
  • Fans eagerly await the release of Marvel's Spider-Man 3 after finishing the latest game, which ended with hints of returning villains and more danger ahead for Peter and Miles.
  • The Green Goblin is likely to be the main villain in the next major sequel, with the question left open of whether Norman or Harry will become the iconic villain.
  • Venom and Carnage are also expected to make appearances, with the possibility of a standalone Venom game and the potential for Venom to be possessed by another character like Eddie Brock.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is great and all, but when is Marvel's Spider-Man 3 going to come out? That's probably at the top of the minds of fans who have finished their run in the latest web-slinging action game on PS5. The wait between major sequels was five years, not including the Miles Morales-based spinoff.

Spider-Man 2: How Long to Beat and Get the Platinum Trophy

Here's about how long it will take most people to beat Marvel's Spider-Man 2's main story and unlock the Platinum trophy.

Can fans last another five years before they get their questions answered following the end of Marvel's Spider-Man 2? The ending sets up a lot of villains to return, so there is plenty more danger ahead for Peter and Miles. Will there be more Spider-Heroes as well? Let's dive in and see who, on the dark side, will probably return. There will be spoilers.

4 The Green Goblin

Norman Osborn/???

Norman in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Batman has The Joker whereas Spider-Man has The Green Goblin. Fans have been waiting to see him appear in some form since the beginning of Insomniac’s series. It is almost certain that he will be the main villain behind the next major sequel. When Norman is sitting beside Harry’s bed, he gets on the phone and asks for the G-Serum. This is the super formula that turns Norman into the Green Goblin, although it depends on the version of him in the comics.

Therein lies the question though. If Harry gets the G-Serum then will he be the Green Goblin? It would be odd to make Harry the villain of two games in a row and as two separate entities. So, maybe Norman will indeed inject himself somehow. Who the Green Goblin will be remains a mystery for now but fans can rest assured that the villain will appear in some form.

3 Carnage

The Flame/Cletus Kasady

The flame in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Venom’s inclusion in the sequel is a bit uncertain since Harry’s body could be used for the aforementioned project involving the Green Goblin. There is another symbiote that is almost guaranteed to return though: Carnage. Players will complete a series of side missions with Peter who helps a character named Wraith chase down a cult in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Wraith wants revenge against the leader known only as The Flame for what he did to her police unit when she, Yuri, was still a cop.

At the end of these missions, it is revealed that The Flame is also known as Cletus Kasady who is the character that the symbiote Carnage takes over. Every main Spider-Man game from Insomniac so far has included two villains in the central story. It’s easy to envision how Carnage and The Green Goblin could team up. It’s also easy to see how Venom could appear as a hero this time to defeat the ultimate symbiotic evil, Carnage.

2 Doc Ock

Dr. Otto Octavius

Doc Ock in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The first game has two villains in it: Mr. Negative and Doc Ock. Both of these characters have strong ties to Peter’s normal life. Mr. Negative, as Martin Li, runs a homeless shelter Peter volunteers at known as FEAST. Doc Ock is like a mentor to Peter, who he starts to work with at Oscorp. Well, it wouldn’t be a Spider-Man story without a downfall into madness and that’s exactly what happens to both characters.

For the latter character, the chip in Doc Ock’s robotic arms malfunctioned and they make him go wild. The final fight in the game is gut-wrenching but Doc Ock doesn’t die. He returns in the stinger of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 when Norman Osborn comes to ask for help in revealing who Spider-Man is. Will Doc Ock reappear as a villain in the sequel, or will he refuse Norman’s offer and instead try to help Peter as a man and not some weird robot octopus man?

1 The Chameleon

Dimitri Smerdyakov

The Chameleon in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

One villain who is definitely not returning from Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is Kraven. Venom, the Harry version, bites off Kraven’s head, leaving him a bloody mess. That said there are ways to make him return via his brother, The Chameleon. This villain technically has a part in the game, although it’s more like a teaser. There is a later series of missions wherein Peter or Miles have to track down Kraven’s mechanical birds.

Eventually, their chips will lead them to a hideout owned by The Chameleon. He is never caught and can be seen instead watching Spider-Man from a distance as some vague NPC, talking to no one in particular that he will carry the torch his brother left behind. The Chameleon could either return as Kraven to mess with the heads of Peter and Miles, or he could go darker and pretend to be someone closer to them. Having The Chameleon play either Hailey or MJ would truly be twisted.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2

October 20, 2023
Insomniac Games
Open-World , Action-Adventure

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