
  • Leif Ericson's character in Vinland Saga is based on the historical figure of Leif Erikson, who is also credited for his discovery of Vinland.
  • From the age of six, Thorfinn has always had Leif in his life, from re-telling stories of his voyages to spending over a decade and a half trying to find him and bring Thorfinn back home.
  • Leif is a kind-hearted person who sometimes comes off as brash, but always has the best interests of those around him in mind, earning the nickname "Leif The Lucky" for his willingness to risk his life to save another.

Introduced in the introductory episode of Vinland Saga's first season, Leif Ericson has been a prominent figure in the life of Thorfinn from The War Arc until the conclusion of season two. In telling the accounts of his many voyages as a young man to the children of his town, the audience grows to learn about his love for the seas and a tendency to slightly exaggerate stories to capture the attention of those who listen. Kind-hearted, wise, and full of hope for a prosperous future, it's not difficult to see why the townspeople love him for his wisdom and passion for traveling.

One of the many children who paid extra attention to Leif's stories was six-year-old Thorfinn, who had a special glimmer of light in his eyes and fantasized about the beautiful landscapes and abundance of wealth. Thorfinn holds aspirations of voyaging to faraway lands, but his eagerness to travel to the sea supersedes his young age, a fact Leif points out to him. It's clear as early as the opening episode how important Leif is to Thorfinn and his family, as well as the entire story of Vinland Saga.

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Leif Ericson's Early Voyages


Before the events of Vinland Saga's story, Leif's journey begins with his move to Greenland, where he and a crew of six men find themselves in dire straits. After their ship crashes into an iceberg and they are incapable of moving their food supply runs short, causing them to seek shelter. After walking for two days straight in harsh weather and snow, all six of Leif's men pass away, leaving him alone as he continues to search for an escape from the cold. His travels would last several years before he discovered a land he would dub Vinland, meeting with residents and natives alike. As part of his story for the children, Leif displays his smoking pipe and headdress, two gifts he received from the native people.

The character of Leif has been told in many series before Vinland Saga, such as his role in Vikings Valhalla, painting an idea of how important he is in history. The narrative sold in Vinland Saga closely resembles the story of Leif Erikson's real-life ventures. Like in Vinland Saga, the historical figure is believed to have discovered Vinland after being blown off course on his way from Norway to Greenland. The inspiration drawn from the history books is evident as Leif's story in Vinland Saga pays respect to the real Leif Erikson, using his friendly demeanor and ability to make peace as a settler to shape Leif in the anime series in a re-telling of his discovery of Vinland.

While his account of how it all happened may be flawed, and the belief of him being a great warrior couldn't be further from the truth, Leif Ericson was capable of making trips to Vinland and successfully trading and making peace with the local people. His peaceful nature and willingness to lend a hand and put his life on the line to save another earned him the nickname "Leif The Lucky" among Vinland residents.

A Caring Nature Towards Thorfinn


Knowing he was the son of Thors and a child full of hope and aspirations, Leif always took special care of Thorfinn when telling him of his past and the lessons he picked up along the way. Recognizing the fire that burns within Thorfinn as he expresses a heavy interest in voyages, Leif warns him of the dangers that lie ahead — from the treacherous waters and unforgiving ice to the threats from opposing factions. Leif experienced these dangers and more during his voyages and knows what it's like to have the desire to travel and the cruel reality of what one may encounter along the way.

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As harsh as Leif may have come off with Thorfinn at first, it's clear to say his true nature was one of care. After Thors' death and the disappearance of Thorfinn, it's Leif who is the one to step up and make it his task to find him and bring him home. Admitting to his shortcomings of not watching out for Thorfinn and discouraging him from the seas, Leif takes it upon himself to be the one to find Thorfinn, even if it means brushing up with Vikings. With the motivation of bringing Thorfinn home, Leif is willing to risk his life to save the one he believes he failed to protect.

Leif Never Gave Up Hope


After a decade of Thorfinn traveling with Askeladd and his Viking crew, one would assume Leif was out of the picture and had given up on finding Thorfinn, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In Episode 21, fittingly titled "Reunion," Leif comes face-to-face with an older Thorfinn for the first time since losing him. The shock at his sight sends Leif into a whimper, watching the young boy brutally murder someone in front of his eyes to protect Askeladd. Thorfinn doesn't recognize him at first, but as Leif confronts him on being the son of Thors, the realization sets in and results in a beautiful reunion between the two.

Unfortunately for Leif, his idea of bringing Thorfinn back home is quickly cast aside, as Thorfinn has no interest in returning to his family. With his motivation set to being the person who kills Askeladd, Thorfinn rejects Leif's offer. While the shock of the matter sets in for Leif, his inability to let things slide leads to him promising Thorfinn that he will wait for him in York. Unknowing when Thorfinn may be ready, his desire to be there for him when the time comes is a beautiful showing of his love for Thorfinn, which comes during a time when he needs it the most.

This continues into Vinland Saga's second season, as Leif is hot on the trail of Thorfinn once more, this time knowing of his sale into slavery. Comedically, he also adopts a blonde-haired young man and gives him the name of Thorfinn. After discovering his whereabouts, Leif offers to buy Thorfinn from the farm of Ketil, regardless of the high price that may come. Finally fulfilling his quest of bringing Thorfinn home, a journey that occurs over 16 years, there is none prouder to see Thorfinn reunite with his family than Leif. Standing proudly by the sidelines as he allows Thorfinn the spotlight it calls for in that moment, the bond between the two characters remains important to Vinland Saga.​​​​​​​

Vinland Saga is available to stream on Amazon Prime.

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