Although Nintendo has attempted a variation of the system bundled with its online membership that plays NES and SNES games, Switch owners have been clamoring for a return of the company's iconic Virtual Console feature that was prevalent on the 3DS, Wii, and Wii U. The system allowed players to enjoy games from previous console generations on modern platforms, with the likes of Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, and Paper Mario all making their way to the Wii U. Unfortunately, Nintendo confirmed that the feature wouldn't be returning to the Switch back in 2018.

However, it appears fans of the Virtual Console aren't ready to let it die just yet. As frequenters of the social media site are no doubt aware, the Virtual Console is currently trending on Twitter, with hundreds of fans responding to a question posed by user PicklesBMK. The post itself shows logos of Club Nintendo, Miiverse, and, of course, Virtual Console, with Pickles asking Twitter which of the three former Nintendo services they'd love to see resurrected for the Switch.

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The answer seems to unanimously be the Virtual Console, with the post kicking off a Twitter-wide discussion about the benefits of bringing back the now-dead feature with a ton of new games. One user exclaims "Virtual Consoleno doubt. Imagine playing GameCube, N64, and etc games on the Switch and how awesome that would be!!" Another claims "Virtual Console so I actually have access to old games besides NES and SNES games," while a third pitches: "Bring the existing Netflix-like model for NES and SNES games under [the Virtual Console] brand and expand to other consoles like Nintendo 64 and the Game Boy line, while providing the bigger games from the GameCube and Wii era."

Evidently the Virtual Console still has a lot of support from Switch players, so much so that they managed to get the flatlining feature trending on Twitter. Not only does that say a lot about the Virtual Console's reputation, but it seems a lot of the players requesting the feature's return are also singing the praises of the GameCube, perhaps signaling that Nintendo should look more into resurrecting games from the classic console regardless.

It seems there are a number of commenters who aren't entirely sold on the idea of a Virtual Console comeback, however, with some users claiming that emulators and the current NES and SNES collections on Switch nullify the need for its return. There are undeniably ways to play through older Nintendo titles without the virtual console, however, there's no denying that there's a lot of traction in the idea of playing the likes of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker or Super Mario Sunshine on the Switch. Hopefully, Nintendo will see the overwhelming support for Virtual Console and perhaps look to reintegrate it in the years to come.

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