571353129451520[/EMBED_TWITTER]Further still, the existence of a full Silent Hill revival lends credibility to MGS leaks as well. Specifically, an earlier report mentioned that Konami had outsourced much of the development of Silent Hill to third-party studios and that these new horror games would get revealed sometime over the course of 2022. Since these claims were later revealed to be true, certain other claims from the report have now been given more veracity as well, most notable of which is the mention of a full-fledged Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater remake with Virtuos being mentioned by name as well.Konami's Metal Gear Solid 3 pachinko machine reveal was almost unanimously hated by fans of the franchise when it was revealed. It signaled that Konami had turned its gaze away from core game development and that the IP may be used as window dressing for pachinko machines in the future. In 2022, however, Konami appears to have circled back around, and with the revival of Silent Hill underway, something similar happening with Metal Gear Solid doesn't feel impossible any longer.While it's unlikely that potential future Metal Gear games will include key elements like Metal Gear Solid 5's unique memetic puzzle, now that Kojima is gone, Konami and third-party developers such as Virtuos have a chance to build something new and exciting with the IP in tow. With official announcements pending still, however, keeping a pinch of salt at hand is suggested still.Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is available now on PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360, and 3DS.MORE: 10 Stealth Game Franchises That Have Never Dipped Below 75 On MetacriticSource: Insider Gaming